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US versus THEM

US versus THEM

This begins with race, and functionally ends with immigration. The critical reality: when a child is born, “we rejoice”/ because this is, “another one of us”. Regardless of skin color, heritage, or origin; this is a fact of life; “WE WANT, one of us”.
Consequently, the more different you are than me/ the less any or every offspring between us is “like me”. That has a cost, “our color/ our heritage/ our religion/ our culture/ the sanctity, and fundamental fellowship of our race/ & our origin” is being lost. For better or worse is irrelevant, this is a fundamental change that cannot truly be undone. So there is controversy, and it will remain.
The most efficient method of identifying the trouble between races, is to examine immigration. Or, more simply: when a few people, who are different than us, so therefore we notice them. Come to live among us, it seems polite and kind to be friendly; as they cannot (unless criminal) greatly influence our lives unless we let them. Not a threat. In contrast to that: if given full access to everything society can give/ then they soon become equal, and the first thing they do is invite “more of them” to come and live here too. Now instead of a polite and kind, simple addition to society without a threat/ the sudden addition of a great many more means. THEY WANT MY job, house, religion, resources, healthcare, and everything else I WANT for myself and my family. They are NOW, a threat; to me, and to us; even though they have no weapon and offer no resistence to our law, or national decrees. They represent change, and taking control over jobs, business, religion, politics, etc; they do bring change with them. Including resource loss, environmental destruction, increased taxation (every human has needs), and MORE competition for everything I and my family want or need. Consequently while a few are welcomed, many more meet a resistance that cannot simply be denied. It is valid, because when resources are gone, or overwhelmed: someone has to die, or move/ and this world is full of people. There is no, “I will just go get more”. You took it/ its gone.
The same is true throughout all integration of society; where someone can be pointed out as “different”. They do in fact present the possibility of money and wealth transfer, “to the opposite side (those competing against us)”/ through marriage as well. As human history proves: They do represent a smaller group, that can be identified and controlled or disposed of, when times and realities “go bad”. Because of all the things all sides, did or did not do.
So the question is: WHY is different important, when so clearly the difference in sexes for instance; is absolutely desired? The obvious answer is: different sexes CAN do, and CAN BE realities for each other, the same sex cannot. Therefore different is good, when you receive something important, that you could not attain without it. So the question of all integration is: WHAT can you contribute, to this people they do not already have/ other than being different? Right or wrong is irrelevant/ however those who did do better than the others who wish to immigrate: HAVE a right to expect, our ways, not your ways. Even though they might even be worse.
The answer is, beyond want; is justice constructs its own reward. But that comes with a caveat: overpopulation in any environment, by any specific species, WILL become a disaster. Because every environment and chain of life: IS LIMITED! What you want is irrelevant/ what each needs is “life or death” for us all! Therefore the primary cause of immigration is overpopulation/ that is why they move in mass! The primary answer to “race relations” is: WE ALL need to cooperate, every life is important. BUT unless we solve this crisis of a human population explosion/ NOBODY gets to live in peace. Including all other forms of life on this planet.
This fact is no game, and it does require not only acceptance of the law that must arise/ but enforcement of that law, regardless of complaint. To CHINA'S honor, they tried for a time to limit population growth. To their complete failure, they allowed abortion to be a prominent means of making that occur/ & they allowed many parents to choose male instead of a female child. Because the parents wanted a competitor, rather than someone who would be considered “second class: less able to compete”. That reality has consequences: Having damaged all sexual relations, between man and woman; in these generations. They are now dealing with the imbalance, intentionally created by want. They have apparently stopped most attempts of control over the population. So the lessons are: abortion cannot be “for a thousand reasons of life”/ any form of birth control. There will however be, a period of forty days from conception; for “abortion like” chemicals/ because people are people; and the child inside has not yet gained a true sense of self. This should not be considered right/ it is simply mercy for a female, and for life; that would not be conceived of with serious physical problems.
Parental decisions regarding “which sex”, are a disaster in the making. Imbalance between the sexes is, a true coming “heartbreak”. As is anything but true population control. And governmental decisions, without societies true consent and acceptance; cannot survive over time. This is all by vote. This is entirely the reality of a woman's decision/ because it is her body. Man has no rights here, he will pay; because the woman must endure the cost. IF WOMEN so choose. If you do not choose it, nothing can save life on earth/ IF, it is not already too late.
So the question is: IF we cannot fight for our lives and ways of life/ by protecting the nature & integrity of what brought us to our own existence. THEN where is our freedom to decide for ourselves? You sold it for irrelevant and worthless want, destroying or taking everything you could touch/ which you then threw in the trash.
The answer replies: IF we overwhelm our environment/ by refusing to do what we can to protect the very sources of life, which give us existence. THEN WE DIE. Consequently, there must be reality in every decision that we make. If you could see beyond your eyelashes, this document or description would not exist/ because the future is VERY simple and easy to see. It is cannibalism and death and hell and mutilation and horror; without true change.
TRUTH understands, the foundation of every existence is a resource, and a reality; that can and will sustain life itself. Without that, there is no future for any child or any life. Therefore resources are, “the fountain of every living existence”. If we do not protect them, everything we all need to survive disappears; including the resources every other form of life needs to create and sustain the chain of life/ that serves us all. We live, because other life lives/ we die without them. Simple and plain, humanity under the disguise of university knows: has attacked everything; destroying chains of living existence, even mutilating life, for their religion “evolution”/ which will soon end our world, in every conceivable way.
We now enter reality from a different view: the fact is, if a person cannot sustain myself/ “you hold me out”. Then I will or will want to invade your world, and take what I need. It is that simple/ why should I die, because you want more, for yourself? The next step is: if I see you building, or owning what I believe will benefit me/ THEN if I take that. You refused me the right or the means to do the same; how is that not fair? Once you are completed, unaware, careless, or nearly so; regardless of your complaint or life: IT WILL benefit me. So I win, says the predator! Male Pride and power then become transparent, as the means to an end, for our army. Without justice involved, war answers my need; with murder. Those who sit in powerful positions, controlling that war: see “a slave market”/ I will be wealthy! So both layers of the fringe (we kill each other) call it somewhat even, or fair.
In terms of today: The vast majority find a massive influx of people, of little advantage. Without a college diploma (fantasy for all); They know this is a major problem that will get worse for them; because sharing is never free. Someone has to pay. Consequently if you care as a world, then you pay. Few will ever even consider the possibility of repayment. Most cannot conceive of even true friendship; because those who have not, are always certain “you OWE me”/ because you had more, this is unfair. Or some will believe they have tempted you, and you fell into their trap: so they “earned” any gift you gave/ or any reality they stole. That causes harsh feelings in the vast majority, and the rift between different groups, will grow wide, as ridicule takes up where justice, or law enforcement refuses to tread. Power then arises, as a rule/ by which we can force the rest to do what we want them to do. That brings pride, as rules work to remove freedom and enslave the rest. The law is owned by “money”/ and politics apart from a tiny few, DO lie continually for personal gain. Each of which brings war/ as competition proves too intense.
We have created in this day an impasse, with each other: none want the truth/ so all agree to lie. Its simple: “you want, what you want/ and nothing else exists for you except money; so all life is desecrated, damaged, or destroyed. Extinction looms, from all sides. Or more simply, as is true of nearly everything the university leadership has done: their answer “HIDE/ HIDE/ HIDE; but make sure we the diploma's steal (are we not an army now)”! There are no longer ANY easy, or simple answers. Everything is a coming disaster. Simple and plain and real/ regardless of your want, pride, or power! The water is under attack/ the food/ nature/ absolutely everything; including the people who want to bring sun fire here to burn the planet. Because unlike what the university actually does; which is to do experiments over and over and over: a fire that burns atomic bonds is not going out. Earth then become another sun, and all life burns.
So the question is again: WHAT can we do? University leadership hides and runs away from reality/ because they love only “a fantasy, a story, and a delusion”. Producing cults: “don't question the leader”! So the first thing needed to be done: is to remove them from the process, and find agreement as “we the people” of this nation and this world. By searching for truth, and accepting reality through nature is our only hope. That is the only way. No more experts (liars forcing stupidity, ignorance, and shame on the rest). Instead ONLY TRUTH, REALITY, and the responsibility to face the consequences for being WRONG, under law.

We begin with the very simple solution: to stop an environmental crisis throughout history, humanity forced “different groups”/ to move to another place. This is no longer an option/ as we are running out of everything including space. Can't do this anymore; even though harsh as it was for so many; that did stop a crisis from becoming a complete catastrophe for everyone.
What we can do, is force the same groups back together again: so they can control their own decision. Without suddenly being attacked by those descending on any minority to take their lives and force them to be slaves or die. That is the historical cost; as is reality proven over time in male dominated history. While you think this is NOT possible today, I remind you unless horrifying massive death takes a large percentage of us; we actually have very few choices left. The problem with this simple solution is: once separated, when any group begins to experience a crisis, there first response is “TO TAKE what they need”/ BY WAR. Few change/ so they war; because “we want what we want; and that is all there is too it”. So the end result of such a tactic is a delay of war/ because too many people for an environment to survive! Is plainly too many people for an environment and its life/ the chain of living existence that feeds us all, to survive. So it will defeat itself over time/ even though some of this is important for stability in an environment. The majority force a basic plan, for security over time; good or bad is not a concern at this time. Because functionally we must secure something for a future, through law, or war for life, or we all die. Race, color, heritage, religion, etc are an irrelevant factor; these are merely expansions of the need and desire “everyone should have their own face” etc. Nothing more or less. Life and death are realities NOW decided by human decisions/ regardless of what you want, an environment cannot be overrun and destroyed; without destroying you. etc/ etc/ etc.
What we can do, in a more deliberate method of controlling our future?

The first question is: do we have a future?
Examination of our reality, by the evidence already clearly in existence; proves we have all but destroyed ourselves; time has already ended, without dramatic change. Failure is everywhere, read the sites provided for proof ; to start. Hidden by media disgrace, pummeled by the delusion of government, conspired against by a fantasy courtroom, and a stolen by extremely corrupt democracy. Whose purpose is, “to make the children pay”! Proving only the fools, liars, and thieves have led here for many decades; particularly in America.
Biblically the end has come as well; whereas the primary prophecies are Daniel 12/ and the two books of Revelation; as it divides on chapter 12. The first chapters belonging to what happens if men remain in charge. The second set giving the different versions of what can or will happen if severe change occurs and women become equal or more in all aspects of governing and control.
The 1290 days of Daniel establish judgment, and cannot be misinterpreted: because the “great abomination” is to risk every life on earth, every future life on earth, and even the solar system itself on gambling that men “can control the same fire as is on the sun”. No greater delusion exists/ wrong is all die; with no second chances. Ignition means, not a single life will remain. This starts, on the first day that an actual machine exists which can create that fire; that date is;mostpopvideo Ignition is expected to occur on or about the 1290 day past. Soon to be, if it has not already occurred. There is a caveat: which means simply, IF GOD decides not to let men burn this planet/ then beyond that date the 1335 days begin. Which means during that time, the prophecy of Revelation SHALL be established; either as men in charge/ or women in charge of change FOR LIFE, rather than the male demand of; “money is our god”. Either way, without true change both reality by the evidence/ and biblical prophecy predict all your delusions, all the fantasies of failed male domination shall be destroyed within the next few years. Without balance, there is no survival.

So then you have a one percent chance of living beyond 4 years from today. Because of the things men have chosen to do, by following their universities and pretending lies are enough. The ocean will soon be empty; the new series depicting “monteray bay” as a great example of life in the ocean is doing great. Will be proven to be; the very last effort by sea life to avoid the trawlers of death, that march ceaselessly throughout the world to take all they can get. A dead ocean is a dead humanity forced into cannibalism, and hell. With over 30 trillion gallons of toxic waste buried (go ahead measure out 1,000-1200 feet; talk to each other, and understand this is the distance between life or death by water) beneath your feet & the water supplies. It is, coming up; along with a thousand other attacks on water; no drinking water will soon be your fate; it is the Apocalypse, “kill them all/ before they kill you”. With counterfeiting the rule of government: which means you stole from every child, their future; to play your games of gluttony; and nobody gets what they fought for “their will be HELL to pay”. With oxygen running out, by fire and vehicle consumption, and the all-out attack on everything that provides oxygen for us; you will soon be asphyxiated. You have mutilated life, and your gods of university intend to destroy nature itself, by destroying genetic stability, balance, disciplines, order, sanity, beauty, and everything else we depend upon for a body of life. That is beyond shame/ it is satan. You are exterminating all chains of life, ending diversity by extinction that will not be reversed; we will call that “devil”. Ending insects by agriculture, is one such important chain of life. The list is long and tragic; and with near universal decision: your only conclusion throughout the decades is to run away from these realities and hide. Pretending they do not exist/ because it does demand dramatic change. As always, including even with this site that represents your last chance to make a decision for change; not even a penny will you contribute, and there are many who know this exists. Failure fits, but even so; I will not accept less than a one percent chance life: that at least a few; will remain on this earth. Where beauty, grace, happiness, truth, love, and every value existence represents can be found through respect. A reality which you corrupt, and threaten with horror; because that is what a majority of men do. Discard life, and fight for “its all MINE (let the money or war decide)”/ to hell with you!

So we begin again with the realities of this day; demanding the experiments which threaten immediate extinction must be stopped/ the university “dethroned, and reduced to the fantasy and delusion they are”.
Then comes immigration: there are too many people to move. Which means the war being tolerated by the world shall be stopped. The people who want no part in that separated from those who war in cities protected by the world, and its NEW LAW, to control leaders as has been started for you. Let those who war, be given their own battleground; and make them stay within those boundaries, or be killed by outside forces.
Governments shall be replaced; because they failed life. That means: there must be laws which rule instead of men. That means whosoever creates the laws which rule us, decides what society shall be from that moment on. Here, a vote on the law itself/ rather than a vote for someone to vote for me: is true democracy, and a valid means of “we the people”. Let those hired insure and protect the laws we have made! Which literally means: NO MORE “lawmakers”. We will decide, by vote.
The money is a lie/ the children are assassinated. To revive them, requires truth. Every adult knows, or should know: that counterfeiting means, “someone in the future must pay for what has been done”. You gave lies/ lies give nothing; so it is a clear and deliberate theft. From every child! You will stop it. You will surrender your claim to fantasies, and accept the price of a future without war. You will stick to reality, and provide nothing that is not real and deliberately in defense of life for our world; which does include healthcare.
You will stop the insanity of agriculture/ the vile refuse of practices that have been so destructive. Because every chemical has a price. Every mutilation of life has a consequence. Every decision to depend upon antibiotics in the production of livestock is an epidemic; a pandemic; and a gross defeat of human healthcare from its conception. None of which we can survive.
You will stop the indoctrination of “satan worship/ the university knows everything” in schools; and remove the horror that is the religion of evolution, and all its “children: mutilation/ there are no consequences/ we can play god/ we are superior, by lies, cheating, stealing, stories, failure, delusions, fantasies, and the enslavement of others through their fear/ etc”. You WILL choose for life! Or you will die, as a world! Simple and plain, so says the vast reality of evidence stacked against you.
If you believe you can prove me wrong/ then come ahead and try: in a courtroom, where nobody gets to lie, or make up stories!

James Frank Osterbur
9/ 11/ 15
Post date: 2015-09-11 14:34:27
Post date GMT: 2015-09-11 14:34:27
Post modified date: 2015-09-11 14:34:27
Post modified date GMT: 2015-09-11 14:34:27
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