cult worshipers

So, let’s talk about using energy; just because we want too!

In terms of pollution; electricity is both the cleanest, and probably the dirtiest of all forms. Water does produce very clean electricity, while it in fact stores water for later usage. That doesn’t mean raging rivers aren’t meant to be; its simply a fact, that our overflow of humanity: has a price. Don’t like it, “you could get out yourself/ cause most everyone else doesn’t want too”. Although that would be a bad decision for you. Within this statement, is the electric vehicle; which is also both the cleanest and potentially the dirtiest form of movement. Because electricity IS mostly generated by coal or fossil fuel, and not only does it burn releasing chemicals/ it must also be mined, with all types of cost involved in that; which does include the production of machinery.
Wind energy has value; the question regarding how much, is sealed in government and industry drawers. A wind farm is located two miles north of me; at this distance, it is not noticeable, other than the structures.
So then what does it cost, to use energy? The very first assault comes from the need to use oxygen for every fossil fuel fire. Oxygen is not free, plants and biological creatures must produce it, or we die: IN AN AMOUNT, that is greater than, what we, and every other form of life dependent upon oxygen/ and the machines which use oxygen; consume. The deficit between what we use, and what is left of the creatures, plants and things which produce oxygen; grows wider every single day. It is a cost of human population growth. We will asphyxiate ourselves, in the next few years/ with no hope of going back in time. The math doesn’t lie/ unless you make it, or simply refuse to accept it: because that, is NOT what you want to hear. Too bad fantasy isn’t real, huh!
The consumption by vehicle: is easily calculated according to volume. Each vaporized gallon of gas needs a five to one “vapor to vapor” saturation. That is equivalent to the space requirements of a one gallon container for gas/ plus a fifty gallon container for oxygen; to produce the explosion. Or much more simply; at the rate of consumption per vehicle an “economy vehicle” uses the air supply needed by about 35 people in a 24 hour period/ per each one hour of driving at highway speed. A large semi-truck uses the air supply for 100-124 people, in a 24 hour period/ per one hour of driving. Generating plants, furnaces, forest fire, etc; all consume oxygen. With at least 7.2 billion people using fire in some form, nearly every day. And then we get to winter, when the plants are not active/ forest cut down, opening bare ground; etc.
The bio-sphere 2 project; was a science project, intending to create an artificial environment, that could support life in space. They enclosed 7 million cubic feet of air/ sealing it off: no fires allowed. With I think 7 people, not sure. With expectations and plans for what to do with all the oxygen, because they planted plants. Those people, were forced out from oxygen starvation within 7 months. Think about it/ go search. Then consider the ozone layer is a storehouse for excess oxygen; and ask about true radiation exposure.
It is not so much greenhouse gases that warm this climate, as it is the heat released from fossil fuels/ and mechanical generation, particularly for air conditioning. Heat can be calculated; it is immense. Excess heat from mechanical intervention, as is air conditioning can also be calculated; which must include fuel consumed by electrical generation/ transmission losses, of that product/ mining activities, etc/ deliberately releasing heat from buildings back into the air/ mechanical heat costs, its greater than the cooling done/ changes in environment, along with all that humanity does do. Environmental catastrophes don’t just happen: they are “designed”, by people.
So we look at the damage done to the planet, and speculate just how much weight, has been displaced from ice melt: changing the balance points on every tectonic plate. To produce volcano/ earthquakes/ tsunami/ storms/ changes to the environment/ loss of land/ loss of habitat/ etc. Or, more simply, “what will a few trillion tons of weight moved from one location to a different location cause”? What happens to the balance of the planet itself; tires certainly have trouble with just an ounce of weight in the wrong place. The ocean currents, which produce navigation and provide the “grocery store” for all the great oceans on earth, will be dramatically affected. Causing whatever fish life that might survive; to be “in chaos” as their world, and everything they depend upon to survive, is now changed.
Failures, liars, and fools; use media to propagate: DON’T worry, just be happy/ your gods at the university will take care of you. After all, they counterfeited ALL your money; and that didn’t hurt, now did it? They know everything, “just ask them”/ well except for that need to demand more power from you; to experiment trying to prove they are gods. On a quest to prove: Demanding of this planet and all its life: “Their god/ which is evolutionary chaos” MUST rule. On this scale of complete stupidity: “the university brain” fails to compete, “with a gnat”. Alas, the robots win/ well, after all; you do have to believe them: that’s what cult worshipers do. Obviously, “don’t question” their god/ it might kill you; ain’t that so? Cults are like that/ not to worry though: “They have an answer”/ countless stories built upon delusion, described by ignorance, and as worthless as the trash. IF, it wasn’t so destructive.

whine and cry

So, let’s talk about water/ oceans/ toxic chemicals/ and betrayal.

Can’t live without it; just a fact! According to the IL state water geologists: it takes 50 inches of rain, to recover one inch of water in an aquifer; in permeable soils. Agriculture has decided, by completely delusional tiling methods: to stop all water from entering the aquifer. Agriculture has decided; that trillions of gallons of toxic waste used to create their chemicals, “is just a cost of doing business”/ and they AIN’T NEVER going back to any sort of farming that is not chemical intensive. Agriculture has decided dumping trillions of gallons of chemicals on the ground, in streams, etc; which inhibit germination of specific broad based plants; is great. Agriculture has decided; factory farming which concentrates extreme animal waste in a very small area; has nothing to do with contaminating the aquifer. The elimination of ponds, through drainage control is the end of a spawning ground to repopulate lakes, rivers, and streams. The intensive and extreme demand to control insects, mutilating plants/ dumping toxic waste. Has nearly caused the death of an entire food chain for life in MANY other species. Such as almost no animals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, etc here anymore; although they were plentiful 50 years ago/ before a complete chemical takeover. WE WANT EASY/ I WANT MORE, for me. OR more simply WE WANT, WHAT WE WANT/ don’t tell me nothing, I don’t want to know: damn you. And of course Reagan who disrupted the expectation of “paying bills”/ and therefrom the collapse of rural america for over half that population.
As always the government official targets every homeowner, about the smallest infraction of their rules/ threatening punishment far beyond the reality; hell, even the little tyrants have to use power, or they whine & cry. While industry of all kinds; goes free. Cities continue to pollute oceans and streams relentlessly; as they use, or create toxins per acre even more than agriculture. The garbage patch in the pacific ocean is “bigger than the USA”. Coastlines are filled with toxic nitrogen (limiting oxygen), causing algae bloom. Making dead zones out of enormous areas. Over-fishing is common. Taking the entire “fish colony”/ thereby emptying that portion of the ocean is constant: causing predator fish to die too. Oil spills, warming the ocean/ causing more severe floods, droughts, storms, and hurricanes (proven true), severe redistribution of weight on this planet; as is melted ice. Ice provides the platform, for a base food group in the ocean: soon gone. And more than I care to list.
But we aren’t done: because gas can migrate/ particularly when released from subterranean structures, beneath the aquifer. Per year; Ethanol consumes a trillion gallons, with another trillion taken for irrigation to support ethanol/ water flooding of old oil reservoirs takes probably another trillion/ mining takes a trillion or so, adding in countless chemicals to rivers, lakes, and streams/ as does countless other operations including chemical manufacturing: which does not return any “clean drinkable water” FOR LIFE. And in fact choose in many cases to pump toxic waste directly into aquifers now considered to be dry. Surface waters are contaminated. Horrifying consequences can erupt on any given day, at any given time; because the realities of what humanity has done; stand ready for a complete and utter catastrophe. That can cause entire areas of a thousand square miles of highly populated areas, or more; to be without water/ or even electricity; to save a little food.
But not done yet, in USA; the military in their pursuit of the ultimate horrifying weapons/ have polluted trillions of gallons of water in aquifers. Humanity has collapsed many existing aquifers making them unable to ever hold water again: they turn to rock. The cost of lost water, as in the entire state of California; suddenly going dry/ is they all have to move or die, within a few days. Consider the reality of that! And WHERE all these people are going to go!
Your university experts, are allowed to take measurements/ BUT NOT even inform the public, at the risk of their job: because the powerful want, what they want/ as does society itself. When one set of “limits” have been breached: they just change the limits. TO HELL with the costs to the planet: WE, haven’t suffered yet. Or as history proves again and again: nothing has changed, humanity ruins its environment/ and then blames “GOD”. It’s a common theme; take/ damage/ destroy/ rape/ abuse/ ruin/ ravage/ throw it away; and then claim “its not our fault”!

We add to that, the ever present propaganda: that what university does for the ocean and life; is to track every creature “for their protection”. The reality of course is entirely different: they search for every possible hiding place, so when a tiny need arises/ every creature can be found and slaughtered. Claiming “we saved this one”/ while the reality is, “you betrayed all the rest”. And you know, its true! But hey, “like the others/ I WANT my job”. Isn’t that so?
It doesn’t matter does it? “I know, you can all just whine and cry, “its all “GOD’S fault”. Just like humanity, throughout history. Nothing has changed, but the human threat, and possibilities; to exterminate EVERYTHING.


So, let’s just talk; about energy/ population/ and time.

Energy is the expression “of a cause”/ fundamentally speaking. Therefore the use of energy is an action or reaction to that cause. The question: what is a cause? Returns as, the elemental proof of time exists; because there is an action or reaction to the environmental shift, that is energy related.
As a consequence, those who repeatedly question the reality of time itself and our existence within that space/ simply have no substance. Substance is the relationship we share with mass or motion.
Our ability to use energy, consists of our control over the chemical world which surrounds us, as body or planet. Our ability to survive that control, requires understanding, balance, discipline, and respect for the realities beyond our knowledge. Not a constant wounded sore, that is “university experimentation”. BUT AN HONESTY with respect for the delicate nature of existence itself. The university dead, or “death stalkers”; have no such honesty or respect. As a consequence their choice which is to pretend or demand to play god over death/ is quickly turning into “winner, YOU are now the cause of death on this planet”. You, are now the destroyers of life on earth; congratulations you are “satan”. Proven true, by the critical experimentations that seek the mutilation of all life/ risk burning the entire planet/ a complete refusal to acknowledge the basic requirements of survival on earth/ and all such realities that are not only ignored, but attacked by those with a university diploma, in their efforts to proclaim and demand themselves “to be god”. Little could be more asinine/ or insane.

But, nonetheless humanity through the propagation of endless intentional humiliation by media; have lost their sense, or even the ability to think: “becoming perfect robots, to a university core”. That is the dominant religious cult of this day.
So then the question is: HOW do we break the cult/ stop the propagation of lies and servitude to this cult/ and protect the last moments of this earth; before it collapses under the tragedy of a university mind? The answer: keep pointing at truth/ keep understanding what reality actually means/ stop believing, “to be WRONG” is just part of the plan for a university, on its way to being god over our lives. Particularly when wrong is so clearly the end of life, from countless different directions; on earth! Not by opinion is this said/ but by the evidence, clearly proven true.
Of the countless delusions university professes; the latest is, “the population bomb of humanity did not occur”. Even though the human population doubled in the last forty years. They account this as a need for more population, to take care of the old, and do all the work people want done. So their must be children; cause the elderly as is constant through this time; utterly refuse to take responsibility for themselves. As is true throughout America, for decades now; the constant cry is: “sacrifice the children/ kill their future”. Believe it or not, it is true; because under the influence of a university diploma, not a single decision is made to protect life. Not a single “Important job”/ is filled or allowed; unless you have a university diploma. Or more simply that diploma has controlled everything for at least 5 decades; and this, “is the best, they did do”! Simple and plain; lying/ cheating/ stealing/ failing/ sending people to war/ dispossessing the citizens/ attacking the constitution/ corrupting the courts/ conspiring to take over government, so they can be rulers; and much more.

So lets spend a moment to discuss the consequences of human population beyond anything this world has ever known. Every single human requires food: that food, is another living organism, either as plant or creature. So if there is not enough room, chains, resources, or environments for creatures and plants to grow and sustain their own lives: then there is no food for humanity. Leaving us all with war and cannibalism; “Because that, is all there is”. So how much food does it take for what is surely at least 7.3 billion people (growing at over two million more mouths to feed, each week)? The answer: for each person to receive one pound of food per day, requires 7.3 billion pounds of organisms per day! For each human to receive one pound of food per day for a year: “a plant, and animal cycle”. They must find and consume; 2.664 quadrillion pounds. But that does not include what creatures need as well: they must eat, is that not so! Even if babies do not consume a pound of food a day, they will grow; and how many do not eat much more than one single pound of food per day? This is a finite world; there is only so much agricultural land. To sustain diversity, MANY things are required, that the university brain, as leaders; have decided to sacrifice. As has the general population themselves; “HELL”, we don’t need NOTHING/ but what we want! Alas, that nothing contributes to the critical ties, that are the chains of life. By bringing order to this world; creating the critical chemicals that make other lives possible/ which then makes our lives possible. So then which particular life organism is responsible, “for the single critical chemical”/ that will cause any or all specific chains of life to collapse? “Who knows”/ answer NOBODY! Not that it matters, because mutilation of genetics is already causing chaos in life; soon it erupts into complete catastrophe. All, because a functioning, university brain is smaller than a gnat.

just talking one

So, let’s just talk, for a bit.

Every society has problems/ every society tries to fix those problems with power & pride; through leaders. Every society benefits a bit, if their decisions are realistic/ every society dies, if they live in fantasy land, and choose failure, chaos, or fear.
Just imagine what the US media would be saying if: the Iraq war was caused by Russia. Its not hard to imagine/ a propaganda war is always the same; just like the current media blitz of making sure no one mentions, “it all started with America”. The complete failure of armies resolving social problems; is absolute/ never in history does that happen. So the wise person then understands, NOT with force/ but law. Not with the enforcement of those laws made by someone else/ but laws made by the people who must obey them; with a clear dedication to the difference between a law and a rule. Which is a law identifies what all the people believe must be done or not done. While a rule identifies an individual who didn’t do, what a tiny few rulers told him or her to do. See the difference? Again, set aside a city within any conflict zone; for women and children/ protect that city as an international force: NO MEN allowed. And leave the fighting to men who must then abandon their own lives for war; until they solve their problems for themselves. Simple and plain. But do add in: the women being protected SHALL add their own demands, which must be met; before returning to those men. This will bring peace, without immigration flooding over the borders/ or it will bring men, to resolving their problems; or facing the reality of what they did choose to do.
Leaders don’t choose this “world law”/ because it removes their power, and pride. It removes the thirst that is greed, because war is run by greed, extortion, and criminal intent. Leaders want power, that is why they lead. Consequently it is always the people themselves, who must resolve every crisis. Even though they don’t want too/ because it takes away from their own gluttony, and risks the loss of what they refuse to believe: EVERYBODY, is responsible for peace! There are no excuses.
So we ask: how do we persuade leaders to change, “without a gun”? The answer is: by demanding and creating the laws we build for ourselves, and firmly commit to implementing/ thereby giving the leaders no right to challenge our law, nor ability to overcome that law with force. By choosing justice, fair play, and equality as is consistent with individual rights, and fundamental liberties each demands from their own society. When the people have contributed their own demands, to what our society shall be. They then (as we the people) have a reason, to end war quickly/ or choose peaceful change from the beginning.
So then we look to choosing leaders: WHAT makes a good leader/ HOW do we filter through the trash, lies, fantasies, and failure/ WHY do we need a leader/ WHEN is it time to replace our current reality with change/ WHERE will this evidence of our reality take us, in the future/ and WHO, is fundamentally prepared for the job at hand?

WHAT; is determined by three simple things. Can you accept limited power/ therefore limited pride? Will you work as our employee instead of “NOW, I am king/ etc”? Are you capable of letting truth decide what is, or is not in the best interest of life and nation? No opinions allowed, only the evidence of reality by its proven truth can decide; NOT you.
HOW; is a development, which determines is this person using mass hypnosis; to manipulate, tempt, and betray society itself? A perfect example of a hidden agenda, would be president Reagan; an excellent liar (he did nothing he promised by truth)/ a proven traitor (he built up a military, which is now the cause of why Americans go to war, and I believe it was him who removed the volunteer army to make it a standing army, a reality no leader can resist. “Lets play god”)/ a cheat (he removed the debt, and gave the entire currency of this USA, into the hands of “a university diploma” & a thief (he sold ALL the gold, which was the basis in fact, of American wealth); etc/ etc/ etc. Mass hypnosis occurs, when like hitler, simple ideas become a trademark which purposely builds a mob: who now believe, THEY WILL “get what they want”/ such as money, or the power, to make someone else pay.
WHY is a construction of time; as only the law is truly needed, with a tiny few rules; when it is most important to understand: what you do, honestly does hurt us! Nonetheless people WANT a leader/ because they pay with a few cheers, and then have someone to blame for anything they don’t like. “ITS ALL, YOUR fault”. Even though the extreme chaos in society is always caused by greed, want, selfishness, fantasies, and failure; proving “Guilty, throughout society”!
WHEN is change needed? Right now, because the evidence even with minimal work or understanding PROVES the future is bleak, if not completely given away to HELL (we can’t survive, we can’t rebuild, life itself is dead)/ ARMAGEDDON (nature is in chaos, mutilation is everywhere, and cannot be stopped. Life is dead)/ AND THE APOCALYPSE (the time for revenge is NOW; all are guilty; kill, cannibalize, destroy; nothing else is left. Time itself, is dead). All of which stand at our door, on this very day/ IF the most horrific experiments ever devised; topping the Nazi’s, and discarding the disease of every male horror story ever told. Are those trying to bring the same fire here as is on the sun. Depending on the theory, “well, it will just extinguish itself”/ so we need not worry. Its called “SATAN”/ or without the religion its called intentional; “destroyers of our world”. Terrorists beyond comprehension.
WHERE, because the world is filled with fools, failures, the pandemic that is a university diploma, and the others submerged in hate, for the purpose “to kill their soul”: the propaganda of media is required to hide every fact, and formulate every failure, purposely breeding chaos/ because the worship the cult of university. Which stole the wealth of a nation, just to give it to those who obeyed their will. Such as the priests of devil worship, as is current media policies. As in NEVER mention ANYTHING that has to do with life, peace, truth, a future, a child, responsibilities, or simply anything with value or substance as the foundation or purpose of communication. More simply, their functional purpose is: SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH/ AND KEEP THEIRS SHUT TOO! Distract, deny, destroy, hide, fear, or just plain be so stupid “who could blame you”/ right! After all, its not the stupid persons fault; he can’t think, or understand, or do anything functionally of value to society itself; HE’S STUPID.

WHO, is an error in judgment/ as the law itself must lead. As government itself must rule; our government is the US CONSTITUTION. There is no other/ certainly not our employees, nor any other future employee. They are simply workers assigned a duty/ and a penalty if they fail to respect our constitution: the decision we made as a nation called “we the people”/ to both defend and identify ourselves. Our nation/ NOT their government; they are employees: we OWN the nation, means WE HAVE THE FINAL SAY. No exceptions/ under constitutional law, or as amended through the progression of steps outlined as our right through time.

So what constitutes a true debate, an honest representation for employment; among politicians/ or the media?
Answer: using truth, by establishing the evidence already in existence; to confirm and identify the need for our investigation as a nation: to decide the future must be better than this.
Then setting aside every question that arises from every person who confirms they have a legitimate inquiry. To consolidate a single true question compiled from every source: that identifies the reality of what is being challenged as in need of change.
Once the question is established and accepted by the public as important.
It is then necessary for any candidate or other to answer that question in a clear and concise form. Or establish cause in a clear and concise proving form through evidence or the cost of being wrong: why this is or is not something we should do. Those answers are then consolidated into the various answers and those who agree or disagree; public and media then challenge the wisdom. Looking for reality, beyond “this moment”; which is a demand for future securities, adhered too by present responsibilities. A choice for life/ or a failure for want; make it plain!

just for a touch of reality;   emails do not constitute a threat/ and as such are not suitable for political rhetoric.  I have seen government “top secret” documents/ and they are nothing more than a pacifier, for bottom rung/ or above officials.  they consist of “what can be found within any publicly accessible;   technical journal on the subject”.  grow up.


for mom

For mom; “modified, a bit” for you.

Every life, passes through a door/ that enters eternity, in one form or another. Its not a game, but death is not an ending; it is merely a change in the realities governing our expression, and thereby experiences.
WHAT is important, about death is: first, we must abandon the human body/ because it cannot come. Second, everything but truth, will be taken away. And third, is the destiny you chose, becomes alive in all who honestly seek GOD, love, or the disciplines called peace and harmony. That we are Created, is absolutely without doubt/ nothing can build life or survive without thought. Therefore thought comes first. Thought is not a relationship with “the brain”/ it is a relationship with life itself.
WHY, asks the question: if the identity of our heart and soul, does not die with our bodies/ THEN, where would they be found? The answer relies upon the distance we have created within ourselves, to love. Distance refers to, kindness; a reality of choice, which includes or is governed by respect. “Heart” speaks of everything called value, this life means to you. While soul identifies, everything of love, value, truth, and respect; that GOD “CREATOR of this world”, means to you. Destiny means: within our heart and soul, by its own truth, by its essence of love: each will find “heaven. The participation they identified in life, by heart; that they desire most”. While being a child of GOD means, our soul leads the way; choosing the path we will follow. Each has benefits and values of great worth.
So we ask the question: what does happen, when you die? The answer is: an energy called life, leaves your body/ and you must enter within that energy, to continue its journey, as life. Life is not a body/ it is your participation in thought; because without thought, you have no recognition of life or body. Or more simply: when you know, that life is leaving your body/ without hesitation, you can leave within that energy: because it does contain your heart and soul. IF you do not choose body instead. IT IS “a choice”. Or more distinctly everything important, where love resides, is in life/ in the energy called life. So then love lifts you, and carries you “into the arms of GOD” so to speak. Whereas if you want body instead; you will go the way of body, to dissipate into nothing forever.
Those without true love, cannot come; “Where heaven lives”. Consequently “something else” will happen to those with hate; in death.
YOU on the other hand, have love, and will enter into eternity by your love. It is true, simply accept it; and be brave.
The next question is then: HOW do we create, our own personal destiny, in life? Every decision we make, opens a door, that leads to the future, the consequences of that decision will make. Every true desire of our heart, will fill the destiny we choose, with our most valuable life affirming expressions. Destinies in life, are the discoveries of love revealed by your own truth, accepted by your own respect for that value. Therefore past death is a future where, whosoever is “the true love of your life”/ shall be found; so long as they feel the same. Not because of fantasy, but because LOVE participates in soul, and soul “knows us all”. If “your love or lover failed”, they cannot come. However true love always shares, because there is nothing more certain than, love does itself care. Which means love is an identity within us, living “here”. Love is an experience outside of us, as in I share. Love is the true expression of our soul, wherever heart (everything life means to us as love) lives. Where GOD lives with us, soul is joined by your own heart/ they become as one, and live together to remove loneliness! As JESUS did prove: true LOVE, is beyond anything we can imagine; it is MORE. So there are no worries as too destiny, only trust. Life in time requires discipline, order, respect, balance, courage, and more; as it shifts through the structures of your own heart. Searching for soul. Which means literally our search is for truth. Only truth allows trust. Without truth, no true love exists.
When we wait to die, it means for those with love: this is a period of accepting reality, “the children need our place”; for you too. In preparation of this, more dramatic change than you have ever known. When the body “lets you down”/ it means, your own attachment to that body, to this life; MUST be lessened. So that you will release when death comes; and accept your place, is now with the energy that gave life first. Or, more simply; when the time comes to leave with the energy called life/ you must not pause (don’t look back), or could then be left behind. Always remember, to remain in the energy of life/ will require discarding body. That is without question; because in death the body ends, and will be no more. To remain alive, you must remain in the energy called life. You will know it, when that happens/ DON’T look back; accept life has changed, and look only to your destiny. DO look “to GOD”; as well. Everything beyond time, that matters; is HIS home! Trusting the value of HIS love, cannot fail.

I know, that the night causes trouble for you; because there is no distraction. That means, thoughts of death, or tragedy, or fears; can surround you. WHEN that happens, you must awaken fully, so as to stop it/ by simply grasping onto a very simple reality. Or, in a different way: concentrate on something simple; such as a light, or door, or glass: something that never alters itself, in your mind. That will then calm you; return then, to constructing your own destiny. To the decision: just as life brought us here, without the slightest knowledge or choice of our own/ to a place truly blessed, “with life”. Even if humanity corrupted it/ this world identifies without question, “what thought, participating in love; can do”.
To control the night yourself, requires loneliness should not arise. Loneliness means: “I am lost”. The relationship we share, changes that. I have found in JESUS, the realities of love clearly identified, along with “lessons”/ that share “the values” of HIS soul; how to build a friend, in me. The values of love in you, for you, and as the future you would hold “dear”/ should be found. Not by religious zeal; but by a determination to accept and identify RESPECT for both GOD and JESUS. These “participants in your soul”; create or identify the destiny you do have faith in, even if it isn’t quite the destiny you receive (no one is perfect). Rather these are a preparation, for both life, and death.
The difference between a dream and a spiritual quest: is the intensity of your own truth. Coupled with a reality beyond the grasp of “simply time”. Or more simply: everything we choose, must first pass the test of truth, before we can continue this journey; beyond what is strictly time. Into what is real, and certain: as beyond being human. Spirit is a dangerous place/ but only if you don’t trust: JESUS AS your SAVIOR! The spiritual world, is truth; not care/ which means it blockades every path, to identify what is “absolutely true” in you. No lies will exist, to move past this gate. DO remember that, because it is “very difficult/ if not impossible” to survive; if you don’t. SAVIOR simply means, when confronted by things we don’t understand/ we must anchor ourselves to something we do understand and value (HIS LOVE): just to remain in place, “while the storm passes by”. So to speak.
Since it is true, “we DON’T” understand GOD/ this is much simpler to do. You can demand the law must rule; rather than trust. But then your own truth is judged by the law, and its every single meaning; a very bad choice.
The body does not matter/ it is irrelevant; even what it has or has not done, for or against you, by you. Only truth, as identified by love, respect for GOD and JESUS, trust, and the realities of your own choice; the consequences of your own action or reaction or faith, matter.
You will, “go to heaven”. I am, “a servant of GOD”. This is promised to me. Be at peace! Not your savior/ not anyone’s. Simply, you gave me this body in time, supported those needs, as best you could; and I in turn have asked for you. I do, accept this outcome, as true.

something new

A question for you arises, with regard to funding, and organization.

Even though it is functionally extremely late to be starting anything/ I do utterly refuse to give up hope, until it is obviously too late to care anymore.

Helping you organize, at least a little; requires some type of meeting place. Since you utterly refuse, “a large meeting”. There is a building on this property, that can be refitted to become a very suitable meeting place/ weekly vacation retreat/ or whatever seems suited to the needs of either organizing these purposes, or funding this site. Roughly 1400 square feet on two floors combined.
Those who are organizing for “life and planet”/ I will assist if you wish.  To whatever degree I deem appropriate or useful. No other promise is made. Those who might simply wish to “live in the country” for a short period of time, will be left to themselves, or as life allows.

So the question is: as there is significant work to be done, and money to be spent. ARE YOU, interested? It will not be finished until spring of 2016, if I begin.

If so: I ask you to reply by US mail, to this address. If you can’t find it, its because you aren’t really interested. As it does appear numerously on several of my sites.
An approximate number, how long, and what purpose; of who might be coming/ along with what you consider to be a realistic price; will help me determine, if this should be done. Bear in mind, this would open the door to those who want me dead as well/ NOT a large threat unless the work becomes “note-able”.  I am willing to take the risk, if you are.  “just a statement, of no guarantees, except from me”.


This is now: October 24, 2015 and I have finished every duty assigned to me/ as in the message “you must change, to continue the, survival of both life and planet”. Its not a game.
I have carefully examined, what else could be done for you; in terms of an education. The evidence says, DONE/ unless you prove by the foundation of your own works, that our ability to survive is your true concern too; as a majority/ particularly of women. Women because there are no solution with men/ I have searched, and this is the best the majority did do, and won’t change themselves. Just how it is! Consequently different REQUIRES, the opportunity for women to try.
Nonetheless; everything you substantially need to understand. Everything that creates a message for you to use, in participating “for life”. Everything that allows for the beginnings of true change, have been provided for your own examination, investigation, and decision. There is then nothing left for me to do, other than await your decision/ by the work you do for yourselves. To provide, a continued presence by writing; simply limits your involvement: I am neither savior or leader/ not enemy; simply “friend, to life and planet”. You should consider being the same/ as we all, have no where else to go; the destruction of anything we must have to survive, means extinction. The destruction of any particular location means: higher density for us all. The continued escalation of war, and its consequences; WILL become world war 3, with weapons of mass destruction ending life. Demand world law must arise/ where leaders are tried for not obeying what WE THE PEOPLE, demand of them. Simple as that.
I have supported this work entirely on my own, other than “an honest business relationship” with the person most directly responsible; who provided web support. IT IS, YOUR TURN; to pay for your own acceptance of this site, and its purposes. In other words donate a little/ or if you donate a lot; then there will be “advertizing of some sort”. Otherwise, take the education from here, and do all, the work yourselves. You can gain that; by simply coping and pasting the content to your own computer. This format is php/ which is not suited to simple transfer, without my spending more, time, effort, and money. Not going to do it.
There are issues that can arise in court/ in which case I will be back. The failure to donate means: some type of method by which the site is funded will occur. As it is true, without some form of support, there is no cause to believe a substantive value was found by you. In which case, no purpose.
As for me; I cannot save you or this world, I can only do: what I CAN do. Just like you. I have done that. I have been clearly and repeatedly rejected by all; with regard to every form of participating with you or you with me; in these matters. I don’t intend, to do this anymore. But life is transient, time changes many things; the future is yet to be finished. You still have a chance. Make your decision: to fight for life/ or just plain surrender everything, because YOU “just don’t care enough”. Not even to do anything. Not even telling people of this site/ or spending a penny in its support/ or organizing/ or questioning the future/ or accepting religious duties (as in the prophecy of Daniel is true), so the question is “what does the bible demand of you”? For instance. The bible is on trial, because the prophecies have been understood. That means: “either correct/ or wrong”. More than words, are deeds.


LIVING,  displacing time.

Identified as the creation, of what would you do; IF allowed to “rule over your own little world”? That world is time/ and there is competition, because unless the universe is empty; there will be some type of competition.
So, the question becomes: WHAT controls our ability to decide, the essence or elemental landscape of the environment within which we will or will not survive? Answer is: disciplines identify the construction of law. Balance observes, where weight can be distributed, thereby causing change without destruction. Order assigns the task that will be done next, in stepped deliveries needed, to achieve critical collaboration, within the laws of this environment, at this moment in time. Which makes time itself: a mass, without substance. That is ultimately a conception beyond the human brain; which means, its translation is not to be allowed.
Enough of that, on more deliberate matters of choice, the details which become our lives by the actions or reactions of our intent to control: experience/ expression/ and environment, by the measure of our mind; do translate as behaviors.
The question of experience begins as: “the touch, of our humanity”. Or more deliberately, the definitions created by pleasure, pain, conception/ as in mental pathways, and informational gaps constructed as physical change.
Pleasure exists as, the difference between being aware of an excitement beyond the limits of time without movement, which is energy initiated. While pain establishes the limits of time in motion, that will allow our existence, as it has been: because this changes our environment. Each is a contrast in living, while living itself conceives of the disciplines which allow a mental translation that expands the compositions completing our definitions of thought. Or, more simply: we must build the world we live in, as time explained on a human scale.
What then is humanity itself? The answer is: that we exist within a strict construction of environmental boundaries/ that gives us individual freedoms, by the definitions of a human brain: that assume there is no substantial restraint. Or more simply: life is a physical element/ within a physical constraint/ Identified by a mental soup, used to create the potential elevation of existence itself; as conceived by thought.
Thought is the complex interaction, that would be used to create artificial intelligence/ thereby just another form of horror and catastrophe, (the tragedy of man) as seen, throughout this world. Want is an enemy/ pride is a tragedy/ power is an infection, or simply disease unleashed. No definition of thought, will be given.
So we must assert, something less volatile, to construct a value called living.

That brings us backward, within the gates of time again. Or more elementally, to the values aligned with being human. What is pleasure as explained by the human body? Answer: “to be aware”/ that I am alive, within the peace and harmony of a body in motion, that accepts and treasures its time.
What then is pain, as explained by the human body? Answer: “to be aware”/ that I am not GOD, and can be “dead to this world” at any time.
What is the conception of human time? Answer: the development of an attachment, to the body itself/ by various interactions with reality, by the compositions of its own truth. As translated by our design and desire to understand: what is, the meaning of this freedom! Functionally that becomes interpreted on three distinct scales: thereby the mind is measuring each. The first is analyzing the order that demonstrates our direct involvement in design. Or, do we create our world/ or does our world create the essence of us? The second is: balance, having been granted the distinction of “a place of participation here”/ the question becomes: WHY did this become our experience or expression? The third is discipline: WHERE does life itself lead us, and HOW did we get here, WHEN it is clear; not by our own means. We were born: instead of constructed by a brain or its abilities, or its design.
Examining creation by order: proves the potential of any environment, is not assembled by any action or reaction/ but consists within the opportunities to participate within the essence of “its law”.
Constructing balance; compliments participation, by understanding the difference between “building or destroying”. Which identifies what has value, and what does not.
Establishing disciplines: creates within order, by the knowledge of balance assembled from value. The true extent, that freedoms will provide/ given the potential of thought itself.
So we then ask: WHY are we, an elemental construction placed within time, assembled to build our own, purpose and desire in combination with life? NOT exactly as life/ but in combination with life. There is a difference!
WHY is a development of the intensity which aligns with movement/ as in why or what makes us move through time? Answer: the physical relationship we share with body and this environment, does not provide a choice/ beyond death.
The question then becomes, assembling the package built for delivery as is the evidence of birth. WHERE are we headed/ and HOW do we get there? But before we get to that: the question is, DO WE desire this journey, or not?
Value assigns a decision: do you desire (accept and respect the essence and elemental awareness of what is being shared), what life has given you? More simply: what is your truth! It is a question for soul. While journey demands: WHAT is your purpose, aligning life to the decisions of your heart. Each question translates by your decision to care. Caring builds a relationship, thereby transforms respect, into friendship. Friendship is: I will respect your freedom, your value to the existence of my heart/ and trust, you will respect mine.
So we then examine heart, to learn: the disciplines aligned with life itself, require the existence of another life/ to “feel, the rhythms, of being alive inside”. Caring then expands the perimeter of an individual existence/ and create, or build the doors, which lead to love, joy, and true happiness. BUT, where an opening exists, into the inner sanctuaries of life and its participation within an environment/ there is the opportunity to destroy. Which means simply: “wisdom requires”/ that you identify yourself, before being allowed to travel within the essence of another living existence.
So then we do understand, some very simple things: life blossoms, and joy is found, whenever a true living expression of caring can be experienced. We understand, that whenever a door is opened into “the inner world” of a living reality: that door can potentially bring in catastrophe or loss. Consequently “we must know”/ what is true, of you. Before you are given entrance. Only true value is experienced as being alive; and only the trusted rhythms of a life expressed through love are accepted as a desire “to share with us”.

So we return to the development called eternity, and ask: is this real?
JESUS IS, the most vivid example of the differences between what is valued and accepted/ granting by eternity, what is claimed as truth.
So the question becomes: what was HIS truth? Through his example, he remains teacher and friend, to all who desire love, courage, discipline, balance, order, bravery, happiness, thought, trust, or a journey beyond ourselves, or the limits of this time. Even more! JESUS HAS been “my teacher/ educator” through these examples, and disciplines applied to my life, through his work. My savior through realities of existence, experience, and expression; in both time and the spiritual realm beyond the environmental restraints called an experience or expression of a human mind. Believe it or not; makes no difference to me/ that is your decision, not mine.
So the question of eternity is not a relationship with the physical evidence of time/ but the reality and relationship that expands the knowledge called thought, into a participation that includes life itself. Or more simply: released from the restraints of a “mass without substance”/ we become the energy assembled, and earned: which drives that life forward.
Mass holds “an energy potential” determined by the weight of its truth/ your truth. That energy released, must find its direction. That life engaged, must accept the disciplines applied.
Dimensional restraints are compilations of “frequency alliances”; for simple understanding. Or more specifically: your ability to hear, thereby experience much of the world around you, is limited to the dimensional state of frequencies that determine what can or cannot be heard by humanity. Actual frequency ranges known to exist by the human brain; are far more extensive, and elaborate; than are honestly understood. Consider it a beginning; to the definitions and differences of a universe.

I DO wish you well/ but only your own individual choices; build a future. Beware of what you choose/ life is not a game. Love, is a discipline, balancing the order of our own creation: the building/ or bridging of our lives “together” as one.


THE PRICE, of love.

Every life is a path, because individually we must make the decisions that become “the treasury of our lives”. To surrender that reality, and enter within “the flock/ we go together as one”; is to destroy the integrity of self, and choose to “believe” you are a prey, rather than “simply human”. That brings us, to the moments which must be strictly personal, and cannot accept “a flock decides”. Or more simply: love, invades the soul, and gives birth to the intensities “of a beating heart” shared by you and me. It is not, “a community decision”/ or it will never enter within “the treasuries of your time”.

The price of love, examines the foundations upon which you will discover: just how much this love means to you. Want exists to destroy that love, by making people believe they can manipulate, tempt, control, or purchase the love of someone else; by deceit, sex, or any other method which moves them in a direction that you choose. This is plotting and planning, much like men do in war/ it is wrong. It will kill, cripple, or maim the life you could have shared/ or did not earn, could not earn, or was simply “not to be”.
Men and women commonly choose want over love, because they do not trust/ they cannot trust/ they are not trustworthy/ or they simply don’t want, “to pay the price” of love itself. That price is: to share your soul, and become a living example of what true happiness can be. Many, are afraid of that/ believing if I am that vulnerable, then I will surely be sorry; because people have treated me bad, or I have been discarded/ disrespected/ used/ or abused in the past. Even though at the time, “I did trust”. Children learn quickly, and then seek to use that learning; mimicking, even controlling adults and other children, “Just to see if they can”. These games invade life, cause distress in many, and afflict the ability to be happy; by removing the value “of you”/ to me.
Of the many games men and women play; sex is the predominant reality. I want/ I need/ I buy/ I steal/ I cheat/ I betray/ I love or I hate; are all elements of dating, for the vast majority. Every time trust cannot be maintained, because truth is denied or love is betrayed; life loses a little more ability to participate, as friends. These consequences are elevated by sex/ wherein the closeness or intensity of a chosen moment is compromised with lies; changes male and female relationships sometimes forever. As a young man, it can be said “I was desirable, at least for a time”. The consequence being: opportunities to share the experience of being “alive, in you”. That led to “claims of pregnancy/ assertions of abortion (can’t prove it); until you start running out of fingers and toes to count on. Even though, “yes/ yes, its perfectly safe”: too late now, “oh, I lied”; etc/etc/ etc! Can’t really blame a woman who is just trying to keep, what she believes will be a “blessing to her life”. Yet cannot stay, because lies ruin everything called love: “you cannot, be trusted”. Gender issues, then become a game/ or you simply have to stop; “can’t do it anymore”. The price is too high.
So the game people play, both as men and women is: to own the property of another, and control their lives for your own purpose and desire. At least, to attain marriage/ and then, “who gets to be leader: which is the same as saying, I WANT, what I want. Then I paid, for what I want/ you owe me. Which then becomes you must change.”? That too, becomes a different game, not love/ and depression will set in, where love should be. Because that is what “you” chose; instead of truth and reality should decide for time/ let only love through trust, decide for us. Either direction: That is what you chose together/ because it does take two, to decide we will try this anyway/ or do what love allows. Love isn’t fickle/ but it is seriously bound, to the possibilities of hope, and the desire filled with happiness.
When disappointed repeatedly, the common choice among men and women is: to entrap, so as to “get what I want/ as in I AM, going shopping now”. Which ends in lies, sex, and manipulation! Which ends in other things than love, which does include a child: “mine”. That decision is not love/ it is want, overriding the critical need, to belong to each other, “without ownership”. Because love, never owns/ it can only share, through an honest or even eternal, desire to care. Caring creates the blessing. Love creates the message. You establish “the life, you will share; within soul”.
So the real question becomes: what, does life within soul, as love; truly mean? Even though few will attain it/ because trust has died; the cost of want/ the decision to own, rather than share or care.
Life exists, through the essence of several processes combined. Soul establishes a communication between the very foundation of existence, “which is GOD”; and you. While love exhibits the fundamental truths, which combine into the creation of trust, which gives our soul, “a heartbeat” between time and eternity. No small thing.

No greater example of love exists, than the writing which describes “JESUS, called the Christ”. HIS path leads to the individuality, of a personal quest; to find truth, and establish a trust that will become eternal. The question of what happens when you die; is then limited, to love binds; because we choose to share. We accept/ respect/ and honor each other because we care. How is that not enough, to remove fear?

The questions of love extend, to a world on the brink of chaos. Even to biblical prophecy, that defines a state of mercy “as in GOD will allow this to end quickly”. Or as in Revelation: a reality of this moment, “they will accept true change/ or reap the reward they followed & chose”. If you get what you demand by freedom: is that not what you wanted, demanded, and did create for yourselves? Indeed it is. Or, if you change truly; that comes only with respect, and the dignity of a decision described as: “life for a planet, before the selfishness of me”. How is that not “a true choice”/ based upon your own decision, for a future, or not! Not a game/ life is not a game.

Love examines; the price of life itself, is to remain within the environmental constraints established by time and reality. If not, you are at war/ or in danger of destruction. The question raised by: I AM too angry to remain, in a world being destroyed by all things vile, cowardice, or evil. As in LIFE IS MORE IMPORTANT, than this! Or, not without a fight.
That, is a reality of me; perhaps others, to one degree or another. If it is you, hate is lurking/ and you must be careful. As for me; hate is not lurking: because that would allow the creation of an enemy/ that would then be confronted. As is the evidence throughout all of history. When you create an enemy for yourself/ you disembody existence, and turn it into judgment. Let the law decide instead. Because nothing is more primitive or simple minded: than to believe change of value, will come “with a gun/ or bomb/ or fire/ or even an army”. It is the humanity itself, that must change to accomplish something better. Got a gun; how many can you kill/ still billions left; YOU will lose. Got a bomb; you simply destroyed resources life needed; now you have none: all LOSE, because the enemy here, does not begin with “I”. Got a fire? Are you prepared to starve too/ live in the rain and cold/ be surrounded by desolation and debris without value: or be attacked by the others who are now in need? Answer the question, ARE YOU not the enemy, of life itself, not just human? Or, got an army; “now we’re talking”/ we will make change. And indeed they do, raping/ ravaging/ destroying/ denying life the most important definition of time, “to survive, and create food, water, shelter, etc”. You win: desolation, starvation, thirst, death or endless work/ without the resources to rebuild; congratulations. Or, You lose, “slave/ maimed/ or dead”; congratulations, but should have killed more, “isn’t that so”; alas it was not possible. Therefore, Its time for “weapons of mass destruction”. BECAUSE IF WE LOSE/ SO DO YOU! “Savior of hell/ ain’t that so”; kill the world in REVENGE, cannot be taken back. It is the world of humanity, that must change, to survive this time. While all say, “WE ARE doing great”/ THE EVIDENCE does prove where your truth is heading. But it takes a mind at a minimum a tiny brain; and through university leadership and the propagation of delusions and their fantasies; that brain is missing. You have failed/ or we would not be standing, where all life on earth, can die soon. “Too big” for you to grasp? Some elements are listed on my sites, linked through here Go search, use your mind. Or, just consider the most obvious forms of threat; as in experiments deliberately trying to ignite sunfire here. A ten million degree fire, that obviously burns atomic bonds for fuel. Their claim “it will just extinguish itself/ cause not enough gravity here”. GAMBLING OUR ENTIRE WORLD, on that brainless theory. No going back. Or in more insidious ways; a population increase of over 2 million more human mouths to feed every single week/ already standing as one person: per one acre of agricultural land claimed by nations; on this entire planet….with an ocean that soon will be extinct of all life. Or the endless reality of men; as is clearly identified with toxic pollution injected into the ground around high density population. Decades ago, I researched one in Chicago, made it part of a hospital billing trial (your leaders know): stated expectations for the site was, “filled, by 1980 I think it was”. Still using it today, calling it a permanent injection site now. Well over 30 trillion gallons of the worst poisons, injected in a tiny few wells, in America. At about 1200 feet, for the worst; the well stops/ injection begins. Measure out “less than one quarter mile” and understand this is: where the poison lurks beneath our feet. Then identify what happens when the flood “escapes”. Mutilating life/ mutilating food/ collapsing food chains/ destroying the climate, and moving trillions of tons of weight, in the form of water now not ice; around the world. And more, than I could write “On a thousand pages” of failure; because this, is where the universities led. NOT ONE damn decision for life. An entire world thrown away; Everything, for power/ greed/ selfishness/ or hate. And you follow them to Hell (we have lost everything), Armageddon (nature in chaos), the Apocalypse (kill them all/ they killed us). And so on, destroying the future for every child on earth that is, or would have been. To your eternal shame.

I, facing this reality that cannot be changed by force, or by men (because this is what they chose, as a majority together). Realizing men can’t change themselves; THIS IS the best, they did do; and thousands of years of written history prove that. Consequently I chose to ask women “what would you do”? Unfortunately, Women fear that kind of question/ and since “I ain’t too pretty anymore”; some, tend to fear me too. ALL are certain, “he sure as hell, can’t do nothing/ nor can we”; lets just be free, as in I WON’T care, or do one damn thing, even if I could.
That leaves entering the spiritual world, to ask the very essence of women; there, what is possible, with women in charge!
For what is male in me, that “functionally turned into a catastrophe of sorts”/ even though for the sake of life and living, [including this work of my own] it was the best decision I could have made. Even so, Hope returned, simply by understanding: Although men cannot change this/ WOMEN ARE, truly different, far beyond anything men understand. They could! So the question is: if the price of love, threatens to remove the value of male itself/ because even though I do try, “I cannot remove the past, from everything that is male in me”. Every time I look at reality or explain a lesson from the past; IT IS, returning to anger, again and again. BECAUSE YOU as in humanity on earth, THREATEN OUR ENTIRE WORLD! Not a reality of “I”, in any sense/ which means there are “no enemies” or armies to build; because the problem and the solution lives in all of us. Or, we all live, or we all die; together as one. The probability of even a remnant on earth is remote. Nature destroyed, every body of life mutilated by “science”/ a planet destroyed by men. How is that not true? Given the evidence of our reality!
A consequence which does fundamentally turn to work: until it is proven no longer possible for even hope.
A reality which will prove, the only real way forward, OUT of anger: Invites or allows, the essence of woman to control. Even though that wasn’t actually a choice, beyond opening that spiritual door. A fact of my life you don’t, and won’t understand; until you die.
Regardless; What a strange thing it is. Nonetheless, hate does not live here/ and I AM beyond tired of anger; and do need relief. “Its complicated”. The price of that control oddly enough; is the addition of “breasts/ tits” on me. They are VERY effective; as they aren’t male whatsoever/ I can tell in many, many ways. They come with chemicals, I have only recently begun to tolerate. So every time I get angry, these things grow; and disrupt “being male” so badly; anger simply dissolves. It is “quite a problem”/ or a solution depending on how you look at it. I have no control, not even a little; they have changed me. Consequently anger is now rare, and only when looking “back”; as is the terms of building a lesson for you. It is worth the price, if you learn and do something worthwhile. If not, it keeps me sane; so I don’t have to live with “male”. A war won’t help/ that is all he has left.
What is woman allows for teaching; insists! I do not argue/ I failed as strictly male; plain and simple, completely true. You, responded to nothing, not evidence, not reality, not threat; absolutely nothing! Therefore “its her turn”. The work is mine, the education is mine, the realities involved are mine, etc. The ability to remove my anger, so the teaching can arise is hers. Believe it or not.
The ability to conceive of, and distribute that information: is yours!


The money/ NO, not paper or numbers/ NOT power or pride; as is the game men play. Money as the reality of your need to participate in survival.

The question begins: why must I have money? The answer is: because you will want resources, time, or possibilities beyond your own ability/ or time; to create them for yourself. So money is used to translate what is fair, between what you provide/ and what someone else provides to you, for the purpose of your desires instead of theirs. Or more simply: money is an accounting, of what you did or did not do for someone else/ according to men. It is largely errant and wrong/ because many people throughout the ages, have done and given far more to life and society, than any number, or any conception of what is fair. While others, have money simply because they stole it, by whatever means were possible, including murder. The result: money is ultimately unfair/ but men want it anyway, because the worship the game itself.
The question is WHY? The answer is: because, many grow weary of family/ and they want excitement by whatever means: to take away “their boredom” with life and time. So money as we know it by the consequences of men: is a decision to fight with each other, by using any weapon or tool available to win. Because fighting, by the evidence of most men: is a description of excitement/ a participation that lets you choose for yourself, if you can. Those who do not worry about money, even if they should; do not like “the fighting”/ or they live for an entirely different purpose, than “I don’t want to be bored”.

So lets question the meaning of “boredom”/ and apply, the consequences of fighting. Boredom is: the opportunities of life before me, are NOT acceptable; because I won’t pay the price of love/ or I won’t accept the price of learning & building/ or, I won’t respect the law, as in what truly is necessary for me to do, to create, support, respect, and sustain peace and harmony for life; even more than my own. Rules intervene, and create anger; as one individual tries to control another, by creating a delusional line in the sand “so to speak”. The righteous intervene, and try to control society itself, by proving they know the rules, & you stepped one tiny infraction, over their law (I GOT a book; who the hell cares what is true/ I GOT A BOOK, and I know how to use it)/ you can’t defeat me!
So the reality itself, can be refined to ask: WHY, won’t you pay this price/ even if it is not too high? Or, what is it that you do want, instead of life, & the time to identify yourself, or be free?
We start with freedom: it is not undisciplined/ disorderly/ unbalanced/ destructive/ violent/ hate/ or like decisions in the direction of power or pride. Rather freedom is: a responsibility to self (with disciplines, I remain true to me, and my desire)/ a liberty within the environment which constrains you (gives us purpose, the design called order)/ a deliberate action or reaction, that does not harm (constructs both love and balance, so that life itself finds security, and therefrom boldness to go and find “thought”)/ the discovery of a law, that sustains justice (sustains the structure of society, granting peace and harmony)/ the design of moments beyond the perimeter of self, that conceive of and create the essence of love (identifies reality through respect)/ and the command within oneself, that accepts “TO RESPECT” life, time, and CREATOR; is to understand the beginning of a journey that could never be less than “free” (fundamentally establishes our entry into thought; the essence with energy, constructed within all life). Each a possibility; IF, the direction of your soul, is true!
In contrast to these realities, are the delusions of the cult called “university knows”: and their deliberate actions, to discard/ digest/ degrade/ and destroy all aspects of respect for absolutely everything but themselves. As they pretend to be “gods”/ and claim to be superior/ as an army that betrays, mutilates, and then conceives and creates the means to destroy even an entire world. See the difference? WHY NOT!

So we ask; even given the pandemic of disease that is a university diploma that plagues humanity itself: WHAT price is too high; to turn away from respecting life, time, self, and even eternity? While eternity is not even considered because of fools/ failures/ and the diseased. The questions of respecting life, cannot be escaped: we are all (everything), living examples of more than we could ever hope to be, by our own design. Therefore to discount that, to the edge of worthless/ is to claim, “nothing matters but me”. While reality proves: without life/ there truly is no cause to believe happiness will erupt; therefore desire fails. Your claim of nothing matters but me: is then proven, errant and wrong.
We then come to want: the abyss, which challenges humanity to lie/ steal/ cheat/ betray/ and destroy each other in the game of “winner, or loser”. Questioning WHAT could possibly be valued here? Answer, “the trophy”! A truly worthless “whatever”/ that simply destroys! But the people all say, and in particular men: “At least we aren’t bored”! Because we DON’T want, to do anything/ but play. And the men all say: WAR ain’t playing/ and neither is a continual threat of competition and control over everything I need to survive! However, it is the game that creates these things; so they are the end result “of playing your games”.
Solution: GROW UP!

We begin again with money; the design beyond trade/ to control, manipulate, propagate, tempt, and conceive of jealousy among the others. Therefrom creating prejudice/ bigotry/ violence/ and hate. Because where there is excess, the question is: WHAT are you going to do now? So we look to economies and find the game continues, as politics/ militaries/ religion/ and “universities” all apply for the power (from money) to rule the others lives. The consequence being pride: I AM “the winner”/ because I control the wealth. Making the few capable of destroying, controlling, or betraying many lives. We add in the counterfeiters of government, banking, investment, university debt, and so on. Describing “traitors”/ because they give what cannot be considered real, for the majority. Because it is fantasy unleashed, to destroy reality, and create in its aftermath only chaos.
So the question becomes: with traitors stealing our working lives, with delusions, and the wealthy controlling our lives with power and pride: WHAT are we the people allowed by law, to do?
That again returns to constitutional authority, and defines democracy as we the people are ultimately the owners here/ so we will decide our future, by choosing for ourselves, with a vote. That functionally fails; when we vote for someone else to “vote for me”. They then collect our power of democracy, and sell it as is needed to become “political”/ and negotiate something they want, or their constituents want instead of “my vote/ my decision”. Our democracy becomes their vote, and their decision in our stead. While that was necessary when established/ it is no more! Limited capitalism is the answer to power and pride; establishing “respectable & earned” equality in money, by limits granting all the people “opportunities”.
So the question is: WHAT should we do about all the counterfeit money we hold, as in consideration of: I HAVE SACRIFICED MY LIFE, for this! I AM too old to begin again/ too tired, to do this all over/ I CAN’T do it, I MUST not lose this limited expression of what I did do in my working career. Not even if it is bad for the rest.
The answer follows as: time is not “just for you”/ its for us all, and that includes future generations. If I say to you: I just don’t want to pay the debts I chose to create/ or replace the money I stole: even if, it wasn’t my plan. What would you say to me? Answer it!
So the question is not, “what you want”/ but what life, society, the children, and even the world needs for you to do. Remembering: all the people, with extremely few exceptions, CHOSE to do this together.
That brings us to reality: your failures to accept the responsibility for maintaining accountability in government/ allowing the fantasies of your employees to rule, and disrupt the reality of everyone: is the problem. THAT means first: there must be an accounting to determine what is true, and how that fits into the reality of our lives. From that point on, there will be bankruptcy, because that is what you chose. Failure to accept an accounting means: you literally choose, to sell your children into hell/ to assassinate them. Because the consequence of these decisions is: the university delusions have indeed created almost endless threats, and true consequences beyond all comprehension. Such as the mutilation of all life on earth/ the destruction of the human body, and every other body of life on earth/ the disasters of food turning to poison/ allergies turning to starvation/ and a thousand other elements of chaos. As is their intent; by their religion called evolution: to bring that chaos into our lives. Soon they will succeed, beyond their wildest dreams, and it will be HORRIFIC. OR, as in the other group of equally insane terrorists: not only will a ten million degree fire be horrific/ once it hits the water, it will explode into “a million mile jet plume”. And all the rest/ just because you let “satan (I am so smart & powerful/ I CAN play god)” counterfeit your money; so you could live in greed. Delusions are beyond contempt. The endless list of excuses, have no meaning: they buy nothing, but HELL.

Eternity is watching/ I suggest you choose to accept the cost of bringing life back to the planet; because the price of being “horrific” as in a participant in all disasters. WILL be beyond your worst nightmare/ beyond terror itself. It ain’t no game.

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