So, let’s just talk, about living.

Some things are “fixed” by nature/ some things are fixed by our own decisions/ some things are fixed, by others: and some things we can change, because we have conceived of a “different way”. To behave, or live, or change the world.

Of these relationships, nature controls the very basis of our lives, and what we do now/ or what we don’t do now, because we are SO MANY people; affects not only us, but every living thing on earth. So the question is: can you choose to care enough, to keep our planet and its life: “alive”! If not, we all die.
The decisions we make, whether justified or not/ right/ wrong/ indifferent/ etc all shape the reality of who we are, and what we can or cannot do; from this moment on. Included in these decisions are the realities of our impact on other lives; and how it changes them. Or how they change us/ as an individual/ group/ or elements in fear, oppression, manipulation/ temptation/ hate/ etc.
Some things are warnings, which cause people to react, act, or do things & make decisions; that they would not otherwise do. These come with a warning: when the evidence is strong, IT IS necessary, to use it as the basis for future decisions/ WHEN the time for action comes. That time is limited, or expressed; by the severity of the consequences; and what it means to “be wrong”. No going back, is a reality which humanity knows; and so do you.

So then we come to the things we can actually change by our own decision, because we have prepared through the aid of thought; no matter how primitive. To become “different people”/ because now we know why, that is important. Because we choose to live, and be what matters to all existence most: LIFE, must come first!

So then, we ask of living, what are the great and even lesser personal, economic, and social developments influencing our world; that we can change?
How we treat other people, truly matters; as most lives are influenced badly, by just a few; who didn’t care/ and in fact chose to hate (a little or a lot; is not relevant/ until it turns to violence). Hate is the influence which controls the decision: “to care”! Just as love is the influence, which controls the decision to share. This elemental reality exists by the confrontation of every decision we make as an individual: because each decision is based upon one of three distinct choices. “We choose EVERYTHING, based upon the following three decisions”: I don’t want you in my life, as a value to me (hate)/ I DO want you in my life, because our time is cherished (love)/ OR, I must survive, and my choices in this moment are limited. This is particularly true, by understanding the following description: even if you had every inanimate object, mechanical devise, etc; you could desire/ BUT were alone on a deserted island, or even a big city; and had no life to participate with other than your own. It is certain: you would not be happy. Happy cannot be bought, or made: happiness must be built, by you; with the decisions that elevate your heart, to the blessings called “being ALIVE”.
Those who hate, utterly refuse to care! Those who love, fundamentally must share; because life and all its blessings are too important, “to waste”. While survival has its own price: live or die, is no small thing. So the question is: do you desire happiness? Because it requires a functional ability to care. Caring means: I have found my soul/ the relationship I share with my portion of, the: “life inside”.
Economies exist, because we need to work in whatever form; to survive. Therefore functionally every economy rests upon the simple truth, of what we need/ by the realities of what we can, or at least know, how to do.
That fact is altered by the competition of others to get everything they can get/ so as to make their lives better: EVEN IF, it confronts/ controls/ denies/ or destroys our own. Hate has risen, because “you don’t care”. So the question of changing economies is examined by the reality of competition, through the essence of resource realities, and by human greed or the decision to share.
Since you know all about hate/ we ask the question: WHAT, if we shared instead?
So the first reality that comes to mind is conceivable, by the elements of war. When a society is confronted by enemies: it is their duty, decision, and desire, “to work together for the greater good/ regardless of pay”. Because if we don’t do this/ then our reality as people will prove to be “FAR worse”. So everybody does do, the best they can do: for the sake of their lives and society. While it will be argued: people are paid during war. The fact is: the vast majority work because the consequences of that war are so undesirable, or so necessary; the money doesn’t actually matter. The rich of course; “simply collect/ and turn to greed”. Therefore it is realistic to say: the vast majority of every society that wants to survive/ WILL do what they can do, when confronted with death, catastrophe, or other realities too severe to consider only their own individual lives. Therefore it is not money that motivates humanity: it is survival, with relative peace, and sufficient harmony to make life worth living. So we need not talk about money, other than the relationship it holds to our survival. We all have simple human needs/ these are non-negotiable. But everything else humanity can, does, or doesn’t do, is!
Since it is our decision as individual in society: that makes these choices. We ask WHY, is living not better, for a great many people? The fundamental answer is: “the rich, want it all/ or there are no resources left to get”. But if we removed the rich, as is the historical move across this earth by humans: we find, humanity always want to be rich themselves. So the wealthy are never far away. This too, is a human decision: I CAN/ therefore I will! Or, “MINE, all mine”; is a constant, human disgrace.
We ask WHY/ particularly when understanding, that it is participating in life with life, that makes people happy? Answer: because if we don’t become wealthy/ then someone else will; and they will then be able to take our happiness away. It is a game, and the winners are “the predators didn’t get me”. Thieves/ etc; attempt to take happiness away. IF, I can’t be happy/ THEN neither can you! And until they get caught, its “YOU, can’t stop me”. So then all aspects of society, both rich and poor; are controlled by hate. Or more specifically: those who refuse to care about anyone but themselves. There is a long list called, “why”. But it is irrelevant here.
So then the question of economies, is the question of hate. The more hate you are surrounded with/ the less happiness or hope you will achieve. The less “alive” you will feel, or accept as, or by the value of your existence.
If we were to change economies/ then we must change the realities of hate which do control all humanity. Finding hate, is as simple as recognizing those who truly don’t care; or fundamentally prove true violence is their choice. They don’t need a reason/ they chose. By removing them: “we become an entirely different world”. By letting them join together in “their own groups/ someplace without access to us”: they then decide their own fate. Instead of influencing ours. Simple and plain. Every society HAS THE RIGHT, to be at peace, and live in harmony. That is the purpose of justice, and the desire of law!
So we look at society itself, which is or is not the fundamental truth: “of what love among us” can be.
The very first question is: WHAT is love? The answer: I cherish the existence of both you and me; us/ as the same. There is no difference to the value of your life, or mine. Happiness gives each, a value shared; beyond all others.
So the question of value in society as well is: HOW, do we conceive of or create, a society that chooses for love?
The first element is equality: I accept you, as an equal. The second; JUSTICE, we deserve the same treatment, for like causes. The third; RESPECT, an element of value placed upon every person/ every life; until they remove it themselves. The fourth; FORGIVENESS, when earned by truth. The fifth; FAIR PLAY, I have needs, rights, freedoms, desires, hopes, and liberties owned or earned by me. Not yours/ they are mine. Just as these things are yours as well, until they are shown to be discarded; “Life attacked”. The sixth; OPPORTUNITIES, which means I have a legal right to pursue the possibilities of my life, my work, or my desire; so long as I don’t damage the others significantly. The seventh; FAMILY, the existence of both time and place, to be free as life allows: for us all!


Religion, a clear example for the honest: “please teach me, how to live, for life”.

So then if we discard all the people who use or abuse religion for their own interests or delusions: those who are left, belong to the quest called, “LIFE comes first”. Not to be confused with a societal, and environmental need called life comes first. The quest for life itself, beyond the limits of time is at its essence “a search for GOD”!

Neither a question nor an answer, can this be. Instead, it is a true search within the “shadows and light” of your own existence. Or more simply: it is not GOD we search for/ but our own “failures and debris” we must remove from the path that already exists.
So then critical truth understands: once the cleaning has been done, “opportunities, will arise”.

That brings us “into the shadows” of our own existence: facing the lies “we have inherited, or been burdened with by human cause”. To “walk past” these shadows, that burden us by experience/ or translate our identity by expression: each must inherit. To inherit means: I have become, “a servant, to my own greatest desire”. If that desire is: “to participate in GOD’S WORLD”. Then that is the path, that will stretch out before you. If not, then whatever is less, by the measure of your own heart. Only complete purity leads to GOD . Consequently it is “ok” to be less! Since none will achieve “complete purity” on this earth in time: we must describe ourselves by the light of our existence, revealed on earth. That means simply: every servant of GOD does prove caring/ kindness/ sharing/ respect/ courage/ discipline/ balance/ an orderly life, by some measure/ truth/ love/ and trust. These are fundamentals proven through nature as “the compositions” of our own descriptions, subjected to the realities proven by nature: as to our CREATOR.
We can, identify love and every value listed above: through the essence of nature and planet. We can, identify and understand: “we are NOT simply Created and abandoned”/ because JESUS is an evidence of caring, a reality of living none achieved before or sense.

I leave you to your work, because every life is different; “in their own quest, For GOD “!

we the people

Exploring society; what can we do!

This presents us all, with a question: are you willing to share, in exchange for peace and harmony/ followed by justice, fair play, and equal treatment through law? Not really a hard question, as these descriptions conceive of a life valued by nearly all/ BUT, these also demand, that the incessant expectation of “I WANT, to be rich/ I WANT, to be superior/ I WANT, whatever I want, and I WANT THAT NOW!” These expectations, are all going to die. Along with money, & power rules society.
YOU, have to find your own answer/ and deliberately act or react in accordance with that decision. Its NOT “free”. Although compared to letting this earth and all its life enter “extermination”/ truth says, to accept “LIFE comes first; is barely a cost at all.
So the next question of course is: HOW expense, would this change be?
Answer, that depends upon humanity itself! Because these are choices made, for the deliberate purpose of changing society to: LIFE, in fact all LIFE, COMES FIRST! So then the change required of you is very simple by concept: instead of money first/ that dies by your own hand; and is replaced with LIFE FIRST. Once this decision is made; all other realities will be decided by truth. Simple and plain, will control. Through the laws created by “we the people”/ who then WILL be governing ourselves.

So, let’s talk about what we need to survive? The answer is RESOURCES & RESPECT: “food/ water/ shelter at times/ realistic healthcare for all/ fair play/ justice/ freedom by its rights enforced/ liberty by our consent: letting democracy decide. We do not need money: until everyone shouts “ITS ALL MINE”.
So the question is: what does “mine” really mean? Answer: “I have built this, whatever portion that is true; by myself”. Anything less, is not consistent with reality/ but exists only because of money. Everything else is substantively “ours”/ because money is a translation of “society owns this right”. Therefrom we ask: WHAT are the rights assigned by this society, to its money. Or “the money” belongs to all of us/ you simply collect it, use it, or abuse it as you desire or are able. What you contribute to money, is your labor/ and that is “yours”. Because every resource, is a gift of nature or planet; even though you don’t respect that, it is true. We now enter into the question: “just HOW much more, is your labor worth/ than mine”?
Everything else, belongs to society; because everything else, is fundamentally given to us all. Including mental capacity/ physical abilities & looks/ time/ etc; with very little exception, “its all a gift”. That does mean: substantially NOT earned by you/ or me. Therefore our contribution to society is labor, our determination to use that labor for human benefit, and our time.
That functionally means: with very few exceptions, we the majority; are literally very similar in contribution to society/ by the things we do. Limited capitalism: which is simply, by citizen vote, we shall determine for ourselves the limits of income ANYONE can make in any given year. By vote we will also determine the least anyone can make, for a work week. We will determine, and make law: what can or cannot be done, as an exception for the few. For instance: create your own true competition/ and we will allow you to have a little more. IF you prove a realistic accomplishment.
Capitalism is NOT; “take all you can get”! Neither is democracy, as is defined by the preamble of the US constitution.
Capitalism IS: we will control our resource usage by allowing competition to determine the price. Thereby capitalism is entirely based upon: conserving resources/ and has no other valuation. Government employees, commonly discard this fact to create “communism”. Which means: the few decide everything/ even though they claim no; this is a proven fact.
So then the question of society comes down to whether you will believe in: by vote on the laws themselves/ we can create the society we actually deserve. Or by voting or allowing (as is currently done); a tiny few who claim to be “nobility (currently a university diploma)” shall decide for us; as they wish.

Making this decision for life properly, as democracy enforced, by we the people. Then becomes: WE ARE, more people than reality allows, as a workforce. The competition is excessive, including robotics, etc. As history proves, humanity with open access to all resources: will quickly attack those resources, and we the people, will be without environmental protections, and then at war. Because if people are all “let free” to demand everything they want: to take anything they can; CHAOS does erupt. That is how “the wealthy” began: they say MINE/ and hire soldiers, judges, and governments: to keep it all, away from you.

What is critical then: is a decision by all the people/ regarding their own behaviors, expectations, and decisions defining what can or will be shared. What can or will be owned separately. And how can we participate as a society: when everybody knows, “people are extremely hard to control: failing often, within themselves”. Because want, pride, power, greed, selfishness, lust, temptation, manipulation, hatred, jealousy, and all the rest intervene: to stop or destroy; the possibilities called peace, harmony, and justice.
Or more simply, the primary problem of society is, the individual. Or more accurately their want, selfishness, greed, jealousy, and so on.
So then how do we change ourselves; for the benefit of society/ rather than “just me”? The differences are not great. You must know your enemies, so that you cannot be “charmed” into believing something that isn’t true.
1. Want is a grievous enemy; as it produces all that lying and liars become.
2. Pride is a grievous enemy; as it creates the games people play to become “winner/ so, I can call you LOSER”.
3. Power is a grievous enemy; as it is the force by which people are herded into fear. A primary cause of hatred, which then becomes violence.
These three are the substantive forces behind all social elements; NOT resource related. They are not completed as individual complications or components; they are, just social forces.

To change want; the most critical period is through “social pressures”. That consists of anything and everything; that tells you what to do, assigns a specific behavior to you, tells you what not to do/ tells you what to own/ tells you what to think, or don’t think/ and so on. This includes concepts in ethics, morality, and every other function of “herd behavior”: you must, because we say so. You are ridiculed, because we say so. You are winner because we say so; or loser. Etc.
The most clear subjection of socially produced “controlled thinking”/ by the propagation of media; begins with preschool. Advertizing is allowed to target them with toys: producing “you can play with it this way instructions”. Which are in fact, the first primary methods of mass human control; used in this society. While it can be said, “this helps a child, be prepared to play with the other children”/ it is more carefully true. This deprives from the “every child”; an opportunity to think for themselves. Decide for themselves or as their own little group, what is good or bad about this toy: because propaganda takes that away. Parents will contend: I WANT, whatever the child wants/ therefore let them be influenced to play as the others are taught to play. Some will say “this is great” because they don’t have to be “awkward”; they can know! So the question before every or any society is: DO YOU desire the children to think for themselves? Or, do you wish, they would just do, believe, or assume whatever they are told, is right?
While the concept of a thinking child, forced to confront, required to focus on a new or different situation may sound frightening to a parent/ it is not.
So lets look at “electronics” for the older child. “Focus in/ don’t let your attention stray/ DO exactly as the software demands: or you lose. Don’t interact with nature. Don’t interact with people. Don’t construct learning outside what someone else is telling you. Don’t be athletic. Don’t think for yourself, be impressed with “flashing lights”/ cause its EASY. Easy means, “you can ridicule and gossip” much more. Taught to want everything now, especially by television; Work is boring/ life needs “a drug”.
Not exactly “perfect parenting, or life in society”/ unless you want them all to be “robots”.
Beyond the parentally controlled ages; are the teenage years; elements of sex (I can) are added. The realities of fear (soon I must take care of myself)/ invade. The foundations of failure (no one wants me) and/ or success (I get more) as in the examples: we will play, so jealousy will arise, complicated by people lie!
These are elements for discussion: because change begins with thinking in a different way.

We examine the relationship of hate to society next; by defining the realities associated with, “I wish you were dead”.
The loss of respect, whether earned or simply denied makes no difference to most. Once you take respect away, the individual is forced into self, and denied access to the alternate equal constructions that participation with others, does provide. As a consequence: they must choose a direction for themselves in contrast with the others/ some choose revenge. Others most commonly become isolated either by religion or hate/ suicide or depression; sometimes both. With lies surrounding them, I cannot be ridiculed again; therefore to keep the decision quiet. Because you, cannot be trusted. The most common next step of reality “in trouble” are critical delusions; formed because of want. These are called, “the voice inside”.
Want, in this situation asks you: WHAT could make you happy in this/ IF you could go back, and do it again? Want then begins to give you options, as evidenced by the developmental memories, of your own mind. Whatsoever gets into your brain, by whatever way; such as television/ public or family behaviors/ anything that forms a memory; can create an “imagination”.
Therefore we ask, “what does imagination/ dreams and so on mean”? The answer replies: I have a need, to believe if not superior/ at least equal. If not happy/ then at least, in control of every situation in my life as time. If you do not have these needs/ then you do not have an “imagination”; as consistent with the others. Therefrom we ask, “what is an imaginary need”? The answer replies: without respect, there is no functioning as life. Because respect identifies and creates a relationship! Without a relationship, you are “dying inside”/ from loneliness.
The question then becomes, if respect or the lack of it, called loneliness are tied together as if they were one: then WHAT is the balance point, from which either erupts as in control? The answer replies: the critical path to a destiny called respect, is the understanding, “all life, and this planet, ARE true miracles”. The consequence of that is, EVERYTHING deserves respect, because it is here: but hate, or its variations! In contrast to miracles, loneliness is burrowing into self so critically hidden from view; that there is nothing left of life, “but you”.

Finally we come to power: the decision, not only am I superior/ I will prove it! But this has a backlash: “we the people” DON’T like you/ and isolation follows. Which brings about loneliness/ but instead of the common references to self therein. Power selects a different viewpoint: that is the difference between “being the boss”/ and being a tyrant. Power says, I need not feel lonely/ because you made me so. I CAN make you afraid, because I can ruin, or kill your life/ taking away everything you desire for yourself. Thereby instead of loneliness, “i will make myself, “god”!
So the question is: HOW, does the delusion of believing yourself so superior, that another miracle of life is less than “your own shit”; come to be? How is their life reduced, to nothing more than “pleasure or pain” for me/ otherwise worthless?
The answer is: you “sold your soul”.
That functionally means; there are no miracles in life, according to you. Nothing, just an empty void filled with pleasure or pain; or the games men and women play. Because life itself, has no meaning/ other than you.


So, let’s talk healthcare.

Not by “wish or whim or tears”/ but by the facts of life, and the realities of work.
That brings us to three distinct problems: medical facilities, corporations, etc; using terrorism directed at individuals, to extort money. People who are hypochondriacs/ demanding “its all free, for me”. And people in powerful (I can make you) positions, who believe they are god; that applies to a wide ranging list of participants.
What we want from healthcare, is “everything”/ because the body, which includes a mind; is important. What we want to pay for in healthcare is: practically nothing. What we need from healthcare is, to believe “medicine is perfect”/ no mistakes, or bad consequences will happen to me.
So then with fantasies declared: lets examine the facts!

1. The refusal to create competition for themselves/ thereby raising the price, and controlling the public as well as ALL government officials. Has resulted in a major influx of medical professionals from other nations; who can and will move elsewhere, if “the money ain’t so good/ anymore”. That is a direct decision of the medical hierarchy: TO FIX pricing, by letting people die, be tortured by their own pain, and be bankrupted by their extreme greed. That fact, does not formally include doctors, etc/ because, removal of competition: is not a decision they make, in terms of schooling. It is however a direct, and near complete failure of government, and those employed to protect our lives/ our nation. Bribes have been placed, or it would not have been done!
1a) the answer: remove the hierarchy, take them to court, and return all payments, “from the medical authority”/ with penalties; that should never have occurred. USE THE LAW. Establish a massive educational effort, to increase medical professional workers, reduce the “90% sewage load” required for doctors and others to learn: so the colleges can collect more money and control them. Letting reality decide/ not the diseased by greed! Establishing what is truly needed, by testing the doctors who are doing that work today. With competition, the price always goes down.
1b) medicine is “free” business NO more! That means, there SHALL be accountability for the price charged: NO more, whatever delusion or destruction you want, regardless of reality! A need proven by my own experience; the reality listed on these sites. Work actually done, at a realistic rate/ will be compensated for: NOT fantasies. “JUST LIKE, everybody else”!
1c) no more, “I can’t pay (too poor, will require something from you)/ I won’t pay (a percentage of income, IS ultimately fair; same for all)/ I don’t pay (NO more insurance, to hide realities: a percentage of income, and a limit on expenditures (no you can’t/ its time to die) that will apply to all/ or with extremely few exceptions) or, I am so rich, this price, doesn’t matter to me” (you are lucky, you are certain nobody is more important than you; as a consequence it is absolutely certain: YOU can pay more.) The same percentage holds & when the system needs more; that percentage goes up for the rich.
1d) there is absolutely NO CAUSE, for pharmaceutical companies to hold the public hostage. Literally none! The production of new types of medicine goes to: independent facilities who are paid, based upon their work. The production of that medicine: will be owned by the nation/ and set out for bids.
2. The extreme delusions caused by “insurance”; shall be eliminated. No more medical insurance means: you are responsible for determining what is in your own best interest/ money included. To alleviate, an unexpected expense: a very different type of insurance must arise. Lets say, the percentage for “an extreme medical intervention” is ten percent of income, and potentially property investments. Because the rich can declare very little incomes: ANY medical treatment “looks at it all”/ so that everyone is treated fairly. All Insurance is the same/ in three different groups: such as, the co-pay is 1, 5, or 15 percent of the billing. Identified as ALL insurance will require a co-pay, of not less than one percent/ NONE will provide a complete resolution of the bill. So YOU have a personal stake, in the billing/ and demand equity. The courtroom then decides: on each individual type of case/ WHAT will be allowed. And the public will declare for themselves by vote: if indeed we will accept this as fair. You will also vote on what medical procedures or costs: ARE simply too high.
2b) NO more medicare! All social security shall arise out of a percentage from the gross domestic product of the nation declared as acceptable by the public. Such as ten percent, to start. Within this money, which does change each and every year: every recipient of social security shall be entitled to vote, among themselves/ on what percentage of this, goes to their healthcare. What percentage goes to any and all of their other needs. There is NO additional programs, no nothing: THIS IS IT. The money taken in: divided according to individuals across the nation, as they agree too themselves/ by vote. So long as it is the “same, basic standards of living, etc”, for all. Counterfeiting ends/ hypochondria dies: like it or not.
2c) medicaid remembers that all of us, are NOT treated fairly. The cause and consequence of this can be remedied: by insuring everybody gets a job/ at a realistic, acceptable pay scale. Therefore medicaid ends; and the accounting which is a job for every member of society: demanding they accept the duty “to pay for their own lives”/ shall erupt instead. You will share, & you will change yourselves and your needs to accommodate “peace, harmony, equality, and justice. Simple, and plain.
2d) accept world law, and world policing by all nations; through the laws we the people of this world create for ourselves. Providing a courtroom to try leaders, and make them accountable for what they do, or do not do. That done, the resources used for destruction/ can be changed into “building for life”. Simple and plain as well.

3. NOBODY gets to play god/ NOBODY gets to pretend they are god/ NOBODY, gets to run away from our realities as life on a planet, where death, disease, etc; is a fact of living.
That means, “we CAN do, what we CAN do”/ and we CANNOT do anything beyond what our own realities allow. That includes payment, for extreme cases. That includes, mutilating DNA, etc/ assuming and pretending “nothing will go wrong”. That includes ALL forms and types of procedures, medicines, etc that should never have been done. That includes ALL experimentation on children (you make them die “a thousand deaths”/ instead of just one). That includes ALL experimentation on animals, etc: that is not absolutely justified/ because they are sick themselves. But NO genetic experimentation/ only immunology, by methods clearly and deliberately intending to repair nature: NOT under any circumstances, change it. And so on.

Nobody should die of little things/ but nobody as well: gets to take from the others, an extreme amount of care/ thereby money, just for themselves.
Nobody gets to experiment with nature itself: because the DAMAGE TO EVERYONE/ is beyond comprehension. And that includes the potential for horrors beyond imagination/ terrors that will not stop/ and extinction, because of what you chose to do. “NOBODY, ACROSS THIS WORLD”!


So, let’s talk about work/ workers/ rights/ and realities.

Fundamental, to the creation of a job; are the means to determine, what the value of this decision will be, “for me, & for you”. Because without value, it is a worthless endeavor/ that will not benefit life or society. Therefore we begin by asking what has value for life/ & what has value for society?
The value of a job, a business, etc for each living person is: I have found the means “to pay for myself/ & more”. Because absolute simple survival, is only valued for a “period of time”/ that varies per individual. So, we all want more/ or desire the opportunity to be more, than simply self. To want creates a delusion that expects whatever is to be “wanted”/ will in some fashion make you happy. It cannot/ happiness is not for sale/ nor can you steal it. Although if you keep refilling the pot, so to speak, you can achieve contentment (I need no one/ I have enough). In contrast, to desire to share yourself, and your experience, expression, and time with another life; because you care. Consists of an opportunity not only to be more than simply self/ but go beyond simply self, where love, happiness, and even joy reside. So then the question returns: WHY, can we be happy or content: “with a job/ either worker or boss makes no real difference”; so long as fair play exists.
Why is the fundamental journey, a chance to learn/ a chance to grow/ a chance to become “more than simple”. Simple means, “I have enough”. Whereas wisdom by its creation, becomes “something to share”. So the critical question of why is: what is the price of this journey? Because if you cannot pay it/ then you should not attempt, because you will fail. Just reality talking, not judgment. The price of every journey/ the reality of every job: is to learn what you must not do. Respect allows you to learn as you go, in most jobs/ but if you make a critical mistake: time itself can end, if not for you/ then someone else. So there are rules; but the rules rarely offer little more than “we own this job/ and you cannot have it”. Or they want a fortune, as in “college training”/ which also prepares you little for most real work. In contrast the preparations for a journey into wisdom: commands three distinct things. You must not carry with you ANY preconceived ideas. You must not believe as in “I will try/ or I will be prepared/ or I will not take any chances”; because wisdom does not allow it. Your search is into “something new”/ therefore you cannot know. The last thing wisdom requires is RESPECT; because no matter where you journey in time or beyond it, the reality of that experience is a path someone has taken before you. Some died/ some failed/ some went insane/ some survived/ and some did well.
Therefrom the value of a job is; preparation, respect, and purpose applied to your existence. The value of a business is: I have become a value that can be explained in both time and society. The value of survival is: I can adjust, to conceive of & build; a better future for me, perhaps even you.

The unfortunate truth is, people lie/ people want/ people hate; etc. This purposely infects the value of living “with sewage”. It is a confrontation between “everything we do value about being alive”/ and everything we don’t value about life and living, because others have chosen to disrespect, manipulate, control, tempt, or disgrace our lives, to make themselves seem more important. The value of life is, in everything called “a treasure”/ not to be confused with physical things. Every treasure is the distance we know, by the evidence: our lives are from love. Or more simply; “While it is truly impossible to understand exactly how much someone means to you while living/ it is fundamentally true, once they die: YOU WILL know.” So the value of life, is life. While the value of society, for each of its citizens is in justice, fair play, and realistic equality. Thereby law comes to mean: together we are “the past/ present/ and future” tied together as one decision: to create and accept law, through democracy.

A workers rights are very simple: I have the right, “to say yes OR no”/ I have the right and duty, to protect myself/ I have the right, to participate with realistically equal pay/ I have the right to my share of the work, and money/ I have the right, to attain a realistically equal amount of resources, with the others/ I have the right, to opportunities like any other citizen, or worker.
The rights of an owner, are equally simple: I have the right, to determine for myself, the direction this business shall go/ I have the right, to hire or fire as I believe is necessary for this work, and its future/ I have the right, to limit my involvement with labor: to a paycheck/ I have the right, to negotiate what is fair, to all parties. I do NOT have the right, to intimidate/ control, beyond what is fair/ threaten substantially/ abuse/ use/ or deny what is clearly justice for all.
That brings us to the realities of life: everything is dependent upon resources! Which also means: if the labor market is particularly crowded/ the value of everyone’s service: will go down. But if you abuse and use those resources “just to say, WINNER” today/ as is commonly done (the list is long). THEN tomorrow life will suffer or die, because you chose to fail your children/ to fail this world. Simple and plain.
Fantasies then arise/ delusions plague government/ society becomes depressed, and dependent upon drugs/ policing becomes a controlled chaos, until it becomes “out of control”/ and war breaks out. Because the lies, theft, and cheating: used to pretend we don’t really have to change/ will die, leaving their curse behind.


So, let’s talk about respect/ friend/ lover/ marriage/ and parenting!

The most significant reality influencing each of these is: “I found a grain of sand, a pebble/ which through ridicule, deceit, lies, or assumptions and gossip I can turn into a rock; to hurt you with”. To say, “I am greater/ than you”! Even though I stand on a mountain of evidence, which supports only the very least of your assertions.

Consequently the description above identifies MANY of the problematic conclusions that is “being human”/ for all but a tiny few. This does indicate WHY, relationships fall apart/ or cannot be formed: because people fear being judged, for something so tiny; it should never have been “noticed”. Or, if so; “my right/ not yours; my life, not yours; my eternity/ therefore my choice!
Nonetheless; Because no matter how clear you are/ no matter what steps you take to demand clarity and understanding: people will hear what they expect to hear; and see, what they expect to see. That’s how it is!

So then the development of respect isolates one distinct conclusion: we must NOT judge each other/ or any other life. Because to do so enables the possibilities & consequence of: “Worthless to me/ less than me/ or not equal to us”. These are the foundation elements “of a traitor”.
Traitor means: “I would, sell you/ abuse you/ or use you for anything I desire; because you are not “my trophy”. Or more distinctly, traitor means, IF I cannot sell you/ then you are worthless: as a consequence to being worthless, I can now treat you in any way I choose/ demand of you ANY act/ establish ANY act against you/ or react regardless of a right: because you are worthless. And I have a desire, to make you valuable to me; therefore sexual perversion/ child molestation/ violence and hatred, are just a few of the consequences.
RESPECT requires: that you accept, we are all equal as life/ no exceptions. That includes all life, as life itself is the great treasure of our existence. No one earned it; it is our gift and theirs. As a consequence to you: the failure to understand we are all equals/ does have eternal penalties. RESPECT demands: that understanding these miracles of life, are not your toy/ not your work/ not your decision: means, a failure to appreciate the true gift of this Creation; is a road “to hell”. Because without a relationship with your Creator/ eternity “will be found, somewhere else”. The question being: HOW can we know eternity exists? The answer revealed: because truth doesn’t die/ energy merely changes/ life is based in thought/ and miracles conceive of an environment built by love; as evidenced through “the biblical JESUS, called CHRIST” (not forgotten).

To examine friendship
Is to understand the basic realm of what it means to be equals! When we are equals, which does include all life, with the only exception called hate! Hate is “for the law to judge/ not you”. Regardless, friendship builds through the values placed between us, as identified by time. When there is time, there is an opportunity to share the journey of our lives, and conceive of “I cared/ you cared/ or we cared”. To care forms the essence of our lives, displayed as the purposes we value. Because friendship requires “a combined act”/ to reveal, I did mean what I said. Caring examines the heart, inside yourself. Caring shared upon the same elements, the same acceptance; of “pain or pleasure called our existence”/ gives rise to the development of love. That means love is an expression, through the experience: I believe, we do share life!
When we share life itself; as is possible through the same essence called desire/ then we pass beyond friendship into love, and the passions that drive us “to build” a home together. The essence of home is: “my life cherishes you”. That fact is measured along a vast elevation of influence; that then becomes, the reality we share. At its beginning, to cherish means: you are my equal, proven true/ my life means more, because you are here. As sharing continues to rise, the base elevations become: I find in you “truth”/ I accept from you, trust/ I belong within, the values of your love/ I treasure the moments of our time/ I share my heart, and open it for you/ within the essence of our truth alive, we then share soul; and search for GOD “Together”.
Love between people of the same gender/ or different genders limited at its core, is RESPECT. Your need/ your happiness/ your life and future and choices are all important to me; because I care. Love between two people of the opposite gender: is a passionate embrace, that builds because we can influence each other in ways that encompass respect, but go beyond the elements of all other living examples, called “we share”. The elemental difference between loving as equals sharing a similar journey; is a heart that can be wounded. While loving as male & female joined in harmony; is a heart, that sings. To sing means, “we share a rhythm”/ we define within ourselves, a message that will not die. This is the rhythm, that searches eternity, for you.
So the question of “lover”/ is at its core, a signature of the heart; as both of us define. There is nothing of sex beyond the physical act; that lives here in this description. Rather a signature means: I have become “something precious, in you”. That reality is not governed or shared, at less than true passion. Passion is: a creation of thought/ an intertwining of all that life could be, because we BOTH care equally, for each other. It is the equality of care, that makes rising above “a moment” possible. It is the discipline of truth, that gives trust “its moment, to shine”; as the light of our souls, united together.
Happiness, presents us with the truth of marriage/ rather than the needs, lust, or whatever other excuse marriage exists with. The truth of marriage is: “to bind ourselves in time”/ for the clear purpose of living beyond ourselves, in the essence of life shared. Few find that, because time has many needs, it is tragically influenced by want, pride, and power/ while humanity itself, has very little patience.
Happiness is: entering within the true realm of freedom/ to find love. Therefrom, all life, all things but hate; have TRUE value.
Happiness is: a growing respect “for miracles”!
Happiness is: an identity worth keeping. Happiness is: the disciplines necessary, to balance life, work, friendship, and values conceiving of truth/ which does build trust.
Happiness is: an accepted order/ the critical truth, it is not “our will” that makes us happy; but our desire. The essence of that desire, does become a purpose. That purpose does then become identified as you. Building life, is a treasury of what you contain: as both heart and soul.

Sex exists, because we must to survive as humanity on earth. Parenting exists to provide: the lessons of life, the cause and effect of choice, the opportunities of love, the challenge of need, the passions of “this is important”/ and the constant, “I deserve/ I am free/ I have rights/ and all that being human is: by erecting a different look at each of these things; through time”. For both parent and child. The lesson of time is: love listens, and does not judge! Therefore I can and will trust. Therefore I can and will cherish my time with you.
The essence of freedom is: “this is my time/ even more, than it is yours”. The reality of freedom is: “this is my responsibility/ even more, than it is yours: therefore I must learn, to be disciplined/ balanced/ and orderly in my living and life.” The quest of freedom is: to build and share a society, that understands: this is my decision/ it is not yours, I alone face eternity for what I did, or did not do. That fact identifies, “MINE”.
Of all the other things we face as people, it is love and the responsibilities of survival, that demand the most. Love confronts us with truth: decisions and duties for life MUST come first. While survival adds in, “without love/ why would I care”? GOD IS LOVE. So say the miracles which surround our lives, and live within our bodies. So says the evidence of JESUS, by a standard that cannot be “touched”; by people. Life is a choice; therefore understand, to be near, when child or parent is struggling: DOES give them the strength, to bear their own burden; or arise, as best they can. We are not saviors/ we can only prove to be “friend, in need”.

just talking 3

So, let’s talk about happiness!

Life is at its core, the discovery of more than simply “freedom”. Instead of “I can”/ the reality of simply being able to share in the experience, of living; with someone else of value. Translates the value of freedom in me or you, as the ability to understand, what it truly means to be alive. So then the expression of love, romance, sexual need, and living together are all relationships built to experience, and express: life beyond self.
Love is the distinction, proven true: “I cannot be lonely, when I am with you”. Romance is then the discovery, “time ceases to exist, because happiness takes its place”. Sexual needs arise, “when we desire to share, everything”. Living together proves trust, if you each honestly care.
So then the critical question of experience and expression becomes: how best, can we prove true respect for each other? The answer is, never lie!
The critical truth of every relationship, is a search for value. The essence of value is, “an identity proven true”/ that lives, as an honest participant in my world. If we cannot share the journey/ then we cannot share time, beyond the limits of what friendship will be. It is that simple.
The essence of every desire, is as a passage called love. What then do you love, more than “all the rest”? Because if you “love” a value; such as life for the world/ rather than death, for all living things: nothing else matters. If you desire love beyond self/ then you do understand “life, comes first”. If you love, in a much more simple relationship; that earns time/ by constructing a purpose that is kind. Then, the value of your heart has risen; to be seen by others. If you choose respect/ then your identity has found truth, and it becomes the fabric of your life. Fabric means: a family has been formed/ even if, it is not with people; because truth is a relationship with life.
Life exists because of truth, which means we share a common thread. By interweaving that thread, we bind ourselves to the truth we share. Therefore every love that can be bound, is a truth discovered by trust.
Desire means, I have begun my journey into your world. If my purpose is then true, I will establish value within your heart: if you have love inside. That does not mean “everything, is available to me or you”. Rather it means, with value comes honor. With honor, respect and courage are not far behind. Desire means: I have chosen, to give something of myself, for love.
The purpose of living, is to discover “the meaning of life”. Therefrom, the meaning of life, is a creation born; to conceive of truth, and participate as living allows. That life allows love, from which family grows!
So we ask the question: what is family, and what does family mean? The answer is: family “is an earth anchor”/ for the purposes that build an individual identity. Thereby we know, that every search is an individual experience/ and every expression is an individual choice. But it is family, that gives the security to believe “life at the extremes (whatever that is for you)”/ can be survived. As these “heal our wounds”. Family then comes to mean: I have trusted, love and respect are enough! Even when these are not present as they should be; I understand, mercy lives when all other distinctions of value fail. If repentance is true.

The reality of “our dating world” has been reduced to chaos: letting the weak (I cannot love, I am afraid/ I hide, in sex; so you cannot find the identity “of me”.) decide for the strong (I will accept the possibilities of you. By letting truth decide; if we are alive together). Hate adds in: the liars/ lust/ abuse/ use/ failures/ fantasies/ delusions/ disrespect/ fear/ manipulation/ temptations/ and control through pride (winner/ you cannot make me lose) or power (loser, I will make you pay), which are results of jealousy. Jealousy is: “I cannot compete/ and I hate that: let no one know, or the punishment will be severe”.
A dating world that works for life as well as happiness; chooses the following three rules or codes of individual conduct.
1. Without respect, there is no relationship. Don’t lie, accept what is proven true.
2. Without mutual love, there is no future for you here; because our journeys or our ways, do not match.
3. Without fear means: I accept my responsibility/ my duty, to insure no harm will come to you; just as it is your duty is the same. Let their be peace, for our search in time: to truly feel, ALIVE!

proving democracy

So, let’s talk about justice.

It means: to be deliberate, and choose based upon the definitions that grant to all citizens: the opportunity not only to be free/ but to receive an equal standing, an equal right, an equal say: with every other individual the same.
That of course is no where to be found in America. Because corruption and the intent to defraud and destroy democracy rules the court, and all officials in government employ. They believe themselves to be “above constitutional law: as proven in case after case, by James Frank Osterbur”. They believe themselves to be rulers, instead of employees; having created themselves as “the new nobility, because of a university diploma; and endless counterfeiting which literally means, they believe NO ACCOUNTABILITY will come.”

So we ask the question of democracy itself: where does our authority to intervene/ examine/ investigate/ and judge our employees come from? The constitution replies: WE THE PEOPLE, are not only owners here/ we hold the law, that is first amendment redress of grievances: within our grasp. As the legal right, to bring our employees before us all; compulsory process/ a call for a true investigation of the facts; to be secure in their homes, persons, etc/ and determine for ourselves, by the equal protection of the law. If, their sworn statement to uphold the constitution as “the government” of this UNITED STATES; was in fact done.
In other considerations of the law: the question arises, CAN our employees discard reality, gamble with our world, its nature, our lives, the future of every child, or choose to bankrupt a state or nation? The answer is no, they legally cannot according to constitutional mandate. As is shown in article 6 US constitution; as is consistent with justice, truth, and fair play. As shown by the preamble; same.

In consideration, conceived by the enforcement of that law: the policing arm of society, in all its activities: stands as the question, “are you, FOR US/ or for them”? Because every society has the powerful and the weak/ and every policing officer will know, “there are benefits to making the powerful happy”. So the question, for every policing officer becomes: are you strong enough, to withstand a bribe/ a want/ or a threat? If not, cowardice (shoot first, etc) will overcome you/ and society suffers.
The critical question for society itself is: are you strong enough, to assist your policing of the law. There are many things we DON’T want to happen as a society/ and these policing agents, stand against these things. Which does mean, they deserve your help; when the law or realities being fought against are substantial and real.
In contrast, it is the intentional death of a society: to let the infraction of any rule, determine a punishment. Rules, are the hammer/ used to discard or disrespect the individual; and they must be without question or opinion, “extremely fair”. Or society dies inside. Law, or more distinctly the liberty, to determine for ourselves: WHAT we must all accept as the discipline/ balance/ and order of this society called “we the people”. Even regardless of other freedoms/ there is a responsibility that will be earned.
The critical choice is: to identify and create a judicial reality, that cannot overrun society/ because we have set these requirements in place. As is constitutionally apparent: the supreme law of this land is the US constitution/ and there is no other. Not the US supreme court/ any official/ or any other conception other than the people themselves by constitutional amendment.
Second is the judiciary; upholding that constitution as is their first and primary job/ as sworn. The determination of a law, is then the subject of reality, by its benefit, consequences, or cost for being wrong. That decision is NOT “an opinion” of the court/ but a relationship with society, that is determined by the quest to understand and assemble the realities stated in the preamble of the US constitution. Where this quest is true, the foundation of justice will arise. Where the influence of law is governed only by “fair play”; examples and realities of harmony will erupt. Where the people understand: it is, “equal treatment” under the law for us all/ peace will arise.
Where the jury acknowledges THEIR DUTY is not to be “judges of the law”/ but judges of the court. Thereby insuring for every defendant, that this is indeed: THE SOCIETY WE CHOSE. Remembering freedom, is an individual right/ NOT your opinion or expectation. Remembering responsibility conforms the courtroom, to realistic expectations/ but allows you to grade the experience/ distribute that information/ and explore what change and control over the courtroom as a society by vote; can do.
So says democracy, proven true.

the future

So, let’s talk realities

This human present, was created by the past/ just as the future is determined by what we as a humanity across this world decide to do, or not do: with the time given to us. What the earth gives to us/ what nature provides for us; are the elements from which we are allowed to govern our direction. That means, for instance; once the water is gone/ or the food is mutilated into poisons, allergies, autism, sterility, horrifying transgenic catastrophes, and all the other things “scientists” are doing; as they destroy life and planet. That direction is HELL, (we cannot survive anymore, and we now know it; our choice has ended)/ ARMAGEDDON (nature, the very fabric of our existence, is torn/ battered/ abused/ assaulted/ defiled/ destroyed/ and demeaned into chaos; nothing can be saved; we are “the living dead”)/ & THE APOCALYPSE (only revenge is left/ only cannibalism provides “food or drink”) hell is behind us; RAGE & RUIN are all that exists.

So, as is consistent with all “sewage”/ what began as “great”: has become excreted, into the catastrophe of what we as humanity have done.
And the people say: “We are LIKE gods”/ we are great, there is no catastrophe here. WE ARE, “so damn smart; the university is our religion/ our cult, beyond the grave. They are “saviors/ and all the rest, are fools, failures, or the wretched of the world”. So say the priests of “university knows”!
But lets review:
1. Antibiotics are great, we even have surgery now/ medicine is a god; those who provide it savior!
1a) but alas there have been complications. Doubling the population in 40 years/ which has stripped the environment, damaged every chain of life. A humanity attacking and is defeating nature, throughout our world. Even though the loss of nature, and all its delicate miracles means: we are truly dead, because of that. Changing livestock production to antibiotic dependent/ which now means, no food/ no chance to recover/ with one single pandemic disease attacking those creatures: humanity dies with them. Because war will come. The functional reality: humanity has been growing “super-diseases”; far beyond anything that has killed before.
So the net result of antibiotics is: for the first few decades, “it was great”! But now with the accumulation of consequences: these same things have risen against all life on earth; as a true threat to the future of life.

2. The “monkey trial”/ giving evolution its power to control and influence “government”. The POWER to attack life itself (we are god/ chaos rules)/ and thereby mutilate unending! That influence then taking over the schools, and programming every child: to be as robots are. HELL NO, you can’t think/ do only: exactly what you are programmed to do, or we will throw you on the trash. The dead brain, cannot think; “satan (let us destroy this world)” arises. Which then became: “lets all mutilate life” it will be great fun! What better way to ridicule/ or prove you “can be god too”.
2a) the consequences here are horrendous/ disrespect FOR EVERYTHING; multiplies to threaten an entire world. The children are taught other fantasies, failures, and delusions; and they become even greater robots (only the programmer knows) than their parents.

3. The atomic bomb is “GREAT”/ all worship, and let the world fear us!
3a) but alas, now the whole world has an endless supply of weapons of mass destruction/ enough to kill this world forever; many times. Controlled by fools, delivered “with the single push of a button”; available to all who hate. In a world filled with anger.

4. “Fossil fuels” are GREAT! There is no end to what we can now do. WE, will control “the world itself”. NOW, we have power over nature!
4a) but alas, there is a problem: pollution/ resource ravaging/ the rape of nature itself/ destroying and demolishing are endless/ extinction has risen as a true threat/ climate change is true/ ocean life massacred/ and “a billion more” consequences; because humanity, and in particular men. Who; Simply cannot control themselves beyond want, greed, pride, power, lust, or selfishness. So the world will die. And the university who see this coming says, “hell no we won’t change/ LETS BRING the same fire here, as on the sun”: it will be GREAT.

5. Chemicals are great, “they will change EVERYTHING”.
5a) and so they have. Poisons in the ground/ poisons in the lakes/ poisons in the aquifer/ poisons in the air/ poisons in the food/ poisons in the sea/ poisons in your home/ poisons on your clothes/ etc. Poisons pumped into agriculture by the trillion ton/ poisons spread throughout america, and across this world: because ITS EASY! HELL, “what could go wrong, with that”?
Other than, cancers; biological change; no water to drink; no food to eat; endless allergens created; birth defects; medical catastrophes; pharmaceutical invading nature; endless trips to the doctors office, as they give you even more medicines, which interfere with biological processes/ and then require you to take even more medicines; because you destroyed what nature made. Etc/ etc/ etc.
The human body, as well as every other life: is entirely dependent, particularly at its creation, on very small amounts of very specialized biological chemicals to direct, control, and create the processes which build a body of life. To remove or interfere with a single one of these chemicals nature made; is to remove life, or mutilate its existence; “forever”. People who “love their chemicals in all forms”: DO THAT, or attempt to do that, every single day. The children will pay with their lives! But then hey, “what’s cancer & tragedies for, if you can’t share it”. So lets make more biological weapons of mass destruction: “To celebrate: university knows”.

6. Industrial mass production, DAMN why didn’t we have this before; ITS GREAT! After all, we can make whatever we want; the future don’t need no damn resources. HELL, let them find their own/ nobody gave us nothing, “we had to go steal (take more than you need/ discarding the children, and their need) it”. Let them fight; “make em tough” .
6a) but alas, then comes the reality your children don’t want to die/ because of what you chose to do. And neither do you. But everything you need to survive, is either destroyed/ or in the garbage pit. GOT to keep this job: THROW IT AWAY, so we can make more. Amongst all the poison/ on top of the water supply: will soon be “all that is left of resources on this earth”. And there ain’t no money left/ cause its all counterfeit. And there ain’t nothing but hate (you need to die), fire (you can’t have this either), and guns (I can) left; because the future is dead.

7. University took over government/ exploited everyone and everything: just to prove, “we are gods/ you are nothing”.
7a) but alas, even though you have proven to be “satan”/ you can’t live either. Even though you took over all the money, and then counterfeited so much more: its worthless to you as well as us. Because it is based upon “an empty vault.” Every facet of corruption in government; after more than 50 years of “a university diploma” decides. Is yours! Every conspiracy to overthrow democracy and erect yourselves as rulers: is treason! Every threat we face, has been multiplied many times; because of what you did. Every life that will end in horror, is a direct result: of a university diploma, and the consequences of every experiment without respect for life. Every fantasy you forged from delusion; is poverty spread upon this earth. Every failure to accept the price of peace is justice; belongs to you. Every terrorist action, across this world: has been influenced by what you did or did not do; with regards to life itself. The disgrace of America; is you. The tragedy of a complete failure to accept the results of evidence by its own truth/ to honor this world of creation, and protect its life: is a propaganda campaign by media to say, “DON’T worry, the university is god”. Yet the only proven “god” you can be: is destroyers of this world. That is the summation of your work. Because nothing beyond life and planet itself, substantially matters. The judgment then is: you proved life; the sanctity of our world; justice; a future; respect (literally everything) does not matter! Other than your own greed/ to a university diploma.

As is true of all “broad based” reflections of any group or kind: this is “a view of the majority”/ NOT a judgment of any individual participant. Because each is responsible, for their own decision; as are we all.
Evidence decides what truth is. Biblical prophecy is, a method of interpretation based upon what people of that time were doing. The end result of both Daniel (we all die in flames quickly)/ or Revelation (we have a choice: either continue without change chapters 1-11/ OR choose dramatic change to save life on earth).
Regardless of the religious aspects. The words Do prove; what humanity was doing thousands of years ago/ is little different than today. The only real difference in what men (the leaders/ rulers both past and present) do today is: their fantasies & counterfeiting/ their fears: have let tools be built, to exterminate our world.
In other words: true change removes men from leadership, because this reality: is what they choose to do, as a majority led group. This change removes money from making the decisions: which DOES mean, LIFE MUST COME FIRST!
That leaves only women, as a group to try; as is the interpretation of Revelation 12 and beyond. They can’t do worse.
Are you certain: WE DON’T need no damn change? Because when the price of being wrong is an entirely DEAD earth; “perhaps you should reconsider”. Lies build nothing but chaos.
Because you will have to pay, either way.

just talking 2

So, let’s talk about; the realities of business/ resource/ and foundations of life, peace, and harmony.

Society is not, “a small matter”/ it is our relationships, with each other as well as every environmental, or other conclusion we will reach, as that society. The common conception is: we CAN’T all be wrong! Our current situation however proves that to be a true lie.

The elements of “life/ peace/ and harmony” are all subject to the expression of humanity as a whole, rather than simply as an individual. That functional relationship which controls the experience of us all: can bring harmony or discord or destruction; dependent upon its truth.
We must first ask, WHAT is harmony? The critical answer is: the liberty, to believe that I am entitled to my own rights and say through the governance of my nation. My existence has respect!
Therefore harmony begins with respect, and develops with the existence of truth & justice.
We ask the question, WHAT is peace? The critical answer is: the law, I have agreed too, and acknowledge as important/ controls all our lives equally.
We ask the question, WHAT is life? The critical answer is: the foundation upon which our individual lives shall decide, build, and choose the future of our existence: for ourselves. Its called freedom. To decide means: “I trust, this truth”. To build means: “I have taken my identity and searched, for the evidence of my own heart and soul”. To choose means: I have accepted the relationship which proves by the evidence, there is a direct correlation between my own actions or reactions/ and those I influence therefrom. Each has a bearing, a purpose, and a desire upon the values I create within me, or as me.

So then society in peace, hope for life, and harmony chooses and creates the relationships shown above. Those societies which do not; suffer accordingly.

We then look to the realities of business, whether it is a society of blessings or a curse/ business essentially remains the same. Some will win/ some will lose; the rest will struggle, because unless fair play exists; it is a game, with a curse! That curse is: receive accordingly.
In addition: the CONSEQUENCES of using or abusing resources, whether life or material wealth: WILL determine war, health, poverty, failure, OR blessings for every heart, and even lovers.

So the question of business & industry is: as a society; CAN YOU control gluttony, selfishness, greed, pride, power, manipulation, corruption, temptations, and every other failure of human society constant, throughout history? The answer in America is OBVIOUSLY NOT. Which brings us to the endless consumption/ literal assassination of their children and yours, by waste, fantasy, and delusion/ competition without merit, dispossessing citizens/ lies (we don’t have inflation), cheating (its debt, even though it cannot be paid back), stealing (counterfeiting enough to produce $27,000.00 per every human face on the planet), corruption (hell no, the constitution has no place here), and every other malady known throughout history. As men prove once again, they are incapable of change.

With the tiniest example of hope: the question arises, “what is the answer too: CAN YOU control gluttony, selfishness, greed, pride, power, manipulation, corruption, temptations, and every other failure of human society constant, throughout history”?
The answer replies: gluttony is the assertion of “winners”/ I have a prize, and I won’t let anyone take it from me. Selfishness is: the construction called MINE, nobody can keep me from possessing this. Greed demands: I WANT, “theirs too”! Pride constructs “the ruling class: you ain’t equal/ I forbid it”. Power explains: I am always RIGHT/ therefore you have no say! Manipulation controls, “because I can”. Corruption is: the passage between lies and truth, trampled down so none can enter to discover either one. Temptations exist: because want (the liar, in you) must never leave you alone, or it may be abandoned forever.

Throughout history, the reality of business or industry remains the same: stay alive, and win the game of men. That game assumes “money, is all I need”! But reality, particularly in this day has changed that game: to discover, it is nature we all need more. It is nature, that is now dying, with little chance to escape; and we will all suffer and die/ unless this can be changed.
As a result of that truth; everything about the basic relationship of business and industry with humanity WILL BE CHANGED. Because if it is not, the end of nature; is our own extinction/ after cannibalism and war!

So the question of business and industry today is: what can be changed, to escape the judgment so plainly predictable from the decisions of men? Answer: different/ requires different “thinkers”. Or more simply: let women try to explain, what they believe would be better! Men will ridicule/ men will argue and complain: but they have no hope, because this, “is the best, men did do”. Throughout thousands of years of history: THIS, is it/ the reality of men. Not so much the reality of man; because individual men have control over themselves. BUT AS A GROUP, as a majority in charge of humanity: their choices are clear. Just look at all the weapons of mass destruction, “waiting”! And SO MUCH MORE, horror/ death/ mutilation/ and destruction: literally EVERYWHERE.

And no, I cannot just create something for you: because it is humanity itself, that must pay the price of change/ or accept responsibility for what it means: TO BE WRONG.

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