
Omitted previously: to seek an understanding of biblical prophecy, requires using the basic framework within the bible itself. With regard to the prophecy of Daniel 12, the critical question is not whether we have identified “the great abomination is, to gamble with our entire world/ by bringing sun fire here (all life, lives or all dies, within a few days, by that act)”. Therefore the question regards the prediction 1290 days later is death/ and then again 1335 days is called a second death. As the bible itself conceives of the beginning of life is created BY DESIGN, within 6 days/ and then the building of those designs begins to shape our world. The reality of the “first death” can be identified as the critical links having been chosen by humanity, will now begin to dissolve. As the second death itself, begins to destruct life and planet from the choices people have made. Or, more simply: these are the things you chose, by playing and pretending, to be god yourself.

speaking out

IT IS, constant and fair, to assemble the necessary infrastructure that is consistent with faith.

As we approach or pass the prophecy of Daniel, that predicts the end of the world (first death), so to speak; questions arise. Because predictions are a reference to the accuracy of what is, or is not, to be believed.
So then lets ask, some very simple questions: Biblical prediction is, “there will be a first and a second death” at the end times. As there cannot be any compromise or delusion: “that deliberately trying to ignite the same fire here as is on the sun”/ is the great abomination. Because this gambles and will lose our entire planet to fire; just like the sun. So the question is: if we pass by the 1290 days of the prophecy are we now “safe”? The answer is obviously not; because the same threat exists/ until it does not. Your scientists and politicians, etc: have determined for themselves, that they can predict “this fire on the sun, will just extinguish itself; because the earth does not have enough gravity to sustain it”. That theory is built on a series of lies/ none of which can be established by truth. There is no evidence to support their theory; so they made up stories, as university always does. Because they want to be in control/ they want to play god. Alas, the only god they get to play is one of destruction; as is evident by our situation in this world. Therefore either you stop them from proceeding with their experiments, regardless of the date/ or they will kill us all: unless GOD actually denies that, even though your own complete DISRESPECT for life and world is horrendous! Can’t even fight for a world, not a word/ not a penny/ not an action; just do damn scared someone might ridicule you, “to start”. But that is irrelevant, once ignition occurs. There is no going back!

So the question is: “WHAT, can a first death/ and a second death; actually mean”? The answer is, just like once the same fire as is on the sun ignites here: half the world, will see a pillar of flame in the sky, within hours. It will rise miles high; because that is required, by the law of thermodynamics. At that moment everyone on earth will know they are dead/ even though days will pass before the entire world has been incinerated: “the second death” is coming. As seen outside of the same fire as is on the sun. Our reality is very simple: humanity has been deliberately destroying the environment/ resources/ chains of life/ habitat, and ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING ELSE, we literally need to survive as we are today; without these things, already desperately in danger/ we die too. It is entirely possible today, that so much damage has been done/ so great a human population has arisen: that nothing short of a massive human extinction event can save anything. Alternately, IF WE WERE to do the best we can including population controls; it is at least potentially still possible for most of life to survive. GOD might intervene, and help.
There is no question as to whether GOD exists! Everything about life is clearly designed by the elements of thought, discipline, order, design, balance, courage, integrated organization of mental elements, structure and so on. NONE OF WHICH occurs without thought, and all who believe otherwise do so simple to assert: “we don’t have to pay NOTHING”. NOT even kindness to others or respect to GOD. They are liars and thieves, little more.
The question of this day is simply: is this, the end of biblical prophecy (I can’t believe anymore, if we don’t die in 1290 days, from the first experiment that made it possible to ignite sun fire here)? Or, has the first death passed, and the chains of life, and everything we need already been destroyed; ending the possibility of a future for us all? Establishing in conjunction with that, the prediction of Biblical Revelation; which divides between a male driven reality: all dead/ they used every toy. And the massive change, which allows a female driven reality, to control society, and its future: therefrom the possibility of life extends.
The first question of prophecy is a reality of prediction that assumes; once written down in a religious book, there is absolutely nothing that can be done/ or any reality that cannot be avoided! As with all religious books: WRITTEN by men, even if under an influence other than “strictly physical”. The reality of prediction is, summarized under “best guess”/ and the truth of biblical prophecy is clearly: it is a proven “very good guess”; as other prophecies, and realities in time can now be identified, and they are very close to the prediction. So biblical prophecy should not be treated lightly; and as the evidence does prove; we are close to destroying ourselves today, by refusing the necessary respect and restraint to keep this world alive. As well as all the other toys, men have produced; so they could play “king, god, etc”. Our future is GRIM; everything we need is under attack/ lies abound, as in counterfeited money, a certain means for war/ chains of life are nearly broken; water means war soon/ a population that cannot be supported; and so on. Or more simply “the first death is here”/ to your shame.
As to other Biblical reference: the majority of the bible is dedicated to helping people understand themselves and their world. What is not dedicated to that, is JESUS ! So the question simplified is: WHAT does “JESUS mean”? The answer is: that we have not simply been created and then abandoned. Or, GOD remains as a part of our lives: so says the evidence of JESUS. We then ask: WHY should we believe, as the religious do: which means to alter hope in such a way as to “get what I want/ and question no more, that I will have whatever I want, and not get whatever I don’t want”. I do not accept this dogma of religion/ and require evidence to express knowledge, from which understanding and wisdom do grow. That said: the evidence that JESUS existed, and the reality of HIS story is essentially correct; is more than sufficient for me, to accept HIS life was here, and substantially written down. HOW then, should we hear the question that creates, and WHERE are the answers in an essence of struggle to find ourselves in this framework of life, “with a purpose”?
The critical development assembles around the truth: IF GOD is “still among us, in some form or fashion”/ then where should I look, to find HIM? That question establishes; IF JESUS, is the proof/ then, it is JESUS who holds the answer!
In HIS work and HIS ways, there is a path of deliberate decisions which form the elevation of every life truth that has value associated within. Therefrom the search is for value/ and the essence of that value is love, respect, disciplines, and order. So the question of finding GOD begins with a journey into these things. The reality of “into these things”/ forms a spiritual path (something you must do alone): the consequence is, we known not “how to do these things”! Therefrom the word “Savior” is born. Because unless you are anchored into “the life of JESUS”/ as a reality in your own decisions; entering within the spiritual dimensions, will cause a potential tremendous upheaval or death within yourself. With JESUS, the spiritual world can be a “journey”/ without JESUS, it will be the end of your life and eternity. Because you cannot come back, to this life; unless you know how to survive the spiritual world, where GOD does live. As to other religions; each is a prediction of death/ and what happens beyond this life in time. Which makes all religion “essentially equal”/ as none can prove, without coming back, from the spiritual world. The path JESUS created, by assembling values from which we could survive “the elements of at least some truth, beyond all lies”: gives those who can, and do, the possibility to experience or even express what is beyond the essence of time itself. GOD IS TRUTH/ therefore none should doubt, that entry into truth is the path unto “HIS LIFE”.
We know that for a fact, because only truth can build and sustain life. Every lie fails, even those uncovered until the day you die; because to survive, only your own truth is allowed to extend beyond this environment. All lies die! Religion is, “I believe whatever I want, & what I want, is what I believe in”! Reality, and its truth; does not care, “what you want”. It is, what it is. You can however change your own truth, by resurrecting value, to assemble a different life. You can change your own reality, by doing what the future and all its life needs you to do; thereby designing a new reality.

Some will say: there is nothing, beyond the grave! Clearly, there is nothing about a human body that extends beyond the grave/ it is a proven fact. But as is consistent with reality, when a human body dies, it goes from life unto; no freedom survives/ the choice is over, in an instant. So the question is: what is the difference, between a body that works & “the life removed”?
The answer relies upon disciplines in energy, and the constructions of thought, body, and more. Nonetheless, we will be simple. Where there is energy, there is an action or reaction that sustains existence. So then energy is an absolute, with regard to motion or its companion called freedom. With energy removed, the body is dead. So the question is: as some would say, “did the battery of chemicals just die”/ or is it more complex? So we look at a robot; because its simple: to assert, even with everything intact, completely assembled and ready to go. There is absolutely nothing it can do but take up space/ without the hardware, software, and programming required to make “the machinery” do something! The same is true of a human body: its all still there, even though the energy is now missing. Which leaves us to ask: “who unplugged it”? Is that all there is to it?
Apart from a reality that literally “builds itself”/ as is life, from the inside of a female: an intensity of thought applied to the basics of everything. The question is more than a brain; which is simply more or less a calculator and time keeper. The reality of life is an essence that lives within the energy, and conceives of itself as an identity; by the elements of a foundation that lives, by the values of thought. Everything we are, is related to the essence of “how we think”. That is not intellect (the brain does not do this), but our relationship to life itself. Truth gives us life, we exist because there is a relationship within the expansion of ourselves. Or more simply: a baby gives birth to its elemental self, by understanding there is more “somewhere”/ and then reaching for that. Whereas an adult functionally dies, by asserting “I know everything/ and its all a game, about me”! They wrap themselves in selfishness; “like a mummy”. Life is, beyond the grip of physical motion/ because it is essentially thought at its core. Therefore, wherever thought can take us, is where we will go! But that asserts “I can be god over eternity”/ and you absolutely cannot! Consequently, life is: similar to a human body/ you cannot be here, in time; without that body. As is consistent with eternity, energy, etc: an environment is needed; or, we dissipate into nothing. That means, what did create us here; to give each one a chance to prepare and to choose; is at its essence and core, “OUR GOD”. What is beyond the preparations, and building of an individual identity; asks of truth, does LOVE really exist?
Love is the expression, of a shared energy given without cost, to the ones we respect, appreciate, trust, and choose to live our lives with. Love opens a door, within the thought that literally expands your life into someone else’s/ and they into yours. Love explains, we can share not only time, but the essence of ourselves as well: if, we both so choose to do honestly, and with honor beyond ourselves as life granted a respect that will not die. What is true, cannot be changed. What is life, determines what is true; therefore, within the confines of reality: the expression of thought becomes. I live because of love, as the meaning of life itself. Wheresoever there is love, the possibility of eternity completes itself; by asking and trusting “GOD, who gave love first/ and JESUS who proved that true, even for us”.

US versus THEM

US versus THEM

This begins with race, and functionally ends with immigration. The critical reality: when a child is born, “we rejoice”/ because this is, “another one of us”. Regardless of skin color, heritage, or origin; this is a fact of life; “WE WANT, one of us”.
Consequently, the more different you are than me/ the less any or every offspring between us is “like me”. That has a cost, “our color/ our heritage/ our religion/ our culture/ the sanctity, and fundamental fellowship of our race/ & our origin” is being lost. For better or worse is irrelevant, this is a fundamental change that cannot truly be undone. So there is controversy, and it will remain.
The most efficient method of identifying the trouble between races, is to examine immigration. Or, more simply: when a few people, who are different than us, so therefore we notice them. Come to live among us, it seems polite and kind to be friendly; as they cannot (unless criminal) greatly influence our lives unless we let them. Not a threat. In contrast to that: if given full access to everything society can give/ then they soon become equal, and the first thing they do is invite “more of them” to come and live here too. Now instead of a polite and kind, simple addition to society without a threat/ the sudden addition of a great many more means. THEY WANT MY job, house, religion, resources, healthcare, and everything else I WANT for myself and my family. They are NOW, a threat; to me, and to us; even though they have no weapon and offer no resistence to our law, or national decrees. They represent change, and taking control over jobs, business, religion, politics, etc; they do bring change with them. Including resource loss, environmental destruction, increased taxation (every human has needs), and MORE competition for everything I and my family want or need. Consequently while a few are welcomed, many more meet a resistance that cannot simply be denied. It is valid, because when resources are gone, or overwhelmed: someone has to die, or move/ and this world is full of people. There is no, “I will just go get more”. You took it/ its gone.
The same is true throughout all integration of society; where someone can be pointed out as “different”. They do in fact present the possibility of money and wealth transfer, “to the opposite side (those competing against us)”/ through marriage as well. As human history proves: They do represent a smaller group, that can be identified and controlled or disposed of, when times and realities “go bad”. Because of all the things all sides, did or did not do.
So the question is: WHY is different important, when so clearly the difference in sexes for instance; is absolutely desired? The obvious answer is: different sexes CAN do, and CAN BE realities for each other, the same sex cannot. Therefore different is good, when you receive something important, that you could not attain without it. So the question of all integration is: WHAT can you contribute, to this people they do not already have/ other than being different? Right or wrong is irrelevant/ however those who did do better than the others who wish to immigrate: HAVE a right to expect, our ways, not your ways. Even though they might even be worse.
The answer is, beyond want; is justice constructs its own reward. But that comes with a caveat: overpopulation in any environment, by any specific species, WILL become a disaster. Because every environment and chain of life: IS LIMITED! What you want is irrelevant/ what each needs is “life or death” for us all! Therefore the primary cause of immigration is overpopulation/ that is why they move in mass! The primary answer to “race relations” is: WE ALL need to cooperate, every life is important. BUT unless we solve this crisis of a human population explosion/ NOBODY gets to live in peace. Including all other forms of life on this planet.
This fact is no game, and it does require not only acceptance of the law that must arise/ but enforcement of that law, regardless of complaint. To CHINA’S honor, they tried for a time to limit population growth. To their complete failure, they allowed abortion to be a prominent means of making that occur/ & they allowed many parents to choose male instead of a female child. Because the parents wanted a competitor, rather than someone who would be considered “second class: less able to compete”. That reality has consequences: Having damaged all sexual relations, between man and woman; in these generations. They are now dealing with the imbalance, intentionally created by want. They have apparently stopped most attempts of control over the population. So the lessons are: abortion cannot be “for a thousand reasons of life”/ any form of birth control. There will however be, a period of forty days from conception; for “abortion like” chemicals/ because people are people; and the child inside has not yet gained a true sense of self. This should not be considered right/ it is simply mercy for a female, and for life; that would not be conceived of with serious physical problems.
Parental decisions regarding “which sex”, are a disaster in the making. Imbalance between the sexes is, a true coming “heartbreak”. As is anything but true population control. And governmental decisions, without societies true consent and acceptance; cannot survive over time. This is all by vote. This is entirely the reality of a woman’s decision/ because it is her body. Man has no rights here, he will pay; because the woman must endure the cost. IF WOMEN so choose. If you do not choose it, nothing can save life on earth/ IF, it is not already too late.
So the question is: IF we cannot fight for our lives and ways of life/ by protecting the nature & integrity of what brought us to our own existence. THEN where is our freedom to decide for ourselves? You sold it for irrelevant and worthless want, destroying or taking everything you could touch/ which you then threw in the trash.
The answer replies: IF we overwhelm our environment/ by refusing to do what we can to protect the very sources of life, which give us existence. THEN WE DIE. Consequently, there must be reality in every decision that we make. If you could see beyond your eyelashes, this document or description would not exist/ because the future is VERY simple and easy to see. It is cannibalism and death and hell and mutilation and horror; without true change.
TRUTH understands, the foundation of every existence is a resource, and a reality; that can and will sustain life itself. Without that, there is no future for any child or any life. Therefore resources are, “the fountain of every living existence”. If we do not protect them, everything we all need to survive disappears; including the resources every other form of life needs to create and sustain the chain of life/ that serves us all. We live, because other life lives/ we die without them. Simple and plain, humanity under the disguise of university knows: has attacked everything; destroying chains of living existence, even mutilating life, for their religion “evolution”/ which will soon end our world, in every conceivable way.
We now enter reality from a different view: the fact is, if a person cannot sustain myself/ “you hold me out”. Then I will or will want to invade your world, and take what I need. It is that simple/ why should I die, because you want more, for yourself? The next step is: if I see you building, or owning what I believe will benefit me/ THEN if I take that. You refused me the right or the means to do the same; how is that not fair? Once you are completed, unaware, careless, or nearly so; regardless of your complaint or life: IT WILL benefit me. So I win, says the predator! Male Pride and power then become transparent, as the means to an end, for our army. Without justice involved, war answers my need; with murder. Those who sit in powerful positions, controlling that war: see “a slave market”/ I will be wealthy! So both layers of the fringe (we kill each other) call it somewhat even, or fair.
In terms of today: The vast majority find a massive influx of people, of little advantage. Without a college diploma (fantasy for all); They know this is a major problem that will get worse for them; because sharing is never free. Someone has to pay. Consequently if you care as a world, then you pay. Few will ever even consider the possibility of repayment. Most cannot conceive of even true friendship; because those who have not, are always certain “you OWE me”/ because you had more, this is unfair. Or some will believe they have tempted you, and you fell into their trap: so they “earned” any gift you gave/ or any reality they stole. That causes harsh feelings in the vast majority, and the rift between different groups, will grow wide, as ridicule takes up where justice, or law enforcement refuses to tread. Power then arises, as a rule/ by which we can force the rest to do what we want them to do. That brings pride, as rules work to remove freedom and enslave the rest. The law is owned by “money”/ and politics apart from a tiny few, DO lie continually for personal gain. Each of which brings war/ as competition proves too intense.
We have created in this day an impasse, with each other: none want the truth/ so all agree to lie. Its simple: “you want, what you want/ and nothing else exists for you except money; so all life is desecrated, damaged, or destroyed. Extinction looms, from all sides. Or more simply, as is true of nearly everything the university leadership has done: their answer “HIDE/ HIDE/ HIDE; but make sure we the diploma’s steal (are we not an army now)”! There are no longer ANY easy, or simple answers. Everything is a coming disaster. Simple and plain and real/ regardless of your want, pride, or power! The water is under attack/ the food/ nature/ absolutely everything; including the people who want to bring sun fire here to burn the planet. Because unlike what the university actually does; which is to do experiments over and over and over: a fire that burns atomic bonds is not going out. Earth then become another sun, and all life burns.
So the question is again: WHAT can we do? University leadership hides and runs away from reality/ because they love only “a fantasy, a story, and a delusion”. Producing cults: “don’t question the leader”! So the first thing needed to be done: is to remove them from the process, and find agreement as “we the people” of this nation and this world. By searching for truth, and accepting reality through nature is our only hope. That is the only way. No more experts (liars forcing stupidity, ignorance, and shame on the rest). Instead ONLY TRUTH, REALITY, and the responsibility to face the consequences for being WRONG, under law.

We begin with the very simple solution: to stop an environmental crisis throughout history, humanity forced “different groups”/ to move to another place. This is no longer an option/ as we are running out of everything including space. Can’t do this anymore; even though harsh as it was for so many; that did stop a crisis from becoming a complete catastrophe for everyone.
What we can do, is force the same groups back together again: so they can control their own decision. Without suddenly being attacked by those descending on any minority to take their lives and force them to be slaves or die. That is the historical cost; as is reality proven over time in male dominated history. While you think this is NOT possible today, I remind you unless horrifying massive death takes a large percentage of us; we actually have very few choices left. The problem with this simple solution is: once separated, when any group begins to experience a crisis, there first response is “TO TAKE what they need”/ BY WAR. Few change/ so they war; because “we want what we want; and that is all there is too it”. So the end result of such a tactic is a delay of war/ because too many people for an environment to survive! Is plainly too many people for an environment and its life/ the chain of living existence that feeds us all, to survive. So it will defeat itself over time/ even though some of this is important for stability in an environment. The majority force a basic plan, for security over time; good or bad is not a concern at this time. Because functionally we must secure something for a future, through law, or war for life, or we all die. Race, color, heritage, religion, etc are an irrelevant factor; these are merely expansions of the need and desire “everyone should have their own face” etc. Nothing more or less. Life and death are realities NOW decided by human decisions/ regardless of what you want, an environment cannot be overrun and destroyed; without destroying you. etc/ etc/ etc.
What we can do, in a more deliberate method of controlling our future?

The first question is: do we have a future?
Examination of our reality, by the evidence already clearly in existence; proves we have all but destroyed ourselves; time has already ended, without dramatic change. Failure is everywhere, read the sites provided for proof ; to start. Hidden by media disgrace, pummeled by the delusion of government, conspired against by a fantasy courtroom, and a stolen by extremely corrupt democracy. Whose purpose is, “to make the children pay”! Proving only the fools, liars, and thieves have led here for many decades; particularly in America.
Biblically the end has come as well; whereas the primary prophecies are Daniel 12/ and the two books of Revelation; as it divides on chapter 12. The first chapters belonging to what happens if men remain in charge. The second set giving the different versions of what can or will happen if severe change occurs and women become equal or more in all aspects of governing and control.
The 1290 days of Daniel establish judgment, and cannot be misinterpreted: because the “great abomination” is to risk every life on earth, every future life on earth, and even the solar system itself on gambling that men “can control the same fire as is on the sun”. No greater delusion exists/ wrong is all die; with no second chances. Ignition means, not a single life will remain. This starts, on the first day that an actual machine exists which can create that fire; that date is;mostpopvideo Ignition is expected to occur on or about the 1290 day past. Soon to be, if it has not already occurred. There is a caveat: which means simply, IF GOD decides not to let men burn this planet/ then beyond that date the 1335 days begin. Which means during that time, the prophecy of Revelation SHALL be established; either as men in charge/ or women in charge of change FOR LIFE, rather than the male demand of; “money is our god”. Either way, without true change both reality by the evidence/ and biblical prophecy predict all your delusions, all the fantasies of failed male domination shall be destroyed within the next few years. Without balance, there is no survival.

So then you have a one percent chance of living beyond 4 years from today. Because of the things men have chosen to do, by following their universities and pretending lies are enough. The ocean will soon be empty; the new series depicting “monteray bay” as a great example of life in the ocean is doing great. Will be proven to be; the very last effort by sea life to avoid the trawlers of death, that march ceaselessly throughout the world to take all they can get. A dead ocean is a dead humanity forced into cannibalism, and hell. With over 30 trillion gallons of toxic waste buried (go ahead measure out 1,000-1200 feet; talk to each other, and understand this is the distance between life or death by water) beneath your feet & the water supplies. It is, coming up; along with a thousand other attacks on water; no drinking water will soon be your fate; it is the Apocalypse, “kill them all/ before they kill you”. With counterfeiting the rule of government: which means you stole from every child, their future; to play your games of gluttony; and nobody gets what they fought for “their will be HELL to pay”. With oxygen running out, by fire and vehicle consumption, and the all-out attack on everything that provides oxygen for us; you will soon be asphyxiated. You have mutilated life, and your gods of university intend to destroy nature itself, by destroying genetic stability, balance, disciplines, order, sanity, beauty, and everything else we depend upon for a body of life. That is beyond shame/ it is satan. You are exterminating all chains of life, ending diversity by extinction that will not be reversed; we will call that “devil”. Ending insects by agriculture, is one such important chain of life. The list is long and tragic; and with near universal decision: your only conclusion throughout the decades is to run away from these realities and hide. Pretending they do not exist/ because it does demand dramatic change. As always, including even with this site that represents your last chance to make a decision for change; not even a penny will you contribute, and there are many who know this exists. Failure fits, but even so; I will not accept less than a one percent chance life: that at least a few; will remain on this earth. Where beauty, grace, happiness, truth, love, and every value existence represents can be found through respect. A reality which you corrupt, and threaten with horror; because that is what a majority of men do. Discard life, and fight for “its all MINE (let the money or war decide)”/ to hell with you!

So we begin again with the realities of this day; demanding the experiments which threaten immediate extinction must be stopped/ the university “dethroned, and reduced to the fantasy and delusion they are”.
Then comes immigration: there are too many people to move. Which means the war being tolerated by the world shall be stopped. The people who want no part in that separated from those who war in cities protected by the world, and its NEW LAW, to control leaders as has been started for you. Let those who war, be given their own battleground; and make them stay within those boundaries, or be killed by outside forces.
Governments shall be replaced; because they failed life. That means: there must be laws which rule instead of men. That means whosoever creates the laws which rule us, decides what society shall be from that moment on. Here, a vote on the law itself/ rather than a vote for someone to vote for me: is true democracy, and a valid means of “we the people”. Let those hired insure and protect the laws we have made! Which literally means: NO MORE “lawmakers”. We will decide, by vote.
The money is a lie/ the children are assassinated. To revive them, requires truth. Every adult knows, or should know: that counterfeiting means, “someone in the future must pay for what has been done”. You gave lies/ lies give nothing; so it is a clear and deliberate theft. From every child! You will stop it. You will surrender your claim to fantasies, and accept the price of a future without war. You will stick to reality, and provide nothing that is not real and deliberately in defense of life for our world; which does include healthcare.
You will stop the insanity of agriculture/ the vile refuse of practices that have been so destructive. Because every chemical has a price. Every mutilation of life has a consequence. Every decision to depend upon antibiotics in the production of livestock is an epidemic; a pandemic; and a gross defeat of human healthcare from its conception. None of which we can survive.
You will stop the indoctrination of “satan worship/ the university knows everything” in schools; and remove the horror that is the religion of evolution, and all its “children: mutilation/ there are no consequences/ we can play god/ we are superior, by lies, cheating, stealing, stories, failure, delusions, fantasies, and the enslavement of others through their fear/ etc”. You WILL choose for life! Or you will die, as a world! Simple and plain, so says the vast reality of evidence stacked against you.
If you believe you can prove me wrong/ then come ahead and try: in a courtroom, where nobody gets to lie, or make up stories!

James Frank Osterbur
9/ 11/ 15


The final line

Every opportunity, to have a say in what our future will be/ is soon to be gone forever! Because once this planet in ignited with sun fire/ or once nature has been mutilated beyond repair or survival/ or once the resource base, chains of life, environment, oceans, and so on are essentially destroyed. There is NO GOING BACK. Consequently you cannot wait to see, if disaster occurs and then do something about it. INSTEAD you must see the disaster coming, and do everything you can to stop that, so we all DON’T simply die a horrible death.
To attain that influence over our lives and our time; we must communicate as “we the people of earth”. To accomplish that demand, IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY; for a mass of people to stand outside the media door. In all its compositions and ways, from international television/ to the smallest church newspapers, and everything in between: TO DEMAND, that we the people SHALL HAVE RIGHTS. Use your voice, pay your money, MAKE A DIFFERENCE to save your world, your child, and your future from HELL. BECAUSE IF YOU DON’T, the consequences will be horrendous for all life, and YOU too. This arrogance of a few people/ this failure of a few leaders: CAN BE SMASHED, “like a bug”. We are over 7.2 billion people/ and WE HAVE RIGHTS. Fear is worthless/ FIGHT FOR YOUR WORLD! OR YOU WILL LOSE IT, because these so called science experiments: CANNOT be undone. Think about what it means to then BE WRONG. OR, as in the most obvious; if a ten million degree fire, just like on the sun DOES NOT simply extinguish itself (not enough gravity here, they say). Then the whole world burns, “just like the sun”. How is that not your concern. Find YOUR courage, and do whatever you can do. Such as in the court, forcing the media to report (they want to wait for their god, “university” to be proven correct) WHAT IT MEANS, when they are proven wrong instead! Identifying for power stations, our reality/ their truth: as in cut off their power. Demanding of all government, both small and large: YOU SHALL NOT gamble with our lives. Refusing taxation, to destroy a world; thereby proving their shall be consequences one way or the other. And so on.

Among those rights are: WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, in order: “to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity; do ordain and establish this constitution (agreement between ourselves) for the United States of America (our government, by these words).”
Among those rights identified: within constitutional amendments: one, “…. the right of the people to peaceably assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
Article four: “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, …….”
Article six “…to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.
Article seven “….where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved…… the rules of common law.”
Article thirteen “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude…..shall exist.
Article fourteen “……Nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws”…”
Article fifteen “The right of citizens of the United States to vote, shall not be denied or abridged……”

The authority of WE, the people as a democracy extends to the enforcement of the constitution itself, upon our employees. As identified and established, that begins most clearly: in the words of article 3 section one. “….the judges, both of the supreme and inferior courts, shall hold their offices during good behavior……” OR MORE CLEARLY, NOT BAD!
The authority of we the people demands: no court shall escape/ no judiciary shall be excused. WE WILL PROTECT OURSELVES, from CLEAR terrorism/ by removing you; by imprisoning you; by convicting you the judge who refuses our need, and our legal right of protection; to take you into prison, and abandon you there! For a failure so extreme, you allow every life on this planet: to be a life or death, “university toy”! OUR LEGAL AUTHORITY to decide by vote anything which risks our lives, our nation, your children, and our future. Our legal right to KNOW, as is governed by “the free press” that has been dissolved: because of supreme court tyranny and criminal involvement in the destruction of democracy itself.
In legal terms a cause is that which effects a result. 169 F 2d 203, 206. The direct cause of our right, to have the law protect us is identified above: the consequence of these things, 6 NE 2d 879, 881 that “a university diploma” has done/ and is doing. DOES represent a violation of this constitutional preamble; stated on top. Establishing realties that are clearly death to all life on earth. THEY HAVE NO RIGHT, to gamble with our lives. They have no right, to assume a ten million degree fire, will just extinguish itself. Or their own religion of evolution has a right or basis in fact/ as no fact exists. Using that religion to mutilate nature and life on earth; is criminal trespass on nature itself. Or that the truth of our own existence as humanity on earth; can simply be discarded. Nor do they have the right to counterfeit our money, for their fantasies and purposes beyond a value for the whole.
They have no substance or complaint to be filed: because their claim is, “no BAD consequences exist to their delusions or deliberate actions from which we cannot survive”. They have attempted mass murder, and are deliberately using terrorist intent; to destroy our lives, our planet, our nature, and every child in existence or from the future. These things SHALL be investigated/ examined for truth and reality/ And determined by the people themselves by vote; if it is worth the risk. So says the law of this USA. See above.

The courts have an intervening cause, to stops such terrorism. Without doubt or reference, a legal obligation. Without consent to any other legal reality, democracy shall be protected; and they refused, throughout the entire US judiciary. A proven fact.
Proximate cause remains today; as the need to interfere with criminal actions that clearly establish terrorism and attempted murder upon this entire planet, of life. There are consequences to ignorance, stupidity, delusions, failure, fantasy, theft, arrogance beyond pride, and realities that cannot be undone. They have no right to gamble with all life on earth/ for any cause. Particularly NOT without true examination of the facts, and legal authority from the owners of this nation; as is WE THE PEOPLE. Discarding at this time, any and all assumptions of, these “leaders to hell”. 323 P 2d 108, 114. The reality of 3 lasers that can initiate world war 3/ through the use of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 electrical watts of power instantaneously combining at the speed of light, times 3 in one cubic yard of space. As is consistent with 3 million of the largest lightning bolts possible all hitting the same spot and the same instance. Or even less. DOES NOT, conceive of a remote chance to cause “consequences”! This is near certainty; death for our planet, which include ignition of the same fire here as on the sun. The superceding cause of all this potential injury and death; is an extreme ARROGANCE filled with fantasy. This is an absolute failure to accept TRUTH MUST LEAD, as is consistent with all survival/ which DOES mean; your want is irrelevant, or it is death to OUR world. That is an ILLEGAL action being taken today, in full view of the court, and with the leadership of fools, assisting TRUE WORLD TERRORISM, with our money.

Reality knows: I have been fully and completely rejected, by the courts, media, leadership, and more. The cult of university controls it all. Which means having “nursed you, with information; WE MUST STOP THIS” for forty years. It is now your turn to grow up/ or die. You are thrown out; you are going to live or die, by the choices FOR LIFE, PEACE, HAPPINESS, HEALTH, and everything else of value that you do or do not make for this world.


The male component, in society

Of the critical realities presented by male domination or control over society; three stand out clearly as the primary cause or relationship that determines what society shall be. They are: 1) mine, mine, mine, I will possess that. 2) I can do it, follow me. 3) if we stand together like an army/ then I will get more, because we can take it. Secondary influences are: with rules, we become rulers. With complete control over the law, we become tyrants and masters over every slave. & By letting money decide everything, we create the game; power & pride belong to me!

The difference between male, and man is: male is an element of time. Time is the distinction given to an environment created to determine what is, your individual decision with regard to life? Man is the ascension of male, into the developments which give life (a precious understanding: respecting and appreciating miracles/ valuing love, friendship, women, family, peace, equality, justice, and law) more value/ than time or its action, its reaction, or its survival. Male has no such appreciation or respect; consequently he is limited in all ways “as animal”. Man however having ascended into thought, by the creation of deliberate actions which give life, its acceptance of love, happiness, hope, trust, truth, law, courage, value, peace, harmony, and everything else desirable on earth: stops being animal, to achieve greater things.

Obviously then, human society is directed by both male and man/ but male rules it, because these want war. War is: the critical reaction/ which takes the actions of others, and turns that into a reason or reality of confrontation deliberately intending to reduce law, to a minimum. Or more distinctly: by actions, one group of male animals infuriates another group of male animals into believing there must be a fight between us/ a reaction. Because these are taking too much, and leaving us with too little. When a war does not establish itself, ridicule, disrespect, rape, prejudice, bigotry, pride, hate, riot and more are used to grant relief to each side; so the war these few want can be realized. The aggressor wants control and manipulates the many; because he is looking for a cause to kill by ending law “for you”. The violated wants revenge, so they do what they can do; to insure “you know”, there will be a cost, beyond this point!
Ridicule is then the demand to belittle, causing aggression to be “acceptable”. Disrespect is a command, to know you are “less than me”/ therefore I have cause to throw you in the trash. Rape is the acceptance or tactic of: I CAN take from you, what you hold precious; even if you are strong/ the night, will hide me!
Prejudice is the assertion: together we can make them take less/ so we have more. Bigotry is the same as righteousness, or “I am like god/ I know everything”: therefore you know little or nothing, because I say so. Pride accomplishes the purpose of a game: “to call you loser/ and proclaim I am MORE”. HATE underscores the purpose of each of these: to remove humanity, and accept judgment is mine. Riot assembles the mob, so we can declare by violence, WE WILL have more. Each is the attribute “of an animal, unleashed”.

Man deliberately tries to create a superior society by conceiving of laws, and rules, and money; by which to solve every problem, and turn society into “their own creation”. His downfall is want/ rather than truth! Because every want, brings with it the lies that allow, “I will get more/ for me, or my desires”.
More clearly again: every rule, creates a ruler. Every ruler learns with a rule, I can manipulate the truth of an intent to make society more just or desirable: simply by forcing compliance to very little things; in ways that bring me extortion/ slavery/ anger (to jail you go)/ corruption/ and conspiracy to destroy. This takes justice, and throws it away; because the rule is against an individual, & it proves superior to criminal aggressions within the court. The laws designed to protect everyone, thereby die, or are discarded for power.
Law is: the deliberate attempt by men and women to recognize, there are critical realities which we must judge as wrong/ or society falls apart, and there will be chaos; as animals take over. Consequently the intent to control law, is a fundamental of all government in this world. What is wrong with law is: those who control it as “lawmakers”/ want to insure it does not control them, thereby giving themselves “an excuse” is constant. Only truth can control the law through justice exercised for life and society. Men do not want this/ because they want more for themselves, in one way or another “bribes work” too; so they fail.
Then comes money, the inevitable disgrace of male dominated society: life does not matter/ only money! As has been our reality since almost the very beginning of humanity on earth. Male and man want money to lead, because it ends the primary problem of who gets to lead in society. In war, it fails/ with violence leading. But throughout all other aspects of male dominated society; MONEY decides. Because money, represents either freedom or possession; “you decide”. Or if you have enough, it is both/ as granted by men & male alike. It is a trophy/ even more precious to the majority than woman. Because it grants to the owner: I DON’T have to put up with the rest of you/ I DON’T have to compete against the rest of you/ & I CAN take whatever I want, because you become my slave. Money decides it all! Life does not, until we get to government; and the insistence of the majority, WE GET SOME TOO! With enough voices, they force a bribe, “so we won’t cause more trouble”.

Here then is the first view of government intervention in society for the purposes of both male and man/ rather than simply self. Since money itself, is an agreement between traders, that “the balance of our trade is”: I will get something of equal value in return for this token. That falls apart, when slaves (work hard/ work long; get much less) want more. Since not a rich man born will share, the purpose of his wealth which is to prove I am superior/ I don’t have to work/ I can have whatever I want. To share means: no more of this/ we all are functionally equal; you don’t get more! Governments arise to say, “let all the people pay for this, bit of justice; for the rest”! So they counterfeit/ because I ain’t paying, says the majority who have some wealth. Counterfeiting is EASY, and it makes the people happy; because more tokens, presents more opportunities for the rich too: until the debts come due. Not to worry about the rich, they can continue to counterfeit; because they own government/ regardless of a vote. One way/ OR the other!

So lets review America; its constitution/ and its reality as an example of male dominated society. America is born from the downtrodden and the people who demand I will be rich. So they not only steal the land from the Indian nations already living here/ they literally use genocide to do it; so they DON’T have to share NOTHING! That done, they then have to deal with themselves, which proves to be: WE WANT TO BE FREE! We don’t want, to be slaves anymore! So they write down what it takes to achieve the beginning of an agreement; which says WE WILL CHOOSE, to protect ourselves, by NOT letting anyone take control over us. Instead, we the people will be our own government. Which does work for a time, but alas greed rules life; because both male and man Want MORE/ for me! Women have very little say, throughout history; so their actual decisions with regard to society are functionally unknown. Nonetheless this writing is about male and man. So we begin to recognize that the game of every society driven by male or man is to become “individually rich”. Or to hell with society/ I WANT MORE FOR ME! The cost of that decision is: every scheme, every law broken to escape the constraints of justice or equality, every purpose that is UNFAIR to the majority or a minority; is fundamentally the game of getting rich for ME! To hell with you. Governments exist to compensate the losers/ or control extreme greed, so money cannot just attack money, by hiring warriors. Therefore they will always be controlled by the “winners” to insure for themselves: YOU AIN’T getting much! If that gets out of hand, or the ravages of male against environment and its life has been extreme; WAR will be established to reduce the problems of people who are angry with their government or themselves. A good war means: male people are dead, and men are reduced to fighting to survive; which makes them more tolerant of greed in society. “Life is hell”/ so why shouldn’t I get more; before I die. And then comes all the rebuilding, which makes the opportunity; I WILL get rich now/ instead of you. Every rich man knows: you can’t (extremely rare, until counterfeiting became the norm: OR, as the university says quietly; we defeated this government/ we tore it down, for our greed, and consumption) get rich on your own work/ therefore you must have slaves! The easiest way to get slaves, is to target a minority group, forcing them to accept subsistence wages. Consequently the life of MAN is a rather constant battleground, which includes decisions about race that are not “friendly”. Making the life of MALE is a decision, to remain in or as a simple survival; through predator or prey/ or within games called “winner/ or loser”. These control society: But the life of a counterfeiter is EASY, when you control the government (let all the people pay, instead of us).

So lets review how you control a government/ even when it’s a democracy. The first rule is: the people MUST fear, not letting you control government. The second is: the people MUST respect the idea, you know more than them. The third rule is: NOBODY gets to control anything but us! The fourth rule is: delusion/ deception/ disrespect/ propaganda/ force/ & give the people what they want; as illusions created, so they can have them “for free”, IF they work hard to achieve what they want.
University has achieved control, particularly through the atomic bomb, and all weapons of mass destruction. It is a “big threat”! Consequently, to have less than someone else/ is an even bigger threat; so governments go broke, collecting “big power”; by pretending there is no other way. Fear exists.
University has achieved respect, primarily through the rise of antibiotics; “We are safe/ diseases, can’t get us anymore”. A reality that affects nearly everyone, sooner or later. It is conceived as mercy/ but behind the hidden door; is a hell coming. Nonetheless, the people want what they want today/ and to hell with tomorrow, “that, is their problem: I, DO YOU HEAR ME/ I, won’t live that long”. Or let the children die.
University has achieved control, by taking over the money supply through government; by bankrupting the nation. DO YOU WANT A DEPRESSION? Then let us counterfeit; the children will pay, “we go free”/ and all the elders say, “let that be so”/ because they do have to surrender their working lives to fix it. To cost of an atomic bomb, has been that horrendous.
University has maintained the current status quo, by constructing the illusion of intellect, through the endless stories they tell about what they don’t know, pretending they do know. Thereby weaving an intricate web of lies/ which you cannot contest, “because THEY are in control”. University deceives by creating an army of followers, giving to all those with a diploma: “gifts and bribes” so they won’t look or complain about the injustice of what does in fact exist; as the betrayal of society itself. University attains a greater level of control by disrespecting religion and life, through the abundance of evolutionary sewage/ manipulating education, and thereby controlling the children with disgrace. University uses media to underscore we are in charge here; do not fear, anything but us/ BE HAPPY, because we are god. Force is used to contain and control those who defend democracy by contaminating the courtroom, with rules and corruption throughout the judiciary/ confining all law to an opinion, that conspires as anarchy to destroy democracy itself. University leads, by asserting: “just pay the price we demand”/ and we will make you “like us”; IF you get the diploma we demand. And IF, YOU DO, exactly as we command; being good little robots, who know not, how to become “free”. Because we hold your parents or your future economic life, as hostage to insure you don’t. Let want be your reward; find something/ let the children die; because now, they have no future; so they too, will be slaves.
Man and male, are then downtrodden; to believe GIVE ME MONEY, so I can escape all these things! All of society suffers from that, reality.


Revelations/ a competing prophecy, with Daniel 12

Before any interpretation of biblical prophecy can be understood; it is absolutely necessary to understand the conditions and realities of life as it was in the time these words were written. It is also necessary to understand, even with a curse applied; some will still venture to add or subtract, because they want too. Of interest, in this discussion is the fact that machines such as are known today/ were not even fantasy back then. Not even “nuts and bolts” existed; so remember that when confronted with old writings, and understand if you were herding livestock for instance, and that is all you knew; HOW would you describe “today”?
I have previously written interpretations of revelations, once or twice; without true intricacy or purpose. But I don’t know where they are located, so we begin again. For simplicity, because the prophecy of Daniel 12 conflicts slightly, with the prophecy of Revelation. Since the evidence is dramatic/ and the reality of our future functionally laid out; it is time to consider the questions presented in revelation.

Revelation is a compilation of questions, with answers only time can reveal. Therefore if this relationship with time has been completed; we should then be able to understand, without any great considerations. My purpose being: to cement the validity that we are in trouble as a world/ threatened with extinction; even though “like people who eat the seed for next years crop; you believe everything is fine”. It is not, as a few more weeks, or months shall prove. Or more simply without true change in humanity itself, there is no hope for life.
Revelation 1; as with all religion begins: “the time is near/ so shape up; so to speak”. It then turns to a description of 7 churches, that obviously speak about how the church of JESUS will change throughout the generations. The first church is obviously, the originating fellowship, that occurred to bring this religion to life on earth. The seventh church is obviously that same religion in the congregations of today, as a whole. Everything in between as written in history; proves this represents the stages of “Christian development throughout the generations”, as a participation in this religion. As to the various images created in these chapters, it seems unnecessary to indulge them. However, because “the believers” are widespread about everything they believe; some discussion is required.
The first image, requiring interpretation; is judgment day “verse 7; all of humanity suddenly knows, it is going to die”. What is more visual, than a pillar of fire miles high/ seen from over half the earth at once. As is bringing the same fire here as is on the sun.
This prophet John/ then says, “this is how I know”! His vision is: “I saw seven separate lights or revelations” and when I did, I also saw someone standing among the visions “like a son of man”. His description is: dressed with finery as would suggest “royalty” of some sort. The descriptions of white identify cleanliness from this world: or didn’t participate in all that went wrong. “Eyes like blazing fire”; is a description of anger. His feet obviously suggests a life that was not easy, but had its purpose. A voice that cannot be mistaken: as with water, it has power when in motion. The seven stars, are the descriptions of consequence, that identify and prove what the future without change will be. His mouth suggests, nobody is freed from the consequences: either change or die. A face shining suggests, “you will know, he is a child of GOD”.
He says of himself, “I am the first and the last”/ which does beg the question; was not Lazarus dead and then made alive “first”? Nonetheless this one is different, because he claims a spiritual life, and because his message is “change or die”/ for all life on earth. The keys are suggestions to you; that make this possible, for you.

Revelation 2 & 3: to speak to the churches, that have come through the generations, to be influenced by each stage. The one with this message of change MUST first learn WHY/ by experiencing the reality of their days. What is human, has changed extremely little. What is our physical reality with time, has changed greatly. What is, or is not allowed in eternity changes not at all.

Revelation 4: we return to the prophet John, beyond the first vision. This is the second. He describes a throne of many colors, esp green & red. The twenty four elders, are laws of the universe creating life. The seven spirits of GOD are the realities that establish love, value, honor, courage, respect, sharing, and caring in life! The sea of glass represents a purity that must be attained, or you cannot enter here. The four living creatures with eyes “everywhere”/ make certain that is so. All the creatures of the earth, from every direction “see, what is true in you”; except on the inside. There are seven directions to life: the four directions of the wind/ top/ bottom/ and inside. This is a fantasy drawing, that reveals you cannot hide from life. Therefore you cannot hide from GOD. When humanity does what is right, the laws of life grant them peace and harmony.

Revelation 5: begins with JESUS is the most important creation of our future. HE is the lamb identified. The scroll HE takes, comes from “the most high”/ and with writing on both sides, this determines life and death for our world. The image is “with seven eyes, you see everything”/ with seven horns, there is a weapon for every situation/ with seven spirits, which are each a separate truth guarding life. The vision begins again: when the vision opens, the time has come for judgment or change. The scroll represents the interpretation of “Revelation”. That brings a reality of worship unlike anything in history; because the people begin to believe, the end is coming.

Revelation 6: A seal means this cannot be broken, except by the one to whom it is written. The question is: is it written to “our lives on earth”/ or to JESUS?
Regardless, the white horse represents primarily, the Christian religion; with one command: go tell the world to repent. But all who accept GOD as GOD; are calling to this work, as well. Eternity is watching. The second horse represents the anger and hate that will be present in humanity, when confronted with true change they do not want. The third horse is black; meaning in the darkness it cannot be seen/ its rider is judge, as indicated by the pair of scales in his hand. There will be concern for the foods of life, and the work needed to obtain them. The fourth horse is pale, because death to many will come; without doubt a reality of antibiotics failing/ although it can be other things as well.
The fifth seal, understands to confront a world with change they do not want, opens the door to murder; in an “unhealthy world”. This will be stopped, when the time is true. The great earthquake is without doubt; the mine collapsing beneath the great lakes. The first phase of Yellowstone super-volcano erupting begins: most of the debris released fall back into the hole. That fact, will darken the sun; soot will erupt as well, as in ash. Chemicals in the air create illusions. Satellites will drop, because of gravitational changes. Everything humanity believes in as an anchor this earth cannot be changed; becomes shaken, and fear will be great. As reality proves this is no game/ man has run out of choices.

Revelation 7: The wind, represents the, “breathe of GOD/ that gives life to this earth”; has been stopped. The gathering of those who will enter eternity becomes complete: no more will be born. They were from every nation, every race, even every religion; _____________.
Angels are the evidence of truth, upon this earth. The reality of eternity begins; “for the living ones”.

Revelation 8: the reality of man arises, along with the consequences to life from what comes next. The fire from the alter, represents ANGER directed toward this earth; on this earth/ as men judge each other. The seven trumpets are the sounds of violence occurring. The first evidence of this is the release of world war, with all military weapons being used; as the whole world of man “comes unglued”. The second is nuclear detonation from/ of/ and in submarines in the ocean. The third is nuclear detonations in the air, to kill with radiation; as men deteriorate into hate. The consequence is: every horrible thing, as is trillions of gallons of toxic waste surrounding the water supplies, and so much more is released; the water cannot be drunk. The fourth is a great distress will be released within this earth, as it begins to come apart from all the explosions.

Revelation 9: it gets worse. The second phase of Yellowstone now erupts/ revealing the main supply of magma at the bottom; nothing is left to cover it. The locusts are simply extremely pulverized,“hot rocks/ hot ash”; released from the magma; pushed out, at extreme velocity. This enters the body, and causes harm; which means the wind which will carry it, is functionally horizontal with the earth. It is predicted to be “very stratified”/ because the weight of mass falling back down meets the pressures of gas rising from below. Men will have extreme nightmares, due to the chemicals ingested or imbedded in them. The king here, simply means it won’t stop; until the volcano is done.
Men release biological weapons; the result of which is horrendous, and cause many more hallucinations. Men continue to sustain their ways of fighting, hate, and death. Men do not change/ therefore the seventh seal is broken.

Revelation 10:
This is from GOD, and remains secret. However just before this is accomplished: GOD removes his people. That seems great “to the people of GOD”/ UNTIL reality strikes; and they realize how dramatically things have changed: they understand, they must try one last time to save life on earth; at least for a few!
Revelation 11: if there are to be a remnant: they will gather together in one place. Hate will follow them, but they will be saved. From here, two witnesses will walk out to confront the world, for 1260 days of poverty. They will walk “free”/ because they have power. They die at the allotted time, and in the allotted way: to rise again, “to eternity”. job done. True Power is about to be unleashed.
Judgment of men, for an eternity; is here. All die/ the earth is lost. There is little hope for even a tiny remnant. You have been warned, and can see the evidence of this type of violence coming on earth. It is not a game, so says reality.
Revelation 12: begins the prophecy of: men have changed. Now, by the hand of women in control over this earth; the process of survival begins with change directed by them. A difference so significant, because women are different: the potential for life here is given one more chance. Each of these chapters, 13-19 ; are written, as stand alone examples of what each individual decision shall mean. Choose wisely, this is not a game.

In this prophecy, there is a sign: something miraculous that identifies a woman has been created; or “highlighted, and with learning above the others”. More simply she is revealed by “things of this life, & things not of this life”. She stands at a distance, on what is foreign to her/ she stands on a man. This provides a sign. The twelve stars on her head indicate knowledge & understanding; about all important things for life on earth.
She carries new life (change for this earth)/ and it is NOT an easy thing to do. In contrast to this beginning and its new life/ there are the nightmares of men (dragon, or illusions in the dark) creating the reality of power already in control over this earth. They are many, with a combined knowledge that uses many weapons to control their slaves. The tail (a reality of what is left behind from their steps) of this nightmare, has taken away much hope. Those in power, want nothing to do, “with a new life for all humanity, on earth”. But they are held back, and reality presents change; as a young warrior born out of poverty to rule over them. This new life for humanity on earth, is not allowed to die/ therefore it will grow. The woman who presents a sign of distinction; is then conceived of as an enemy. Men of power, prepare to attack her. The consequence is, that women will save her, and protect her for 1260 days; or she dies.
The prophecy then turns to the fundamental truth of humanity; by the decisions unleashed, which will change people on this earth/ or let it die. Those who create the nightmare of tragedy and catastrophes upon this earth are defeated (arrogance, pride, hate, want, selfishness, greed, lust, etc)/ the majority of their power is lost. There is celebration, for a new life coming. There is growing hate, among those who are cast out of power, pride, and all they worship as hate.
These then make a more significant effort, to find the “woman of distinction” that they know started their downfall. But she flies far from them, to places hard to search; where time means for every action, there will be a reaction; to keep her safe. This infuriates the men of hate, and they suddenly “throw massive amounts of power away” to find her. But it is in vain, and they do not succeed/ and lose much instead. Which makes the men of hate even more angry, and they turn against all who accept a new life/ to replace them. All who choose love, respect, courage, sharing, caring, and life itself as a gift, and a reality; from GOD.

Revelation 13
The beast here is “university”; power having failed/ deceit and manipulation begins. Because water is the “power of life”/ by allowing its primary chemical compositions and functions to exist. The sea is then an image of power. A beast is always something disobedient to the law/ it has is own rules, and in general, enough strength to enforce them. So then we return to the people who do have knowledge, weapons, and understanding about how to make people fear. Choosing instead of life for earth/ to make war instead. The images are machines of war, in all manner and ways; for that purpose, including propaganda. The leopard represents something fast and agile/ the bear, gets a grip that won’t let go/ the lion has a very large mouth, with teeth. You may decide for yourselves exactly what weapons these represent; remembering these descriptions come from a person without the slightest knowledge of a machine. Therefore he can’t really describe it, he doesn’t own the words. The men of hate agree to use the men of war sharing power when the battle is done.
The wounded head is a weakness that will be found in this war machine/ they manage to solve the problem, before the war is lost. That wound is genetic mutilation of life; but the people are afraid of sickness, and collapse/ allowing this to go on. The violence unleashed is massive/ and the people are afraid. They then bow back down in fear, to the people of hate. These now celebrate winning their war. For 42 months they rule, with horrors. People will fall away from a new life, massively/ leaving only those who truly accept JESUS as their savior. The warning is given; they will have their time, with little you can do. Be patient!
Then comes another beast out of the earth/ instead of the sea called power here. The earth represents “solid ground” that cannot be moved UNLESS it is by an earthquake. This is the deceit as it progresses, with control: by illuminating power and leadership, has a purpose; you can be attacked, or remember why you fear. This image is one “group” who comes proclaiming your fears will be taken away. It is a university education (we are the smart ones, we know everything)/ by removing or covering over, the greatest threats from those who hate. Thereby they proclaim; we will be at peace/ so long as the people obey throughly, and without complaint. If not WAR will erupt against you again. Nuclear bombs will be released to prove: FEAR US GREATLY. But it is not peace this one brings. Instead, they are ordered as slaves to do whatever they are told, regardless of the consequence. They are forced to believe: “this is YOUR god”. This god then claims its possessions, by marking the people. They make it impossible to survive here, unless you are marked; which means they literally own you completely, and can do anything to your body or mind they desire. 666, stands for the reality of power that has been achieved. Whereas the number seven stands for perfection/ these then achieve GREAT power over life.
This is an absolute lesson, in reality; proving what it means: when GOD himself, does not control life on earth. It functionally means: YOU will understand, now. The fact this exists as part of the prophecy explains: humanity failed to understand, a new life did not exclude “GOD”! But requires respect, reality, duties, and acceptance of the values that create and sustain love, peace, purity, order, disciplines, acceptance, harmony, and other securities worth owning as a living breathing creation. Where truth, wisdom, and happiness shall rule. WHICH do you choose? There is only one direction, or the other!

Revelation 14:
IF YOU choose correctly> There will be those who choose for love and life; accepting the price is their lives. A gift returned to GOD, accepting eternity, grace, and mercy will be their reward. They will be given strength, power, and a purpose beyond this earth. Those who achieve this growth as “warriors for GOD”/ are not many in terms of their enemy; but they do achieve a purity of desire and purpose unlike any others. They do become as one. These few, sacrifice their life on earth/ the things they desire most: to do this work. To fight for a new life, a different life, a better life; throughout all the earth.
With these few, “the real worshipers of GOD/ those who accept JESUS, do arise”. They accept “eternity is watching”.
The second truth is: America falls into economic depression. A reality caused by the leadership of “a university, one-cell brain”/ infecting this world.
The third truth (an angel) is a curse, upon all who fail to bring this “new life” into the world. It does suggest, FEAR GOD, more than men.
The harvest of the earth; is achieved by one presenting a choice, who is like a man/ meaning not exactly. Oddly enough, this suggests perhaps, “half woman, as a spiritual truth”/ because this represents the entirety of humanity, rather than just men, as religion would suggest. You are reminded: Every religion is strictly about men. This also remembers that JESUS said of himself/ that HE would be “inside (sharing soul, or in replace of soul; I know not)” the son of man, who then comes in peace to represent HIM, in these last days. Therefore the one who sits on the cloud, represents a knowledge that has been given/ and a reality that is NOT his, to own. Just as the words of JESUS changed this human existence on earth/ words demanding change or die, are expanded to include: there is no escape, if you fail this test/ “either GOD, or man”. Our earth will die, if you are wrong. Believe it or not!
The next truth is: all those who refuse the honor of accepting the foundations of what JESUS did teach/ are rejected from further life. These will be very many.

Revelation 15
Those who have refused “the gift of eternal life”/ fought against a new life for this earth; are now separated. They receive punishments. The seven last plagues, before life will be different.
A sea of glass is the power of separation/ mixed with fire, is the violence which cannot be escaped; standing beside the sea; represents a reality the violent, cannot overcome. There will be gladness and celebration on earth, everywhere but here.
These are then the consequences, because of what humanity has already done. The first one is caused by the mutilation of life, through genetics. The second is a consequence for what men did do to the ocean. The third reveals that our drinking water ends, or becomes the price of drinking blood itself to survive. “Its what you chose”.
The fourth plague is; the earth overheats, and the consequences are grim. The fifth is an anger that overwhelms “government”/ and they release biological weapons of mass destruction. The sixth is a great hatred arises because of these biological weapons and their destruction; there is chaos in nature and in the rivers. People from university, will go pretending they “have a cure”. But the curse will not go away.
Armageddon means “last battle”. As men and women gather to destroy each other, before biological weapons do, with absolute hatred in their heart; blaming each other. GOD intervenes, an asteroid crashes into this earth causing irreparable damage.

Revelation 17
Because of the potential that each of these plagues above explain as real: the possibility arises, that the woman who brings this potential of new life on earth; will grow proud. That comes with punishment, as in that pride she throws away her own life for a reward on this earth. She does have the power to do so/ and if she chooses power, there will be many leaders from around this world who covet her “rewards”. This is also a warning NOT to help leaders from around the world, because this is a man’s world. It is allowed to help women.
In contrast to that, truth carries this woman who brings new life to this earth away into the desert instead. A place where she is alone, and without support. There she is found in control over a violent beast, with many names, faces, and weapons as is “the university”. This woman without pride, has been given the honor of knowledge with value for life. She has taken control over the tragedies of humanity, has established: the real trouble that has brought us unto this time of potential extinction, and all that is wrong; returns us to the extreme arrogance that is a “university diploma”.
Religion is infuriated with her/ as every religion is now controlled by a university diploma; and she is perceived to be the enemy of every religious leader. Their pride is wounded.
The seven heads are the people who congregate to devise a plan/ and create weapons (horns) to destroy her. The beast which is a university has lost power/ but fully intends to rise, and war. The people will not recognize what they once trusted “as their god”/ they will be ashamed. Nonetheless the seven hills, are minimal obstructions and the woman controls them. The seven kings are groups which believe, “we must do these things”. They believe this argument can overcome, five fail immediately/ one, more deliberately thought out, succeeds for a time. The universities of this world try as well, to overcome the realities of evidence, produced by this woman. They fail.
The next group of weapons, are a military response. They can overcome/ but not for long.
Anger overflows; as those who belong to hate fill the world with ridicule and all they can think of to influence humanity to discard “this woman/ who brings a new life for this earth”. They threaten, they rage, they intend to ruin: they want a solution from the university that will include everything “murderous”. But the great city is a life that will not be denied/ and humanity itself takes over life on earth, from its leaders.

Revelation 18
This says, the whole world shall know; this nation which has caused so much grief, because of their greed/ shall be torn down, or brought down, from on high.
The second voice: there are many curses, because of all that has been done. None can help. The crash is immediate/ and cannot be reversed. The entire economy of humanity across the globe is affected/ or, feels this moment. It will be a “worldwide lament”. A reality fixed, because of what “university” has done through this place. Without mercy or reprieve, none shall live in this place again.

Revelation 19
Some will celebrate this collapse of a nation. Claiming this “great arrogance” has been judged. They will quote the laws of humanity, as why this has happened. This people will be brought low. But GOD IS GOD, and HE will decide if this people can or do repent/ and then bring back RESPECT AND REALITY as is sufficient to claim: “We are GOD’S people” too! Those who do repent will be honored, with knowledge to consume, and understanding to share, through the evidence of their love. IF this remains true for a great many; THEN, what true respect, as the gift of love grants, will be found.
As is consistent with all “servants of GOD”/ the person who interprets, serves, brings a message, etc; is fundamentally no different than any other.
The rider on the white horse;
Into this world, that has chosen GOD, to be their true and only GOD; comes someone to assist in all matters of change. He is not to be praised, therefore “no name” for that exists here. He is dressed, but covered with blood, as evidence of battle, because of the word of GOD. Those who choose GOD follow him. He is able to not only talk, but confront; with a common mans weapon. He brings justice with him, because GOD makes this so.
He is successful, and all opposition dies, granting to the hordes of humanity, “a great meal”/ as leaders are deposed, and the rich are forced to share.
This goes on for a time, and then the formerly rich and powerful rage against him, and all who follow him. But they fail, because the people no longer believe in the university or their leaders. Both are deposed forever. The people are then satisfied.

Revelation 20
A truth is found, by which the open volcano of Yellowstone will be closed. All the arrogance, hate, ridicule, violence, greed, lust, rape, etc that has existed upon this earth from its beginning is sealed into this abyss. Another version of that is: human WANT will die/ ending all the tragedy it does cause upon this earth. The people will abandon it, and let truth decide. As the earth simply runs out of resources to support life, because of human consumption in “a thousand years of so”. These things resurface for a short time. IF humanity survives, the people will begin to judge each other, and they will separate. Some to eternal life, some to eternal death, some to be cursed! At this time, it is no use to try to “save yourself”.
That fact unleashes fear, and fear does do violent things to life on earth. They cannot win.
Human life then ends, as the planet fails to sustain us/ GOD comes.

Revelation 21
With none left, to cause hate/ a new world is created from love and respect, through discipline and order. There is NO room for less than “justified”.
Verse 9; from the critical decisions that returned life to this planet, by change created in this day; there is one who arises as “wife of JESUS”. As a wedding present, a great and wonderful reality is presented to this earth.

Revelation 22
There are promises of eternity in peace and love.

We then return to the reality of this day, and this prophecy: as in “JESUS is coming”. A clear warning to set yourself “aright”/ to stand up for GOD, and fight for life on this world! Remembering we are ALL EQUAL.
Equality however does not mean “invited”/ it simply means, we are NOT judge. Let the law alone decide. To be wrong in these things, is to be wrong for an eternity. Choose wisely!
The prophecy then reminds each one: nothing good can be done without JESUS guiding the way.
The spirit of women (bride)/ interpreted, says “let their be love shared, because you care”.
The final statement is: let these words be held as true/ do not embellish or change them, because there will be consequences.

Reality states: that if there is no response from humanity in defense of this world/ then the prophecy of Daniel, which is a world on fire. That then consumes the planet and destroys this solar system will rule.
If however there is truth in your repentance, and respect in your ways; giving life another chance to survive upon this earth. Giving the children their opportunity to live/ THEN you will receive another chance through women ruling this earth.
If however you begin without truth, or believe yourselves to grand to belong to GOD. Then man will become your god/ and he will destroy everything; just as his universities have begun. Life will be mutilated. Weapons of mass destruction will be used. Cannibalism will erupt and control the world; and even more!
The choice is yours! So ends the interpretation of Revelation. A book in the Christian Bible.

ASCENDING, into the depths

ASCENDING into the depths of DISCIPLINE.

This is functionally and fundamentally accomplished by examining your own reality, and choosing the very most important aspects of what you desire: “to live an eternity with”. Throwing all the rest away. The ladder, which gives rise to the elemental intricacy that is either true male (man) or female (woman, assumed) consciousness/ is the creation of time, without distraction. The development of a fundamental focus, which chooses to live within the elements of life defined and refined as creation/ rather than time; lifts us each one, to a new beginning. The examination of reality, thereby proving truth by the essence and integrity; of critical knowledge that serves the elemental structures, then become our anchor beyond this life in time. The existence of functional understanding, thereby gives directional movements by choice.
The battleground of discipline is a trust, that forms through the intimacy called wisdom. Or, “I accept, with faith in the laws revealed; that only truth shall lead me”.
Within this structural rise, beyond the essence of time, which is a measurement of action, reaction, or response. Is order; the grace of building with purpose, by the design and balance conceived within “thought must come first”. Destinies arise, because as we rise beyond ourselves, so does the partnership with life, that is soul.
Love is “a beautiful embrace”. Not only does it cherish this moment with you, it combines our value as one. To be valued means: we, are no longer “simply human”/ rather, we are family. Thereby love becomes our most precious moments.
Family describes: the disciplines of our truth, as one; substantiated by the reality of our order. By giving the trust of faith; we did, or we shall indeed choose each other.
Family defends, the value of every existence, by the intensity shared. A purpose defined. The desire of each accepting, even though I cannot save life/ I can, be a treasure to your soul. This is a reality of truth, you can take into your own eternity, as love shared; If you in fact care.
To understand discipline, is to acknowledge respect creates a path. To conceive of that path, is to bear the responsibility of knowing: what can or cannot be done here. To search or journey, begins with an acceptance: life itself can be more than just time. Entering; Beyond the boundaries called time: requires a spiritual education, a critical personal reality/ or you will fail; and be harmed or killed.
SPIRIT means: devoid of self/ therefrom an element of truth is created, that leads the soul into law. Creation says, when you pass by the pause that is time on earth. Your critical reality will be: whatsoever, is factually and correctly true in, and of you. SPIRIT exists: not as judge, but as a door into the passages which live beneath the freedoms you support. Every freedom constructs the discipline of an individual truth, you have accepted. Every truth, identifies the one who brings this forward, as your contribution to our world. Freedom is the essence of happiness, created by the disciplines which give your ability to accept order, & by its grace; to belong as family. What lives within you as the purpose and desire of your freedoms, lifts the essence of your truth into life itself, and becomes your anchor. Or if you fail to rise beyond yourself, beyond those who challenge or confront you/ then your own descent, will follow; as you isolate yourself ever deeper into the darkness (I will search for true life no more).
The critical element of SPIRIT revealed, is whether you can or cannot: isolate, define, and refine the realities of life constructed within yourself, as a truth. That truth, is the only essence of your existence, allowed within the spiritual world. If you fail to achieve it/ then you will never enter here.
SPIRITUAL existence means: having defined the most critical desire “of my heart”/ as a decision of purpose that will never be separated from my own reality; even eternally; I am ready. There shall then be doors, beyond this existence called time/ which lead to the questions of your heart. But they do come with a warning: you shall not return from here, unless you do understand the truth presented to you. The price of eternity is, you can enter by truth; but you cannot change truth, to accept you, as a participant/ unless you understand the reality of its law. Your decision alone, selects a door, into eternity. But there will be consequences, unless you fully understand how to share this truth, at least by what is most important. If you do understand the disciplines involved, by its own order; then you may select “again and again” to learn all that is “life, to you”.
BUT, if you do not understand: then you will become trapped, within the questions of your heart, that you could not answer. Every truth is an environment which protects you. Therefore trapped, does come to mean: saved, until you are able to travel alone from here. Choose carefully, it is not a game.

Every discipline rises from its anchor: this is why, I accept. Consequently, your ability to search beyond simple things is governed by your own critical truth. If you have anchored well/ then you may ascend to the very pinnacle of what it means to be “male or female”; as the case may be. Having achieved this level of male. Because as a man, I cannot be more than what a human man can be: the only discretion left, is to look down/ to understand and accept what is real, that humanity is doing on this earth. That reality today, is horrendous; and threatens extinction for this entire planet. Because in general terms; the future can be found. “One plus one =two”. Men in particular are bent upon destruction, as every possible method of attacking life is being used. None more so, than the university diploma. With lies, deceit, propaganda, failure, fantasy, delusions, theft, cheating, fraud, stories without substance, and all other methods of intentional manipulation for the purpose of playing god over life: they have achieved the status of “SATAN”. Because the results of their influence are death, “beginning to rot in the sun”. Bringing the same fire here as is on the sun, is only the beginning/ but it is also the ending; as NO possibility exists to extinguish a ten million degree fire. The “DEVIL” is of course in the details; for example, “the university has proclaimed, its fusion”/ and then proved themselves completely wrong. But remain intensely determined to bring that fire here anyway. By discarding their only theory, proving wrong their only assertion: “the fire, will just extinguish itself”. Or life was built by chaos/ a more disfigured lie, has never existed. Chaos means: to take whatever is complex/ and reduce it, to the simplest form possible. HOW, is that life? Answer, just another lie.
But they are not alone, as in every aspect of life on this planet is literally under attack/ every living thing discarded; “for a few pennies more”. As humanity, and in particular men assert: ITS ALL MINE. The future being completely abandoned by the elderly; as they assassinate the children intentionally, so they can pretend, “we don’t have to pay, for what we did, or allowed to be done”. A more UNFAIR generation, throughout all of history; has not existed. To your shame.
Nonetheless, within that vision of our reality; is the clear and literal choice: to fight for life on this earth/ or let it die? Forty years of work, proves your choice is: LET IT DIE/ DAMN YOU for making me aware. Of course that is not your literal choice/ it is your want speaking, and your pride assaulting; because you want what you want, and nothing else. But that does require not only life, but this entire planet as well. Anger nor hate will save you/ simple as that. Being too ANGRY as a man/ too frustrated by what is male, which does prove: “this is what men want/ this is what men chose throughout history, & they won’t let it die, even though the very planet and all its life; is in peril”. Our situation is: “A man’s world”, and we are nearing extermination from this planet. So says the evidence, by its own truth. So says prophecy in the bible as well. So says our reality.
Consequently, the only question left is: WHAT would women do? Opening that spiritual door, HAS been an endless lesson, in everything not male/ not nearly done in me yet. Like it or not is absolutely irrelevant/ as spiritually I have no say: “can’t understand”.
Nonetheless, reality says: at least this is our chance to survive as life on earth. Nothing else can say that; because this is the best men did do/ and we face extinction from all sides. Women cannot do worse, than imminent and real extinction; even threatening the planet/ even threatening the entire solar system: IS MALE. There are no words sufficient for this failure; consequently “devil and satan” are used.


Answering HEART.

At the extreme edge separating the boundary between male and female; are the elevations or descents, that identify and create the fundamental differences between the sexes. To achieve the functional ability, to understand what it truly means to be either male/ as a man. Or female, as a woman; it is absolutely necessary to travel this journey. There is no in-between, that is a truly spiritual element/ rather than functionally, as time displayed.
Returning to the center of life, requires an acceptance beyond the individual journey that is either male or female: to the justification of equality. Or more specifically, to participate with each other; is a decision based upon equality, rather than individuality. Love is not an individual/ love is a gathering, for the purpose of acceptance. Therefrom a freedom realized through respect. Justifying gender equality then becomes: I cannot be more than an individual male or female “without you”. No perversion is allowed in the spiritual transition of life, to the essence of being alive. We are born as we are/ it is not a choice.
The quest of every true heart: I am ready, to belong (it is a responsibility)/ not by abandoning male or female, but by accepting the decision, “my life SHALL be enhanced by the opposite sex”. I choose, NOT to be alone; even as someone who has attained the elevation of truth, by the physical descriptions of life in time. That fundamentally means: we must be equals, in my heart and yours. There is no “family” without respect. Respect equals justice/ justice equals the fundamental existence: we are “the same, as life”/ even though different, as bodies.
Heart identifies a need for foundation relationships to anchor our time, in the creation of relationships that give “birth”, to the critical truth: I am not alone! To achieve that element of existence expanded beyond the boundaries of self. It is absolutely necessary, to accept equality as the path most certain to begin a journey with the opposite sex. “Perfect equality”, a description with errors involved, as is consistent with humanity. Suspends the existence of a boundary between the sexes, and opens the door to true spiritual interactions. That truth is confronted by whosoever “opens the door/ on the other side”; is at their mercy. Consequently thank GOD, it is intensely or extremely hard to find/ and all but impossible to locate. If found, opposite sexes are so described for a true reason: we actually cannot understand each other, because we (male and female) live as a completely different world, from each other, on the inside.
What is not different, is our need for each other in the realities of living: to balance life, is to understand your own search and disciplines, from a different point of view. That balance is enhanced sexually, and therefrom elevated from participation; into being truly alive, as we bind ourselves into family. Consequently family survives existence, by changing itself, into life shared/ because we both, or we all care; honestly and with grace.
Honesty means: no more lying to yourself, or anyone else. To accomplish this as a fact, “your” want, pride, and selfishness” must be removed. It is very simple really: want undermines reality with “I am smart/ I can do, what reality refuses me a right”. Simply accept truth instead. Pride is a game/ therefore I can make of myself a winner; by demanding you shall lose. Stop playing games with life; feel free to play games with time, through respect. Selfishness exists, because you claim NOT to be equal/ but superior. Stop playing god, its your lie; stop playing it, in your head: simply refuse it “a home” in you.
Grace, is the existence of mercy; or more deliberately the home of our lives, is the distance we create as the boundary between what is accepted through experience and expression/ or has been denied as the element of contamination or corruption, we/ or I, cannot tolerate. Grace lives between that judgment, and the mercy to understand; freedom is a right/ reality understands my own truth as well. Every life is born free, even if not physically true; the essence of life itself, bears the mark, “I am free”.
Searching freedom, IS the examination of thought. Thought is the construction of “things which can only get humanity into more trouble”/ so discussion ends here.
Instead elements will be assembled that search for physical or human freedoms, as a participant in family or life/ rather than judgment, and therefrom measuring each other. Those elements are: every elevation of our existence is preceded by an acceptance. Therefrom what you accept as a discipline/ represents the order that will describe your life, and a large part of your living. Every descent, from the acceptance of your own humanity as a valued, equal participant in our reality: is governed by your own measurement of other life, and environment.
While the common human being does not accept their relationship with living is as simple as: WHAT did or did you not accept, as a value to life itself. When each wants; “What they want”/ truth does not matter. Instead behaviors demand; “get me what I want/ be what I want, and we will be friends”. By definition this is “buy me/ or let me buy you”. The reality of our existence does prove this is an elemental step, to the creation of what behavior will be. Behaviors identify the influences within your mind. Therefore they judge you with the acceptance of truth/ or its refusal. All judgment belongs only to the law/ it is not a human definition, other than the need for balance to create peace and harmony.
The fundamental of slavery begins with: I don’t have to pay for my own wants/ I can make someone else do what I want. Lies are common, as is temptation, flattery, and all other forms of manipulation, or control. Therein the second element of behavior exists.
The third behavioral characteristic; is sexual contamination. The reality of bodily functions, interfering with true, “free will choice”. Or more distinctly, the adult body, or preparations beyond a child; rely upon chemicals to enhance our choices, realities, and purposes to establish: I do NOT, wish to be alone. The range of chemical influence, is from minor (meaning this is limited in me)/ to major; meaning I must have sex “with something”. The consequences are life changing, if you fail the disciplines necessary to complete and identify order within your own specific life. Every consequence is: a true learning tool, which then complicates and inflicts a dimensional fear in living, if your decision (or someone else’s) was truly “unfortunate”.

Understanding our humanity, relies upon three distinct rules of existence. Every true rule is a guideline that functionally isolates the distance beyond or before a particular decision is made: has a price. Unlike the devils of a university diploma who insist “we can do anything/ without consequences”. They are extreme LIARS AND FOOLS. Every action or reaction has a consequence/ and someone or something, is going to pay, or receive a reward do to your decision.
Rule two is: the gift of life, is so far beyond accidental/ only the most delusional of idiots, without the benefit of more “than a single cell brain”, could find it less than TRUE miracles. Because it is YOUR GIFT, it is also YOUR possession; and that does mean, it is entirely up to you to make your decision what you intend to do with your body, mind, or life. That includes “your personal sex”. Your body is your possession; and it cannot, under any circumstances or religion or situation, etc; belong to anyone else. It is yours/ you will decide. It is yours, no one else has a right to refuse that freedom. BUT IT IS YOUR CONSEQUENCE as well. Regardless if it is good or bad/ your decision means: “Your problem”. Unless, you force your decision on someone else, which then turns that reality onto the law. GOD judges law, when death takes your life. If love dies in someone because of you: ETERNITY shall remember your name, as an enemy.
The third rule is: time creates participation by including you in reality. That reality shares existence with every other form of life and living. The choices that you make govern life around you. Establish love, despondency & depression, or hate because of you. Heartbreak or healing confronts your heart, and holds the breathe of your soul; by the testimony you give in these instances, to your CREATOR. Every testimony is, a life shared because you did care/ or refused, because you chose to judge, measure, and abandon. Every fear is, a trust refused, or a truth defined by a relationship with those who hate. Without hate, there is no cause for fear of humanity; even if there are accidents caused without intent. Every true decision within a human mind is verified by a decision: to love/ hate/ or simply to survive. These are directions, and you cannot move, until you choose a direction/ unless you fall down.
Understanding our sexuality removes the veil of chemicals, to conceive of truth. Truth indicates, that every human body is sexual/ regardless of opinion. That truth establishes a critical question: is the cost and consequences of sexual interaction, for me; worth the price, that will be applied, to me? Which means, this is then a selfish decision; if “only me/ as in lust (I will use your body, or abuse it)” is involved. Truth discovers: time is a pendulum shift, between an action/ and a reaction; thereby proving decision exists. You don’t get one, without the other. Without chemical intervention, sex is a shared intimacy generated through the desire: help me to understand? Or more clearly, take away the chemicals, and what is left is a relationship conceived by the differences within our bodies. The question of opposite bodies is very simple: what does life mean to you/ I don’t understand? So then sexually we search for the intricate details, that give you pleasure. Because that relationship changes sex, into the discovery of happiness defined in you, and from you, to me. The question of kissing is again: an artistic endeavor, whereby each “meets in the middle” to discover and explain what I can be for you. The question of intensity, is isolated entirely by trust, through the existence of substantial proven truth. The critical questions of what is allowed between a man and a woman, is literally up to them: with both participating as equals/ no exceptions. NONE! You are there, you are participating, you did make this decision, you are responsible for what you do, or do not do. As to the physical realities, so long as “nothing beyond your given body is used”/ it is ok, when both accept.
Sexuality is a passion, or a purpose. When it is a passion, love has entered in through the blessing of shared existence. Caused by the elevation of respect and desire, to the expressions of true caring. Leaving absolutely no doubt; “You are safe, with me”. This begins with “I choose you & you also choose me honestly”. Sexuality with a purpose, shares a need. The critical question is: wherever there is value, honesty refines every decision, with the desire to insure love does not die. That may or may not “work”/ rather it is desire revealed. The consequence being, my life is shared; I need to care; but I know, I cannot make your decision. Within those three “I’s”; the reality of your own need surfaces. Therefore the question relates to each one involved; as a decision built upon love, but it is not anchored in forever. To help is not to surrender yourself/ but to give of yourself, so that their journey does not end. Remember the cost, and understand this decision before you participate. People DO; lie, steal, beg, and manipulate/ keep it in mind. DON’T surrender anything; CHOOSE. Again remembering the cost, either good or bad can be excessive. Set your own boundaries and be clear/ as best you can.
Every heart needs participation. Therefore to answer heart means: to care enough to celebrate and choose, “you are important”. Everyone important, REQUIRES TIME. Time is then the eloquent message, “that we are equal”. This extends as, “please help me/ so I can spend more time with you”. The tragedy of this day is: with temptations surrounding, many fall short of simply being alive, or even able to comprehend what that means. Their face, and their mind; is buried in some type of delusion.
Being alive accepts: that love has only one true boundary/ NO HATE allowed. Being alive, constructs only one true home: we are all respected, and appreciated here. Being alive transforms time, into the ingredients responsible, for finding, or accepting friendship. Being alive makes us EQUAL/ NO exceptions other than hate.
Being alive in “marriage (I accept forever)”. Is a discipline fraught with peril; when assembled spiritually!
Being alive in “marriage, physically”: is to order and protect each other with respect. Thereby accepting needs and understanding desire; through the shared responses of caring about each other. This is NOT functionally possible, until you understand what those desires and responses truly are. But make no mistake, it is the blessing of sexual relationships, and in particular “this is new to us both”; that firmly plants a seed of hope in each other, for our lives together. As we each choose to make decisions, that equal the desire of your heart instead of, or in participation as committed, to share with mine.
Being alive in “marriage, mentally”: is to conceive of happiness/ by sharing every burden of your life in time, as if it were equally important with mine. Same is true for you. We are not committed to being slaves in marriage. We are committed to caring responsibly/ to sharing with honesty/ and to creating our truth, cannot be broken: thereby we trust. Trust is the elemental bond, that gives eternal life to our soul. To yours, & to mine; be careful not to endanger love! Be, the best you can be; it is a choice.


Questioning heart

Heart, is the critical relationship between what is physical, and what are the developmental decisions that allow those who choose it, “to love”.
Therefore we must first understand love, as an element of life/ rather than the distinction established by a personal elevation of self. Love is an environment, that requires your journey in time, to be a quest for more “than I can be alone”. Therefore we must also identify “I”, as a decision rather than a participant in self.
We begin in the creation of an alternate universe, or more distinctly; the expansion of what is “beyond self”. To assemble the boundaries, and identify the bindings, that attach us to realities which then anchor our soul into truth; so that we can expand our reach beyond self. The primary discipline required is trust. Or, if you refuse to trust in the elevation of truth itself/ you cannot enter here. In like terms: if your truth is errant or fantasy or wrong/ to leave the structural densities of time, will/ or can be death, to you.
Passages construct the elemental decisions that conform yourself, to the destinies you have chosen. Therefore passages, are at their essence, the relationships you have formed with the realities called time. Time is an environment, specifically designed: to cause and create the decisions of your life. Therefore time illustrates the discovery of “you”. To step back, from self; is to allow a mirrored image of your actions and reactions to be refined by examination. It is the first step away from self, so as to identify an opportunity to turn back from time, and view life itself. “I” is a beginning. Self, is an ending. Life is a transition into the disciplines that escape the transformation ending time itself, as body or mind. Consequently life means more than a body or mind; as is plainly evident through the construction of thought.
Thought lives, because it forms a plateau between energy and participation in that energy as a freedom controlled through the existence of a decision.
Thought participates in that decision by altering the destiny of a direction, as the elemental creation of “a door”. Or more distinctly, every freedom is an expression, that leads to an experience, that then transforms reality by the truth exhibited in your purpose.
Thought levels reality, by expressing desire. Thought examines the purpose of your heart, by elevating and controlling the disciplines used to attain an examination of self/ and its participation with other life.
Here we begin the journey that is heart, as explained by the expansion of self, until we meet the reality of self, and that opportunity transforms itself into: the decisions of “my/your heart”. We start time, as the expression of freedom released by action or reaction to discover existence is a participation, rather than “without decision”. To decide upon development, as a discipline/ gives us order. To recognize “I am not alone”/ establishes boundaries that understand balance must be attained to structurally keep both peace and harmony alive. Therefore we now know, there is a difference between living, and being alive! That element of thought, comes from “standing within the mirror”/ that separates male from female. Or more simply, when the physical presence of “I”/ stands to recognize self, he or she sees time. When thought exists, “I” has been discarded, leaving a presence within the mirror of your life. Or more distinctly life is no longer self, but an environment identified by time through “I”. If “I” has been discarded/ then the search, elevates itself by understanding the differences between male and female do construct the essence of being alive. Therefrom within the mirror, life begins to reveal both sides. There is no life sustained on earth, without both male and female. Consequently you cannot truly be alive, without a clear understanding of both. Life within the mirror, that sees beyond self. Means the transient nature of thought/ and the realities of time; must be used to bridge that gap. Thought is a transition, used to create a heart.
The question of heart, then turns to the gender invitation of male versus female; in a dance that includes what will be, “our participation with life”. Life does not “dance alone”/ it must have participation. The heart does not participate alone, rather it worships time as an invitation to belong. When asked, what is belonging? The answer replies: “I know trust”. When asked why? The answer exists, wherever respect correctly becomes an opportunity to live without substantial restraint. This is friendship, the critical component in creating “time worth living”. So we then come to value, and ask of knowledge: why is this important?
Value is the structural component in law. Law gives peace and harmony. Peace means: I have established a respect for each individual participant involved. Each then knows justice, fair play, and the distinction of realistic freedom within the ranks of what survival needs. Harmony refines that freedom with the responsibilities accepted; to keep us all alive. Therefrom value identifies the creation of environment, within which we are given the very essence of time, to feel alive on our own individual search for the completion of our existence, as a life revealed.
We extend value into the more critical search for spiritual definitions by understanding ONLY TRUTH expands beyond time. While mercy can allow “less than truth to exist”/ only truth becomes truly free.
Heart elevates life, by understanding the differences between male and female; construct a journey. While the reality of examining the perspective of living from each side as unique in and of itself; isolates a relationship in living, that is beyond self. Or more distinctly, it is this other gender, “that opens my world/ to far greater influences”. The mirror so called stops hiding “the other side”/ only when you accept the disciplines of equality; and identify that more than self, is necessary; to truly feel alive.

fire fence intro

The fire fence movies released, inventions used are free to all; as identified in its simplicity.
Fire fence one. A full scale fire test for a fire retardant, that makes many promises. PLUS a preliminary review of the national ignition facility in San Francisco, and their intent to ignite the same fire here, as is on the sun.
Fire fence two; is a full scale fire test for stopping the spread of forest fire/ by controlling the ability of embers and other leaf type debris to extend beyond this fence. PLUS a preliminary review of the extreme light infrastructure nearly complete and ready for testing. They have built 3 lasers, which can be combined into an energy burst of: 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 watts of electrical power, all hitting the same spot in space, at the same time, at the speed of light times three; plus the acceleration, and subsequent chaos of explosive realities when the beams crash.
Fire fence three: is a realistic fire test for stopping a grassland or brush fire, from spreading. PLUS the preliminary examination of the people at CERN, whose most indicative expression is: “We WILL recreate conditions mimicking the BIG BANG” here on earth. The single most destructive event, in the history of this universe. Right here on earth. “Ain’t that great”?
Fire fence four: is an invention that establishes a method for do it yourself fire suppression systems/ that cheaply and quickly create a water sprinkler system. PLUS, it examines the reality of university mutilation of nature itself, by tampering with genetic DNA. Which does present the instructions that build every body of life on this planet. The witch doctors called geneticists in worship of their religion called evolution say; LETS HAVE CHAOS in nature, it will be great.
Fire fence five: is a review of our situation as humanity on this world, establishing preliminary critical statistics, which identify a collapse of our ability to exist on this planet is in fact by the evidence coming soon. It also provides a short description of several usable ideas for your discussion. For free.

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