TIME, a reflection more so, than a distance. The basis of every memory, that reflection identifies the realities we shape and create with our lives. Life, is a participation in energy, each decision constitutes a reality which shapes the actions and reactions that determine our lives.

Before I forget again; volcanos as well as earthquakes, are a result of weight shift/ which proves and serves to balance the earth. Every mountain, is a product of that purpose: to balance the planet. Which means fundamentally: that having disrupted and destroyed much of the balance that existed (with practically, everything men do)/ we will soon be experiencing more of these massive events.

Nonetheless, the elements of life are enhanced by memories; therefore our reflections found within moments, do elevate or cause the descent of not only personal decisions, but the consequences that will erupt into the life we now live. So the question is: not only why do you make the decisions you choose/ but what do you do with the information that those decisions create!
There is no realistic method of examining any other person or life, throughout the measure of their time: as a consequence, each must evaluate their reality by the relationships identified within their own memories, as a reflection that builds the structures, commanding what will or will not be done in your own future. That functionally means: to identify this type of discussion requires a limited examination of things which identify me.
We begin with structures: realities as constructed by their consequences; that cause individual directional changes to occur. To command these decisions: it is necessary to align and accept, the destiny you desire. Destiny means: my soul lives within these hopes! Because without a destiny/ you are left with fate: the construction of a barrier “I, WILL stop here”; beyond which you cannot go. That is an elemental description which extends as truth into the spiritual world. Or more distinctly; another law of the spiritual world ordered and identified by truth is: to demand, “I will stop here”/ subjugates energy. To begin again, is not your choice/ because the only energy that does not move; constructs a mass/ as in “prison”. It is a law of destiny, rather than life, that you must not stop your search until you find your accepted truth. The difference or substance is: you have control over destiny by your own truth. Only GOD has true control over your life, as constructed in eternity.

Even so; the question before us is: HOW, WHY, WHEN, WHERE, WHO, AND WHAT brings us to our own chosen destiny or in its absence “fate”!
Time is the creation of movement by an action or reaction through the embodiment of mass (a living body) or its motion; the direction we choose. This elemental participation in a physical existence, lives and dies because of decay, that is subject to the consequences of every action or reaction that it encounters. True of both energy and life. So the questions of humanity reside in the actions and reactions that fundamentally decay our ability to choose beyond ourselves/ or those elements which require, that we will go inside ourselves, as the means to protect life, as an existence. We can identify every action or reaction within three basic principles of life as we know it. They are “love/ hate/ and what we must, or must not do to survive”. Within these participation’s, are the relationships born
from our interactions with people, places, things, energy, knowledge, and realities unleashed by the assertion of understanding. Or more simply human understanding is commonly referred too as “I know (something)/ I am right (even if it cannot be proven)/ I believe (because this is what I want)/ I own (mine, its all mine)/ I have a rule (obey me/ listen to me); and so on”.
Of the many variables infecting or afflicting this world; is religion. Particularly pandemic, are the cults such as “university knows”; an assertion functionally propagated by the overthrow of government, and control over media; as in we alone decide what this humanity shall hear, or be allowed to believe. “No questions allowed: we are god/ whatever university says, regardless of how diseased or destructive: is the law”! Which does mean, and deliberately says: all not locked into “university controlled”; are to be considered worthless. With university propaganda; even the most worthless of all human mental activities come to infect and control existence. Such things as evolution: the most absurd religion (no evidence at all) of all/ “we built ourselves, one little piece at a time: with MAGIC”. They literally have nothing. They literally deny the evidence of mutilation: which is, “IT NEVER” ADDS to life or body, other than disease, death, or tragedy. They refuse the evidence of chaos “their creator”/ which is obviously: something that only destroys, does not build. Or in addition: Where proof knows: none who prescribe this vomited sewage; can offer a single word to defeat the simple fact. [Every living thing NEEDS, every part and piece of what it takes to be alive: at the very same time, to be alive; or it dies]. More simply, without muscle, there is no need for bone/ without attachment to that bone, there is no need for muscle/ without a joint, shaped and created successfully in just the right way; bone is useless, or a weapon against life, by being inside. And a billion more realities of life simply tossed in the trashed by the witch doctors of delusion, as is much of university knows. While they do create bits and pieces of “simple knowledge/ I observed this”; their understanding is largely pitiful. Because they want themselves “to be god (we control/ we own/ we so damn proud, “we can’t stand ourselves”: YOU slave)”/ they offer and create lies, they indoctrinate children with these lies, and they attempt to destroy all truth, through the propagation of control by “university knows” leading all government functions. Ending in: Worthless is far too precious for this group failure/ it is far more simply; another disease, stealing life. As are so many more, “university stories of ignorance and delusion”.
So here we see one of the structures of my life: lies infecting society, that are so enormous, they threaten humanity, even the planet itself. Realities of delusion so extreme: eternity is lost for many/ to the extreme shame, and eternal consequences; of those who failed life itself.
The true consequence of such lies, and the extreme horror of a “a thousand: university designed hells”; did shape my entire life. Because the cost of their being wrong is absolutely unacceptable/ the reality of lives being lost: is without an excuse, other than complete delusion. Duty (we cannot afford to be wrong here/ we must protect and defend the discipline and order that is life and society here), honor (nothing less than balancing needs, and following truth will do), order (want must not rule), and discipline (I am the evidence of my life/ not its illusion, but its fact). All these demand: this work to reestablish truth; must be undone, before time itself, for me (the freedoms allowed) can be accepted as mine, to do with as I please. Honor, duty, discipline, and courage (I shall not fear, it has no value) all follow along the same path (life for our planet, comes first)/ allowing order to direct its decision: FOR LIFE/ never want or money or pride. The university offers the opposite; resulting in chaos, prescribing only death/ and the complete disgrace that is medicine today. OR: we, the hierarchy of hospital, will extort EVERYTHING! We will “rob them all”, with vengeance (I am god), grief (let the pain decide), and fear (the grave comes) through pain: never did I believe, the body could betray me “like this”!

Alternately, The question is: can you see the lateral definitions (survival comes first) of this movement? Because without a planet, or all that life needs, including every single “piece of the puzzle”/ we cannot survive. Because the foundation of war is man; and he has attained both his worst fears/ and his greatest delight in war (I CAN, kill you all; like vermin). Pride destroys him, as he prepares world war 3, fully knowing this purpose is only “to play god”.
Or more simply: when realities force us to abandon what we would otherwise choose; then it is other people (the games of man), and their pride, selfishness, want, hate, etc: Or environmental consequences, which control our time.
If, on the other hand, a movement is made as determined by love or hate: these are entirely personal. To ascend as is love, beyond the moment, is to encounter the possibilities created within us both. It takes two! To descend into oneself, and therefrom hide from this world/ run away/ or seek vengeance because of the fears introduced. Requires: none can see the growing hate inside, and thereby understand a threat has risen against life; therefore lies are created. Each personal direction translations into a different decision: what is before you is established by the consequences of your own action or reaction/ unless trapped. The values you choose to illuminate your own reality, by the decisions you make “from the inside”, control your destiny. Those decisions used to construct love, are found in “value accepted”. OR, The consequences you identify as cause: to warrant hate, create the dribble that rots your brain. Vengeance turns that rot into an action/ which then results in “you made me do this”; even though that is not true, beyond critical realities that apply the law. This erupts in many ways, each of which must be fought with, if you are not to be overrun. Hate cannot expand beyond self: therefore hate will bind you, in the darkness of seclusion; none must see/ what has happened “to you”.
Love IS, the opposite of hate; fully identifying, love will set you free, to experience and express life. Because WHERE: the light of human existence is honest and true; it will always be, life; “loves a lover”! Therefore everyone should see, “my happiness”/ how can it be contained! Everyone should share my experience “with being ALIVE”! Love shares, because it cares! It cannot be stolen/ except by someone you truly do love. These who love, shine as an example of what truth and trust, can be! Those who take the gift of love, and remove it for themselves; are stealing. Leaving “the humanity of love” with somewhat less. Respect, reality, desire, purpose, honor, courage, and disciplines are required to rebuild. If it is bad enough/ then the addition of “someone else must love me now, so I have something to build upon”; can be required. Whether from the past, present, or future; that love must be real, or it will not help.
So then we must examine what it means to go “Inside oneself to hide or worse”/ and what it means to go beyond oneself, in the essence of care, to build the values of love?
To hide from reality, is to accept and create, “the lies” which form your decision: I WANT, to be more than this! I DON’T WANT what is me. To run away from reality exists as the essence of fear identified, a decision “the price is too high”/ even if its true. Therefore I must choose and hide within a lie. Etc! Consequently from these things, unless you change. We know: that your entrance into death, thereby your eternity means, YOU WILL be found as “LIAR”. There are consequences, none of which you desire to know for real. Most will eventually dissolve into “nothing”. Others will not be so lucky.
In alternate constructions: CARING forms the basis and development of value; as in life itself: is a treasure beyond my comprehension. All life/ not destroyed by hate! This fact, is then translated as a “living” human being or soul/ because it shares creation, with kindness and humility. Love is the assembly of two living participants sharing the same “space and time”/ within their own dimensional reality. In the envelope (it sends us “to a different place in time) of love (nothing is more important in this moment of time, than you). That reality sends love as far into desire, as your own extremes of truth and trust can go. It is a journey. Desire means: I have begun, “to build my destiny” with you.

We then ask, HOW do two individuals fall in love, and share existence through the participation of energy, dimension, and time?
If we remove want, lies, selfishness, and all the other travesty, tragedy, and failure that humanity has become. The answer to falling in love is as simple as accepting each other by truth/ binding within each other by committing to trust/ and defining or defending each other through freedoms that are never judged. Only the law is allowed to judge/ because once you cross the line, and measure: you have created a barrier, ending trust. Only the law of life/ NOT men; is allowed to measure. That does not mean complete freedom/ rather love allows all things of value, and all decisions that expand the very essence of you. Of all these things, that bind us together, or destroy a living example of love. The end of truth (I cannot hope, anymore; your decisions are not for love)/ and the dissolution of trust (this is too much, my own life is now in jeopardy); are the worst. Without hope, “there is no space (no time)”/ when people switch from love to survival: we or I, have dissolved the bond between us. Even if “love itself” is somehow spared. Life is not a game/ love is not simple, it is shared honestly (no lies allowed/ although you may hide, what has no purpose or threat here. Some things should simply “die inside you”/ leaving the foundation of your truth, to then be reborn as a “new life”). Without truth in the essence of sharing, love cannot survive. Where there are lies: because one or the other is wounded, if badly/ those who are wounded, must choose to survive. A wound means: your wants/ or pride; tore apart my needs. Your decision to control, “by whatever means necessary”/ changed my existence.
Sharing existence means: I will help you to what you desire to be/ and so shall you help me. These are the eloquent moments of vulnerability: the purpose, to surrender more, than I or you “should”. Eloquent means: together we can “sing, for joy”/ because loneliness is gone. “I AM”, here for you/ just as I trust you will be here for me. Lies destroy that.
Sharing means: that with freedom, I search “to touch the very limits of my life, by its experience and our expressions”. But this also aligns with: life itself, and the love evident in Creation/ HAS SECRETS, that must be explored. The consequence is: even though we love/ we are still individuals, that must endure when necessary the essence of both heart and soul. By understanding, disciplines shape our journey, and construct our destinies; while love exhibits a hope beyond ourselves. That hope extends to GOD; HE, who made all things possible, including love. Heart churns to belong/ therefore it must venture forth, to where true love begins. While soul challenges life, to become what is more than simply self; and learn what it truly means “to be ALIVE”! This is a desire beyond all others, and recognizes “the responsibility is mine”! Therefore each must search, as best they can.
The participation of energy within love; means for lovers: that time itself loses all meaning/ when the bodies of life shared between two individuals of the opposite sex build “a path into each others’ heart”; there is joy. This cannot be done without souls shared, even if heart is. Therefore this element of existence, is unknown to the vast majority throughout all of history. To erect this journey, demands discipline, order, balance, securities, and the intensities beyond self. Or more simply: you must stop being “you”/ so that “we, can arise”. The intensity of trust, elevates life here. The security of “your endless truth”, particularly with me; is a guide to where we shall begin.
This is where dimensional existence is formed. Not as me, or you/ but within our love identified, as without restraint. This is NOT: any part of form of “simple physical realities”/ as in a sexual act. But conceives within the heart, a rhythm that sings in the grace and beauty of “souls ALIVE”. Few find it.
We then ask: if love itself, is beyond time combining as an experience or true expression/ THEN what happens, when one dies? Elements reply: the soul (that which gives us the energy, and search for life), comes only from GOD. Therefore HE decides.

We examine WHY; as a blessing which erupts/ rather than being earned. Or more directly; love is not a game or work or trophy or other element of simple human existence. Instead love is an expression that cannot be contained/ but is disciplined, from its very beginning. Blossoming, “if not eaten”/ into the very treasuries, that make life worth living. It is not a game. Love cannot be earned or experienced “because you want, or even choose it”. Rather love is like a seed inside, brought to life by conditions (the mud, standing in our way) that builds a journey through time itself. A journey is: both consequence and realities, that determine what has value within our lives, “as time treasured” enough, to survive! If the journey ends for you, even apart from physically dying/ it means, you are dead inside. GOD can give you life back, to try again/ allow you to die/ or accept, “that you, have failed” time!
WHEN, establishes failure, or success. Because the fundamental truth of our time, and our existence: is to find WHAT is our own, undeniable truth. Exhibited as your decision to either ascend beyond simple survival, as in love cherished. Or, descend beneath simple survival, where death exists/ because life, “was just a game, you lost”. Survival is not enough, “to become eternal”; you, must choose to become more, “than an animal, or a game”. More than a memory; because love itself, should never die/ even if humanity does. That means, “move on”/ because others, especially in this time, where the university cult, delights in “shunning/ judgment/fear/ and lies”. Love is missing, and desperately needed, by very many people. Be cautious, but unafraid. Be kind, but understand the difference between want: and truth, love, happiness, and the values of life. Want, is the foundation of every lie: the critical decision “to cheat/ steal/ or by any other method attain, what you would otherwise not have/ or avoid.”
Remember this: Because eternity does not care; energy is, what energy is/ only love cares. Which brings us to WHERE do you desire life to exist: IN LOVE/ or, in hate, failure, vengeance, sex, or all the rest that is a human decision without love, as in beyond survival; hate ruled over you.
It’s a choice! Make your decision.


The energy of life

Critical to all learning, is the essence or cause for why “something exists”. As a fundamental of time, examination reveals that human life is here as a measure/ to determine what is, or is not true about you!
That said, the most powerful words in your life, are then these: that nothing but truth can survive in eternity. This is the first law of life, in the universe itself. Therefore whatever your own truth is, determines your destiny. Every truth has a path, that leads to its essence; IF, you can find “the door”. Every door has a key, that its own version of truth can unlock.
As we examine truth itself, we find there is distinctly an energy defined by laws which control the universe. Consequently all truth is subdivided into “itself/ its energy/ and its law”. Law means: there is nothing you can do to change this reality, the energy applied exists.
So we ask the question: what does existence mean?
Answer, “I” has been established. Which does include even a mass, an energy in motion, or life. “I” therefore stands as the description, of a law applied environmentally. Or, within boundaries and limits.
We ask the question: what is beyond these boundaries and limits called time?
Answer: the essence of energy, constructs a motion. Therefore the beginning of energy, is why does existence move? It is not an action or a reaction. Instead it is the elevation and descent “of an idea”/ thought is born. The critical conflict identifies an action OR a reaction/ cause and consequence follows. Laws are born by destiny and its purpose. Life exists, because desire applies value, and value asserts “I can”.
That is all I am willing to write.

as for me

As for me!

NO: “I, sure as hell is coming”/ ain’t perfect either.
But life is not a game, and we all just have to do the best we can; because the future does depend upon us. We, as a world, are the problem!

Nonetheless, this is about me! Because the lack of such knowledge, becomes an excuse for you.

So the question is: “what am I up too/ what’s the game plan/ what’s the hidden secret purposes, that we won’t know; until its too damn late” should we even attempt to fight, for this world?
Answer is: LIFE is NOT a game/ and I don’t play with it! It is what it is, therefore we must do, what we can do! Because too damn late, means dead.
Answer is: there is no plan/ there is only truth, and truth directs me to understand. Men cannot find their own way out of this mess, because they did create it as leaders and followers upon this world; directing all society to accept their ways. By examining the evidence, demanding a hearing to prove what is true: the clear intent was to intervene in death for this world, without an excuse to hide behind.
Answer is: the only purpose I own here, or throughout my entire adult life is, “this world will NOT die, without a fight/ even if I must fight alone”. That remains true today. Even though the biblical prophecy of Daniel “and the first death” has now pasted; that absolutely does not mean you have escaped the reality of people deliberately trying to ignite the same fire here as is on the sun. They simply haven’t accomplished it yet/ but it IS coming. If a ten million degree fire doesn’t “extinguish itself”/ then this entire world burns, just like the sun. With NO possibility to put the fire out! Religiously then “satan rules”.

So the question is: am I religious or not/ what is the evidence to prove my own reality?
Answer: I am not religious, because religion is a set of rules set out by men, to prove what they want from life should not be questioned. Added to that are written words, so “this cannot be questioned”. I do question all reality of value or consequence. Simply put: I don’t like rules (people telling me what I can or cannot do); freedom rules me. I DO on the other side of that reality accept TRUE LAWS which govern life and all existence for the purpose which protects and presents us all with peace, justice, and harmony. I do accept JESUS as my Savior; because his teaching/ the script of his life: does illuminate the foundation of mine. GOD IS GOD, and the evidence of clear and certain thought, love, respect for our needs and this world, everything nature and environment are: prove “it ain’t no accident”. This is designed work, with a purpose identifying love, and a desire described as: for, friendship given. That makes this life, this work, this respect for all of Creation: about GOD, and JESUS too.

The question: does he not want to lead us/ and to where?
Answer: NO, I have carried you with little or no assistance, for the last forty years or more. You and your failures, foolishness, and catastrophes coming; have ruled my life/ and I AM tired of it. That being irrelevant, because our world cannot be lost, without a True fight; proves what must be, shall be; when absolutely necessary. In preference, YOU should recognize that it is NOT leaders that you need/ BUT LAWS to govern life and society, which you present to yourselves, and accept. Because nothing less than true human commitment to change will save anything. To achieve that, YOU must be directly involved/ not me, I did my work. Make your own decision, and follow it through to the life you desire to live, or must/ because it is necessary.

The question: what the hell is this “spiritual woman thing”?
Answer: having found no possibility that men could change themselves/ the only other conclusion is: WHAT would women do? That became a demand to find the answer: which then became a spiritual journey into what is true about women under “universal law”. NOT a game, a deliberate search. But, spirit means truth without compromise/ and I did become trapped. NOT “woman”/ but woman in me, taking over; “its complicated”. Nonetheless, the answer is simply “let women try, to lead this world/ they are TRULY different”/ consequently if left to their own devices, their own nature; they will choose differently”. It can’t be worse, than a death sentence for this world, as men did do!
In similar contrasts: my life has changed from true freedom, at the peak of what a man can do. To “woman in charge”/ spiritually owning me, because I entered their spiritual world, and could not escape it. Because I could not understand it. I ain’t, going to explain what spiritual means to you, other than: beyond physical existence is an energy that drives life. Entering within that energy, exists only within or as spirit. A very dangerous place, if not prepared. Few can/ less survive intact. I was able to come and go as desired; believe it or not/ that however changed when opening the door to: what would women do, for this world! The reality very simply: I have changed places; woman inside, owns the final say, “like it or not”. Not as a perversion/ but to teach me: exactly what women hate or don’t like about men, throughout history. That is clearly the price for help, being charged; not fun/ strictly necessary, no running away. You really cannot imagine. Nonetheless, the anger that threatened to overrun me as “strictly male” has abated, or been removed; I don’t know. The work to fight for this world, has benefitted: because the lesson of woman in me is, “war won’t work”/ history proves it. You absolutely must teach, and let them decide for themselves. I became distinctly opposed to that solution as “strictly male”/ leaning harshly to “make them listen”. That too, is removed. Oddly enough, with the anger gone, life is better this way; at least in that area of life. Its complicated, simple as that.

The question: are you paying taxes?
Answer for the last two years, NO: I await my day in court/ with a jury trial! Because reality proves I have been denied my constitutional rights, and legal demands as democracy requires. To pay the enemy of this USA or this state of IL/ and let them continue on without a fight: is PARTICIPATING in TREASON. I have pushed them into court both state and federal/ and they pushed me back out; refusing constitutional rights and law. I demand a jury, and an open door, with all lights on: as the laws of this state and nation are searched FOR JUSTICE, instead of power, hate, greed, ignorance, failure, tragedy, and other bile or worse. Bring me to court!

The question: do you have a university diploma?
Answer: NO, I found in them nothing I wished to learn/ particularly at their price. But that does not mean, I didn’t use their own knowledge, or fail to understand for myself. Or search, where they could not or did not go.

all hail

LIARS: those who intentionally do harm, even though they know better. They choose to make the others pay/ pretending it doesn’t matter to me! “It will”/ because there is a price. Friendships die, people won’t trust you, or accept that you have value beyond “a moment/ maybe”. Etc.
CHEATERS: those who intentionally create chaos for others, even though they know better. They choose to change “the rules of the game”/ to catch people off guard, to entrap; and make them pay more. “It will cost you”/ because society dies a little from every occurrence, and you live here too.
THIEVES: those who intentionally take what does not belong to them/ demanding “I DESERVE more”. Even though that is blatantly untrue, and even if deserved; the option is to fight for yourself/ not against the others. The difference is: TO ACCEPT your life, and build with what you do have.
TRAITORS: those who lie, cheat, steal, and in all ways serve themselves; demanding let the others die/ “they deserve it”. “It will” cost you! Because war will come, your family, friend, life, and others will, or may die or come to great harm.
TERRORISTS: THOSE who intentionally accept hate rules their lives, because they have nothing left to live for. WORLD TERRORISTS: THOSE who deliberately set about and create weapons for the literal destruction of life itself/ planet/ environment/ realities required for survival of all/ and so on. These come with a university diploma, and call themselves god; “whether they say it out loud or not”. Their purpose is to play god. The only way, is to do things that “humans cannot do”. So they lie, cheat, steal, create treason, destroy currencies and nations, demand military reasons exist so they can hide the truth, and expect; “they can be more than SATAN”. Because in the swill of their sewage for brains; they literally believe there are no consequences “for them”. They are truly WRONG.
BASTARD’S; the people who choose to create games out of survival, so the rest can fight/ beg/ steal/ prostitute/ or in all other ways accept the price for survival because of a fool. “Is to do, what I got to do”/ trying desperately hard, not to descend “too far” into hate you.
WHORE’S; create a world that has no real life in it/ they insist all life and all living: IS FOR MONEY! There is nothing else in their entire existence; because they live for hate. Letting trophies prove their existence, regardless of how they are found.
UNIVERSITY DIPLOMA; for the cult: not a sign of knowledge/ a sign of acceptance “yes, I will obey your laws/ which I have memorized: like a good little religious convert”. For the priests: “I am god”/ let no one complain. For the majority: a medallion to wear/ over the years of servitude and slavery; as a reminder, “if you want your job/ you will be a human robot”. Or we will remove you.
To learn is not filled with such things. To gain knowledge, is a relationship to your work; a reality of discipline, combined with order. To find understanding, regardless of the teacher, or method: is to accept the laws which govern this reality. To build wisdom, creates the singular reality by which we ascend beyond ourselves: “let truth alone, decide”!

In this America, leadership is governed by the counterfeiting of money: proven true. As is true of the university diploma which destroys society by infecting it with a plague of different diseases, in more ways than one. Counterfeiting is a plague on society as well. Not only does it buy elections therefore creating a majority; “who cares” then doesn’t matter; because they cannot win a vote. The true pandemic of lies about money, is more gruesome: with fools in charge/ failures running government/ liars seeking to steal your soul with pretend fantasies/ cheaters in charge of everything; and bastard’s everywhere to be found, in the military as well. Terrorists experiment with our world, its nature, your very survival, and fully commit to assassinating every child alive or that would have come. Anarchists control the court, and destroy constitutional law. Rebels invade our working lives, with the clear intent to take away every choice/ by destroying the option to do anything: but obey their will. Fools, whore’s, and failures sell themselves and our nation; by dispossessing us from this land: distributing an endless supply of currency throughout the world, so they can all come here, and buy us out. Then there are the “ten thousand” or so other things; which are all going bad as well. Because WANT rules the nation/ and truth, reality, discipline, order, balance, and even life itself; have all been evicted from a place in government, work, education, or anything that matters to our future. How is that not true!
The university and their media, cry out: “all hail god/ the university is our hero; they can’t do no wrong”. Therefore none shall question: BELIEVE, that’s an order! Even, when like mutilating all life/ or trying to ignite the entire world on fire: we the people have no rights! So say the courts as well/ in case after case! Cult worshipers, and religious zealots are like that; some say its not their fault, “its just religious zeal”. But alas like nearly all religious zeal: there is a price. Our world dies, because communication of better; is dead.

I, ask of life: HOW shall we survive? And everyone runs away, to hide! Because the evidence says we won’t. I, ask for help; even in little things/ and all remain cemented in their chairs. I, require “stand up, and be recognized” as a worker here/ none accept. So lets ask even apart from the completely obvious realities of world death/ are the methods of examining what is true, about the oxygen we breathe for instance. Because there are consequences, to what over 7 billion people all do. If I suggest one in seven people, across the world have a vehicle of some sort, is that not fair? Then business and industry have machines too? Forest fire/ house heating/ fires just for air conditioning, and “life, needs oxygen too”. When we look at the statistics: with humanity standing on one acre of agricultural ground each: how does that not add up to “lots of oxygen being used”? With the average engine, or fire using a 5 to 1 ratio of air to fuel. That is gaseous fuel/ to air, NOT liquid. The combination for gas, by volume: is roughly space equal to 50 gallons of air to one gallon of fuel. Experiments at “bio-sphere two” proved: even though 7 people inside 7 million cubic feet of air with plants, thought they would have an excess of oxygen: they couldn’t breathe, within 7 months of enclosure. Not a single fire or engine! With an entire world being cut down, destroyed, or already dead. There will be consequences/ it won’t be that long.

But hey, you got games to play/ selfish wants to attack: and DON’T need to hear or do NOTHING, but find a way, to “give me MORE MONEY”! Or, “counterfeit some more/ DAMN YOU”; speed this up, I have a world to own/ an environment to cut down! So I can build my own little world, wave my trophies around, and play god too! Let the children fight for themselves, cause you don’t give a damn! Ain’t that true. Indeed it is/ that is why you stole their lives, instead of paying for yourselves. As “decent” people do/ but alas its all counterfeit; so even though you work yourselves to death, “poof, its all gone”.


Reality speaks

When questioning the insanity of men, and their universities, it is noteworthy to mention again: that it is not true knowledge that is questioned/ but the absolute arrogance, and clear adulteration of power; the vile fantasies; and the unbelievable thirst for pride, greed, want, and selfishness that comes into view. While women contribute in all these areas, it is primarily men that form the blockade of leadership, that fixates on rampaging through the environment/ raping nature itself/ and the continual ravaging society itself. Or, “everything for me, every choice, every rule, every dollar not needed to keep civil war at bay/ cause we are the nobility: just like god”. So the question begins with their own description of god: “No consequences to us, or anything we do; cause no matter what it is it ain’t our fault, unless we like the outcome, and then we were gods”! NO acceptance of rules for life/ NO boundaries in terms of money (we counterfeit)/ NO laws governing their existence/ NO realities of survival/ NO acceptance of democracy (we know better)/ NO respect for anything/ NO values, few disciplines and only those for power, NO Acceptance of order, basically “Just whoring (I’d sell your soul, for what I want)”! As is consistent with the realities of “want IS an abyss”/ because no matter what it is you want, there is always more to be had. Something newer/ something different/ another trophy/ another slave; etc!

Given that intro, we then translate just a little: the lies and liars who use their religion called evolution; to inject this world with delusions, pandemic disease, and complete disrespect for life, and utter disgrace these human beings, “without the knowledge of a monkey brain/ or a brain with understanding equal; to a gnat”.
We ask the simple question: if evolution started as they say, within the sea or perhaps land, as it makes absolutely no real difference. The very first question is: if the first critter of any kind “just suddenly appeared”/ exactly what did it eat? Because without another living organism of some kind to eat/ there is absolutely no food. Not in the sea, air, or land. Their expected “change of position” would then have to be: “well plants came first” because plants can live on sunshine. But that too is not true; without an appropriate bed of organic materials, a plant does not exist either: they cannot simply grow on rock or sand/ there must be “something useable” which can be broken down into the building blocks for life, whether plant, insect, animal, bacteria etc: same is true for all. In an absolutely sterile world, which is what the absence of life truly is: nothing survives. So now the cult would probably offer: well all life then came off an asteroid, which crashed into earth, at tremendous speed, heat, and horrific force. They say the water came this way/ even though the moon is full of craters having been hit with asteroids, and only the tiniest bit of water, with no life at all; can be found. Even so, without the essence of life and the living being found somewhere: it cannot even travel here.
So then beyond eating, there is drinking: lets suppose some tiny bacterium “evolutions’, god of creation”. This thing having gathered all the necessary components into place in the right proportion: is now faced with organizing them into a working environment, and enclosing that environment so that it can be “life”. Evolution says: CHAOS, that is what built life! But chaos has no organization/ its meaning is exactly the opposite of that. Instead of building anything CHAOS literally means, the destruction of all disciplines, order, balance, structure, EVERYTHING! So the question is: how does chaos do/ what the very meaning of chaos proves it cannot do? Answer: liars want power, so the truth has no purpose “to the walking dead”.
Lets begin again: asking the very simple question. Lets suppose something “magically came alive”/ as is the summary explanation of evolution. Lets suppose it ate itself/ because nothing else was available; even though it has no teeth, mouth, stomach, or anything available to assist in that action or use that material even if captured. Nonetheless; lets give this creature a bone; “big or little; don’t care. Now everything in the environment has to make room. If the bone is not smooth/ then it will rip and tear anything it touches, if movement occurs; and lets face it evolution wants movement; so it has to move. Now if the bone as a sharp or jagged point; it will slice and dice the outer surface of the membrane with encloses this supposed life. If it has a blunt point; that will act as a hammer when movements force action and reaction to occur. None of which is functional to surviving as a bacterium. As we progress in this: where does the ball and cup joints come from/ the critter certainly does not need them without muscles, or ligaments or means to move the muscle. And just how do you suppose these now two bones came to be the right size/ even when that is “no thing”; because this critter has no legs, arms, or tools of anything. Just how does it survive? Evolution says: “Well it must have multiplied at such an incredible rate, that it mutilated trillions of times; “until it got what it wanted”. But alas, without a brain: a bacterium cannot know what it wants/ and evolution says “a brain is last”; apparently so, because they lost theirs!
But lets go back to a new bacterium that feeds off itself, as there is nothing else, and grows by sunlight, and lives off water, in a chemical soup; even though it has no acids or base materials to dissolve or use anything; and if the membrane is not permeable enough; no water goes through/ and if too permeable; what is inside gets out or diluted to an unuseable degree. Then we come to a bacterium, which does multiply at a tremendous rate; and needs no substantive reality to support it. This would be a disease, to any more organized structure; killing anything “that they believe, evolved”. Nonetheless: their creature has no eyes, tools, movement, brain, awareness of existence, no food, in a rough and violent world; as would be the description of this earth “a billion years ago”. Isn’t that so: earthquakes/ asteroids/ volcano’s/ an atmosphere like the other planets around us; going 700 mph/ no moon/ too cold or too hot, etc. Better be “really tough/ and well prepared”; because even with a brain and every human tool available “you can’t survive it”.

And these are the people who say to you: lets’ mutilate everything/ and bring chaos to nature back. For the purpose of worshiping their religious god called evolution. Because they believe, “we will be god, and make weird and strange new life/ by destroying what exists”. That is exactly what they are doing: their “Holy grail” being. When the geneticists learn how to destroy DNA, and make it dissolve into chaos/ THEN we will learn how to put it back together. THEN, we will be gods, and can make people with snake heads/ crocodiles that look like one big penis/ and everything fantasy and delusion allow. Then we can have humans with twenty eyes, and a hundred hands, and three brains; OR none! Because nature will be dead in their hands, NEVER to be resurrected again. And every time, you give to some type of medical experimentation; hell going to fix cancer/ EVERYTHING. What you actually do, is support their evolutionary religion/ and its purpose, which is to mutilate life itself into oblivion. Because DNA or genetic structure is nature itself; as this builds the body of life.
While we focus on the reality of life, rather than the illusions and disgrace of a dead brain: NATURE uses chemistry to build and keep a body alive. That chemistry is activated or shut off in the process of producing another life copy: by extremely small variations of very specific and complex chemicals, being introduced into the slurry of this chemical concoction at EXTREMELY critical times. Anything less, and what cannot be adapted/ will be destroyed: because that, is what keeps our living existence as a body of life; from destroying itself. Evolutionary fools use genetics to dump everything they can find from “the sewer/ garbage dump/ and shower of hell that is their own contribution: INTO LIFE. Because their purpose is to make something happen; so they can then again make that same thing happen later: to play god. Their purpose, is to crucify a living organism by making the process of “birth” GO BAD. THEIR PURPOSE, is to play DEVIL with life, by throwing even the possibility of a living future, as created by nature: “into HELL”. And they do take human embryo’s etc; and play with them horrendously. Producing complete catastrophe’s in their labs, behind closed doors; so you can’t see. But hey “its their job/ its what they do”; so its ok right. After all “hitler’s group did it/ as did countless others throughout all of history. The tools are better today though. The prediction of Armageddon (nature in chaos), is clearly coming true. What do you suppose, your reward will be for destroying an entire world of life? Or supporting those who do!
Well, “that’s just crazy” right! After all: what is clearly in view with every life, IS AN ABSOLUTE reliance on thought/ because design, knowledge, understanding, and wisdom are truly clear in all living things. Other than the humanity that discards it, to be “walking dead”.

Another favorite target of university the cult of deceit, the playground of death. Is Noah’s flood; they do return to it often/ but utterly refuse to inform of any and all real evidence which supports that flood. Well, cause “gods can’t be wrong”/ its just not acceptable; right?
So lets look again, just one more time. There is absolute proof of a world wide flood: it is buried as oil, gas, and coal! Each of these are known, deposits of life/ gathered together and crushed; to become over time; a reality of life decomposed under pressure, with heat in an absence of air. University can make oil out of biological materials by compressing it under a press: proving without the slightest doubt/ that is what this is. The numbers/ quantity of fossil fuel, prove life was massive on this earth, at that time. The reality of gathering the dead together in large clumps before it submerged itself; IS ABSOLUTELY consistent with a flood. You, can see that in any river flooding. Some is buried under thousands of feet. Some is buried under hundreds of feet, as gas deposits being tapped “to a horrific end/ when drinking water dies”. But it still proves DIDN’T happen by covering this with dust. You can’t gather the dead, and bury it all in one place; for a wide variety of reasons. That does not happen with a catastrophe of some kind.

As to Noah’s ship; I wrote a short description of it some years back; don’t know where it is on site/ should be there.
Regardless one last time: just the bare minimum!
For a small family, and a wide variety of animals, etc to be saved from a massive flood: they had to be living together at the same time in the same place. To have a wide variety of animals, etc in one place: REQUIRES money of some kind/ because creatures have needs. Consequently, Noah apparently ran the worlds first zoo! That being said, as any farmer will tell you: livestock need water; and they eat/ piss/ and livestock “poop”. It’s a daily job when massive numbers exist. BUT, if you’re wise, as the factory farms can tell you: water will haul this away for you, if it runs beneath your feet/ and you build for it.
So what would Noah have built, as the holding pens for a wide variety of animals that did have to be kept largely separate? What could Noah have carried for food and water to support that life, over months?
IF, I were to build a zoo, prior to large machinery; or perhaps there was some. I would have looked for an island in the middle of a river. That means any time it overflowed a bit, the shit was carried away, along with the smell etc; by that river. That means the animals could be segregated to one side of the river or the other, for drinking; with a simple fence/ and rushing water would keep most of them on the island without even trying. An island with large trees, and especially trees that produced fruits, would feed many creatures without human effort. An island with very close trees, and lots of new saplings, would make an ideal setting for creating “viewing rooms” for the general public to come. An island within a rushing river; would keep the people from trying to steal/ kill/ or eat the creatures. A swinging rope bridge, from land to island would “make the people pay”; to see your zoo. If money is collected, and business is good: people bring you things in exchange.
So lets look at the biblical record once: it says the ark was made out of “gopher wood”. Which ultimately means, that a gopher by nature builds its burrow under large trees, within the roots; to protect itself from predators. So if Noah was there a long time/ and he had gophers; they burrowed under his big trees. The river overflowed from time to time forcing the gophers out, and removing sediment; leaving the trees propped up on their roots, “making things less stable”. That requires roping the little forest together. Plus there would be that anyway to separate the creatures; with platforms and levels throughout the trees. “Too much work to move: damn gophers”.
But there is a “silver lining so to speak”. In a horrendous flood: those roots break/ and the entire forest all roped together to make a zoo, and visiting or viewing areas. Now floats down river into the sea. In one mass! There is plenty of sediment in the water to keep the trees alive/ even the fruit trees. The claim of rising waters from underground is a sign of “drinking water” / rather than salt water, as is rain. That water sits on top of the salt water, making it drinkable dependent upon quantities. Consequently we have a floating life raft/ even if unintended. While the bridge that let other people on the island, was no doubt gone almost from the beginning.

the seventh choice

Discipline reminds you: that trophies do not make you happy/ they can only make you proud. Pride constructs a game, so “I CAN be the winner”/ you are loser. Which means, it is the first participant in hate unleashed. Hate consumes life; and its most prominent weapon, is a lie. Every want is the foundation of every lie: because if you don’t “want it/ etc”; then, you won’t lie to get it, or keep this away. That makes want an enemy of life. Want is not the foundation of your happiness either. To want means: I refuse to accept the terms of my reality, and judge it possible, to lie, manipulate, steal, cheat, or control something or someone: to GET ME MORE!
Those are just three of the variables which influence humanity, but they are prevalent and prominent as “common”.
The question of life is value, rather than time! That is a question only love can ask; because hate cares about nothing, but self. Therefore through the elevation of love, which is to live beyond “oneself”/ as a participant in being alive inside; we get to concern ourselves with “more, than just time”.
Love elevates life, because we can share each others soul; if only just a little. Love builds a blessing for each other, because that is what we chose to do, with our time, purpose, and desire. Love sees in life, a complexity beyond time; as is governed by the body of existence that all life is/ including a world like no other we know. Love respects the reality of our existence; because it knows and accepts, “this is a gift, TO ME”/ and to you, because we absolutely cannot create this world or its nature for ourselves. We can only live here, and build for life, hope, and happiness: or destroy.
The evidence of GOD, Designed and created us all/ is then beyond complete, and needs no other discussion. Nature and planet are proof enough!
The evidence of JESUS; As a description in time, of more than just self/ more than other human beings could be/ more than a participant in HIS time. HE proved, with realistic expectation, acts, and words: that we are NOT abandoned by GOD . But noticed, and given the opportunity to share not only this life, with those who love; but an eternity as well, with GOD himself. In like proportion to what, and how; we chose on earth. Its not a game, this is a personal choice no one/ no group, can make for you.

As to critical truths which simplify understanding to its basic foundations: we ask the simple question. If things are believed to make you happy/ then how happy, would you be, if stranded alone on a deserted island, never to see a living thing again. Even though you have every trophy, or non-living object you can think of.
Answer, you would not be happy long. Because a trophy is meaningless, without a crowd. Because life is “dead”/ without the living! It is true, therefore you should consider the reality of your life; by the games you play for trophies. Instead of, people to love you.
People don’t love/ people hurt/ people don’t accept/ people use and abuse/ people steal, etc. Isn’t that so! But how about you: do you accept others, even if they aren’t the same? Do you judge? Are you righteous, “everyone else is wrong”? That list is long too, for very many people!
Happiness is the result: “I am not alone”. Which then translates as; happiness is a state of existence wherein life is more than just me, or just about me. Therefore happiness NEEDS life, to exist!
Selfishness removes your life from its participation with others/ thereby “digging a hole” inside your soul; to hide in. This is NOT happiness, even though the possibility exists, that you could arise from that place, and begin again: it is YOUR choice. No one can make it for you/ you must do it for yourself, because no one else can be you! Or you them either.
Happiness understands that loneliness is a lack of participation, wherefore the ability to heal someone else’s life is then to participate with their existence, and help them understand, they need not be alone. Few do that, because of university driven fears/ media propaganda/ and other concerns that are more self centered, than learned. Which does mean happiness is lacking on this earth.
Hope constructs a boundary between us. Or more specifically, hope says “if you do this/ or don’t do that” THEN we could participate as one. Marriages form in this way, because most of humanity isolate their fears and their fortunes into one simple choice. “Its easier”! But that does not mean better: people are more complex, than one simple choice. So is life!
Love represents the struggle: to build a life beyond ourselves, which is honorable and true to the miracle we inhabit. Therefore RESPECT is an absolute requirement/ followed closely behind, “as if one”; by love itself. Therefore heart, the existence of why we desire life; is absolutely tied forever, with respect. Suicide commonly represents those who are not respected, and find themselves alone: because you would not care, in a moment when it truly did matter.
If you do not think, for yourself/ then you will not survive this time of destruction; all life dies, because that is what men chose through their universities and leadership. You can’t go back. You must think about the consequences of being wrong. You must learn what is true about experiments and realities which threaten all life on earth, or even less. You must respect the evidence, and identify what you can do: in defense of this world. Because if you don’t/ if we don’t: there are then no solutions and we all die. So says the evidence. DON’T believe/ GO SEARCH FOR TRUTH! As best you can. Start here, on these sites for a beginning. Talk to each other about life, experiments, realities and consequences for being wrong. Do whatever you can do, because we all must: our world is in danger. Because of us! That makes the result of this: up to us/ or our fault; for not doing what we could have done!

I am NOT the question presented. I am irrelevant, to the realities displayed as threatening. I am merely a messenger proclaiming: the evidence says we cannot survive much longer, all the things men and their universities have done. A listing of many different reasons why, have been given. Along with useful information to aid you along the path you must travel, to gain both knowledge and truth. That path is: to search within yourself, for what you do truly care about. Because if you don’t care/ then its “to HELL” we will go! All the realities are certain/ all the consequences are clearly visible/ all the tragedy without end, cannot be stopped; once we go past the point of no return. Like a building imploding; once the first sign of real violence ignites/ this world falls down.
No second chances. No excuses or mercy will be found. This is your choice: to stop the insanity, and accept responsibility for life and living and the future/ BY RESPECTING LIFE! Or die. “Its not a complicated decision”/ you do understand. Which means, your choice/ or lack of action: is your decision. The cult of university is little more than a liar/ they cannot stop any of the true consequences they did help entirely, to create. You will just die, without even a remnant remaining . Or you will choose for life!
So says our reality, by the consequences of what men have done; under university direction.

the SIXTH choice

The elements and creation of a new world, are not justified by anything more or less than true respect, functional participation with the decision “for life”. NOT the continuation of want, greed, selfishness, or the rest of “the games”; men have chosen for this earth. IT IS a big difference. But that defines the words “true change”!

The foundation of what that does mean requires the following measures of human decision/ participation/ action/ purpose/ desire/ and dedication to the results which can or at least could bring life and planet back to our survival. Those who argue, “everything is just fine”/ WILL BE taken to court: so that every argument is met with a justified truth, regarding the consequences of what each decision shall bring. Identifying the reality of what it does mean to be wrong, with life and planet. Demanding; WE CANNOT BE WRONG/ will justify every action in defense of life or planet. And choosing our future, instead of living in the fate that is the current tragedy of life: as chosen by “university knows/ under male leadership. The few failed. Which means, either we the people now make decisions for ourselves/ or we enter the consequence of man: which is war. “Its his only answer/ to every complex life question”/ after an endless deluge of selfishness, greed, gluttony, rape, ravaging the planet, plundering every resource, and fundamentally worshiping every lust men can find….. “I want what I want/ and I don’t give a damn about you”! It’s a game, of stealth/ horrors/ violence/ deceit/ temptation/ and revolution (we will take yours)!

Nonetheless, reality demands certain things from human society: we must work to survive. We must find some degree of justice to remain a nation. We must educate ourselves, to participate beyond what is simple and plain. We must recognize that health is important/ when its you: so practices that are functional and fair, must remain. We must protect all life, and particularly the chains of life, because without them the whole earth dies. We must protect our world from experimentation that CANNOT be wrong. We must protect ourselves from nature being decimated or changed by religious perverts so destroyed, and deranged inside; that they claim CHAOS is better. We must build an economy within our world, that justifies the consequences of every action or reaction: because that is what it takes to keep the children alive, and even ourselves. Not a game/ the complete and certain tragedy of male in charge must end. Because this is the best they did do, and we do stand at the edge of extinction by their choices through the cult (this is our god) of, “university knows”.

So what exactly, can replace the failed practices/ the realities of turning life into a game; as designed by man? The first method of learning is to understand how we did get to this place in time. The answer is fear! Or, “I believe, in the university”/ because the atomic bomb proves I don’t want to be their enemy. The answer is competition: I, believe in their business model because they can throw me into poverty, and even take my life away because of what they do. The answer is power: “because religion and government” all seek to control my life, or destroy it. The answer is treason: because with the law, and every form of invasion that is not resolved by a death threat/ is resolved with a life threat (prison for you/ because there is no justice). Slavery for you, because we the army against life and humanity; can! So then the few, who corrupt and entangle our world: do have the power of an action against the individual, which does limit their options other than war. Which when civil is: enough of us have suffered, just a tiny incident WILL organize us all!

Change requires that the power of a few, be removed, from influence over society!
That means: there is a limit, to the power allowed for any individual/ or, NO you can’t make decisions that affect the lives of very many people. Governments are organized for this purpose/ but then dissolve in the realities “just a few decide”; and can be bribed, etc.
The answers are: limited capitalism describes by vote both the least amount and the greatest amount of influence by money or power of property or resource; allowed to ANY and ALL individuals; by vote/ repeated every few years (to avoid changes made by those who want power back).
This answers the fundamental question of how to take back, and control: “WE THE PEOPLE HAVE RIGHTS AND NEEDS TOO”. People will argue “democracy proves you can’t do that”! They lie, as the preamble to the US constitution declares: we exist as a nation, to explore and incorporate these things, for the betterment of every citizen here. People will argue “that’s not capitalism”. But no capitalism exists here, and hasn’t for decades: because you run on counterfeit money. Not a dime, “is real”/ its all corrupted! Plus the reality of capitalism is: this style of economy is used for the distinct purpose of protecting the resources: by causing any resource that is no longer abundant, “to go up in price/ so the demand shall go down”. Government officials have destroyed that balance. Reality does not allow, for undue consumption/ its just a fact of life, if you want a future.
Changes in government run on money: therefore controlling the money supply ourselves, controls the securities which establish or destroy the stability of society for ourselves. Controlling the tax collection by removing “one entity from government” to produce independent, society based tax collection/ under our control by vote. By electing the companies who will do this work/ and writing the deductions, etc for ourselves: by vote among all citizens. Will end the constant failure of people who intend to make us their slaves. Controlling war: HELL NO, you the elected official CANNOT wage war under any circumstance, other than we are attacked/ and must defend ourselves immediately. We the people will decide. And we the people MUST choose world law and its enforcement upon EVERY leader in EVERY nation. Not an army to invade or war with nations/ a policing army to collect and bring leaders to trial, who have broken our laws for governing across this entire planet. No excuses, you go to trial, as a leader accused, to make your case/ or if we must: you go to death/ because we could not realistically bring you out. Warning will be given. The list of causes, and the reality of evidence by laws created: must comply with this clause before it can be granted.
Policing and courts SHALL be governed by constitutional law first. No exceptions! We chose as a nation, by writing those decisions down as a constitution/ and we the people WILL now enforce those decisions to create the nation we chose. No judge is exempt. No judge is allowed “bad behaviors or decisions inept or directly in denial of constitutional law or justice/ every courtroom, and every case other than juvenile; is open to the public without exception”. We will judge the judge/ the lawyer/ the official/ and the police officer ourselves. When necessary throwing out those who do not comply with OUR LAW, as a constitutional nation. No immunity is constitutionally granted to a judge, by constitutional law: other than “good behavior”. That, is the ONLY exception to a decision clearly NOT within written democratic and justifiable purposes. Our nation/ not yours!
The functional reality of holding a job, respecting ourselves and our society by the work we do in aid of that society and ourselves: is NOT a game! It is a requirement. The difference between democracy and capitalism is: democracy allows for “we the people”/while capitalism does not. Therefore we can explore the needs of the many/ but we cannot afford to refuse or deny the future its own chance to survive. To employ us all DOES MEAN: we have to share! Because overpopulation has taken all other options away.
To decide: that LIFE WILL be “good”/ even if you cannot have all the trophies which only end in the garbage anyway. Means, you must find in life/ NOT WANT: your own answers to happiness, hope, and being alive in this moment of time. To understand the varieties of potential change as can do this: is to identify what does or does not make you happy/ gives you hope, for a future/ or expands your vision of time into the creation of more than just self. Each of these, are fundamental choices governed by your own decision: to believe life is a game/ or NOT! If life is a game/ then its always decided by “trophies”! If life is about life/ then existence, truth, and realities are far beyond simply self!
So the question then is: CAN YOU discard “male leadership”/ because their historical perspective and purpose is absolutely: LIFE, is nothing more than a game! That is their proven reality/ and it is a lie.
Which then brings us: to leadership itself!
The question is: WHY do we need leaders? The answer is: because we are attacked, if not defended; and must be prepared against all intruders. So there are leaders to organize a resistence to the worst humanity can offer. Unfortunately as history proves, it is often the leaders, who turn into the worst humanity can offer or be.
Which functionally means: IF WE ARE NOT attacked by predators/ THEN we can be removed from leadership. Because it is not necessary anymore; beyond a minimal, governable amount. To remove the human predator from life means: they exist in three “classes of conduct”. Violence to life/ violence to the securities of work done, as in money/ and violence to environment or its other life.
To remove the violence from life in society/ is to recognize primary causes. That means the functional element MOST at fault for causing human pain and suffering in this regard is HATE. Hate is a definable reality, distributed across this world as the decision: “not only won’t I care about you/ I will take revenge against you, even if you aren’t at fault”. By removing this individual failure from society: “to a place of their own”. Society heals! Even so, the secondary cause of human to human failure; is overpopulation and the intensity of competition. Consequently as with all things a new world needs; it begins with population control. Then, the simple but true demand: today, as a nation, if you created or contributed to the problems you inherited within your nation/ THEN you will fix those problems as best you can; before you, or any of your citizens, are allowed to move outside your nation. You caused this means: YOU fix this first/ don’t spread the disease of a failed society here. We, don’t need it! A reality simply because: there must now be accountability from every nation, especially for the population count. Because we the people DO, damage everything. “We, have needs”/ we MUST find our own solution. Help must be available when honesty proves it to be useful and earned.
Violence to the money supply as a nation: MUST be confronted! Where bankrupt, that nation falls into a courtroom accounting; controlling the court, demanding the evidence without exception, assigning punishments to all who refuse the truth SHALL be learned. Whereby the people themselves take stock by the evidence proven true: to determine exactly who gets what/ with the poor being first in line. The rich man already took everything he earned; while the poor got nothing but slavery. Tying the national currency numbers to population count; citizens only. Means government officials CANNOT simply create counterfeit numbers OR DEBTS. Only the people can choose to increase the currency count, by their own vote: recognizing “THE NUMBERS involved” mean nothing/ until they become “our currency”. From that moment one, adding a dollar means the rest of that currency is now worth a little less. Remember it, choose by vote. New constitutional law controlling debt in all forms of government ARE to be established. NOBODY gets control over the money but ourselves/ and we will decide the tax, by public vote. Every “government position” shall be removed to establish “a bid job/ let the people decide, in open forums, which prove who will or will not do this job for us. Let their be NEVER AGAIN, a governmental employee union, of any kind! As reality proves: “they can’t, handle it”. As a group: They turn into thieves!
Thievery against the individual needs to be recognized as the reality taken: is my work/ my life/ and my future. Therefore the punishment to be given is: YOU WILL be my slave, until an appropriate return is given to me. If you do not work realistically as provided: then to the people of hate you will go.
The violence against this earth and its life by all manner, methods, and ways of male dominated society: are clearly terrorism! I CAN STEAL YOUR LIFE, AND DESTROY YOUR WORLD; is its purpose. Consequently when you challenge the living with environmental catastrophe: you accept the punishment will be “never again”. Which does result in your death/ because that, is what you chose. Let the laws be absolutely clear/ no excuses allowed: but with justice intended for all, including “even a child unborn”; a jury alone can convict. Where violence to the individual is significant enough, to endanger the peace and harmony of life: such as is kidnaping of women, for the particular purpose of making them do anything sexual or degrading, they are told. That is an attack on every woman, and every man who honors them; which means it violates the peace and sanctity of this earth. The punishment is: “you will never do this again/ and the reality is death”. Let the evidence decide/ no jury is needed. Their material wealth in every form: will be given to the injured. Those who do this deed/ and those who hire them or participate in those actions: shall be deemed the same! That includes people who drug, etc: the woman to make them vulnerable to this attack. No excuses; eternity, will take care of the rest!
It is the law that governs everything. THE LAW WE CREATE FOR OURSELVES/ by our own individual vote! Remembering once this law is finished, it need not be done again. Only refined as determined through the elements of a courtroom, and the decisions which ARE NOT consistent with public intent/ or its safety. Neither a leader or a judge has the right to create a law/ or place a rule at our feet: that right exists only as WE THE PEOPLE! Be clear. Be simple. Be certain. Be honorable enough, to protect what you have done; from traitors, rebels, and thieves against us all. We can control governmental leaders: because WE ARE THE OWNERS HERE, and its OUR MONEY/ OUR POWER/ AND OUR RIGHT to decide! We are the military. We are the police. We are the power of America; because WE DO THE WORK! WE OWN the air, and every transmission of media that goes through it; is subject to our decision! Because liberty, within constitutional intent and a well defined purpose: fighting for the protection of life, nation, nature, and world: is greater than any individual freedom, or business. So says the constitution of America.

Sharing the work requires, three deliberate decisions! In collaboration with those decisions, are the fundamentals that build for life/ apply the lessons of truth to everything we must choose to do/ construct the realities of what it means to be wrong, or not accept the limitations of this earth and our existence as 7+ billion people, who all have needs. As such, all public communication which DOES NOT build for life, environment, needs, realities of existence, or contribute to happiness are excluded from participation in our work to create a new world. Things like: “the constant delusions of media” shall be regulated to the “fantasy channel”. And must be bought as an individual item, much like any other deviation “unfriendly to life”. No university delusions allowed; as in evolution/ or we can ignite sun fire on earth, because it will just extinguish itself/ or global warming cannot be dealt with, because we use endless excuses, without a foundation or cause beyond we don’t want to pay or change. No more experts and their opinion; only verified proof of knowledge, by taking it into court, and allowing the evidence to be extreme.

1. Work is, the evidence of our participation with each other, and our world. By choosing to do what we can do, by accepting to do what needs to be done, by sharing the work, so that everyone has something of value for their life and living; the world itself will change. That cannot be done with money as your god, or power over people!
Which means the elevation of life over money MUST occur. OR, TAKE THE GAME AWAY! While some will say, we do that already/ reality proves you do not. While others will say: that means we get everything we ever wanted, without working/ you couldn’t be more wrong. No more welfare/ you get a job guaranteed if necessary, which will sustain a realistic existence: that can be exchanged for another when the possibilities exist.
To grant a job for everyone who needs it means: when necessary hours will be reduced/ machines will be replaced/ rebuild, reuse, recycle will become the norm. We will decide as a community or state or nation what is fair and consistent with our needs. One of the biggest changes WILL BE: that farming returns to “more like the fifties or sixties: a farmer on every 200 acres or so”. Bringing back rural America; as the chemicals are replaced with “hands in the field”. BECAUSE WE CAN’T continue to dump and make trillions of gallons of toxic waste; whether you like it or not. This can, and will be divided into those who run the equipment/ and those who pull the weeds; because reality demands it at this time. They share the result. Weeding is not easy/ DON’T be fooled! If you produce nothing because you didn’t do the work/ then you get nothing, more than a very basic survival for one more year. You will do better then, or be thrown out of farming for at least ten years. Truth by reality demands: those with direct family ties, to an existing piece of ground shall have the first rights to return to it. Change is coming. Like change applies to all. Monopolies often called conglomerates or corporations today; shall be disassembled, to one location only. As society demands. Pensions are dust, they are filled only with lies; which means the corporation and its promises to every employee: SHALL go to court/ and they shall resolve what can and WILL, be done; period.

2. Following the death of male domination as is making life and business a game, “of money”; by which there are trophies to be won. There must be an alternative to the constant whining, OR: “The dominant male, will have something to do/ that he enjoys: as is making other people; LOSERS”! Making war, by whatever means; as is bullying, gossip, ridicule, disrespect, temptations, manipulations, judgment, and so on.
LIFE says: there are only TWO true choices to our existence as a human being. We are ultimately free, to decide if we will love or hate/ because everything else is about survival. Survival is not a choice, even though there are choices to be made: because death, is not an option/ it is a reality. So then the fundamental teaching, which applies to everything we do, by choice; as humanity on earth is either for love, or for hate.
By taking hate, and pushing these members from those who love by forcing them into their own locations. We remove the constant obstacle to peace and harmony among the rest. Without hate, there will be peace! By making those who believe they want hate: taste the result of that choice before they are summarily isolated forever into that world; realistic opportunities for change will exist. Or more simply: anger has a cause that can be fixed/ hate does not. Once it is known, that you choose hate/ then the fact, you cannot add any value to society or life here in this place; means you go to the other. We keep the weapons/ you build your own. But be aware, the prisons do hold many who will be happy to live where hate rules the land. Some should be killed instead of released/ but that can be a decision made by those of the place called hate themselves. You want these, or not/ because we do not intend to continue as is. Make your decision/ that means all!

3. The foundation of love requires respect, responsibilities, and purposes that are chosen to add value to each others life. That desire illuminates the clear decisions which are “building for life/ constructions for hope/ and honoring everything we are surrounded with as is nature and planet: with our decisions, by building RESPECT, and taking responsibilities, beyond ourselves.
Women do not “get a free ride”/ men do not “get to own women, or assume authority/ children will be precious. Every life will participate, and be included rather than feared: so that happiness can rule all but hate.
To accomplish these things: women as a group, all included across this earth/ SHALL present the laws which will govern life from this moment forward. Those laws MUST be voted upon by all interested parties (except hate), including men and children over the age of twelve (its their lives too). When you get a majority, you can begin/ but it does not become a law, until you achieve 70% acceptance by vote. It will not then be changed, unless 75% approve that change. By this method, “DIFFERENT, will have its say”. While all consider the complications and effects of what they are about to choose, for life on earth.

Law rules the universe! Law that builds for life, hope, and happiness; with nothing less included: CAN, and WILL rule this earth; because nothing less can or will keep you alive. We are too many people, for any other way! Make your decision/ because past the point of no return; there is NO going back!



The most massive influence over society in the last hundred years, has been a university education. Or, more deliberately “listen to me/ do what I say” & we can change this world!

So they have changed our world. Lets review: the realities that did change our world/ NOT necessarily from a university environment; because these are real world changes. Finding methods to feed plants (fertilizer), has distinctly changed our experience as humans: we grew more food. The consequence more population, and a better life/ but that does depend upon fertilizers remaining abundant; while potash a primary ingredient is nearly gone. Its disappearance will dramatically diminish output. That fertilizer and associated chemicals have invaded the rivers, lakes, and oceans doing great harm; ending substantial life near all coastal waters.
Finding methods, to reduce weed and insect pressures with chemicals, has caused an increase in food production. It has also reduced farmers and rural communities to a tiny few members who now control everything, and both plot and plan to take the rest. Trillions of gallons of toxic waste are produced every year, used both in city and agriculture: or “we only want, what we want”. No one knows what the leeching of chemicals into the aquifers will do, in the future. The don’t just evaporate/ this is an action, science hides and just plain doesn’t care about the reaction and its consequences: because “big money” is involved. Big money means: we come/ we take/ we leave you to your disaster; because it doesn’t affect us, and we don’t care!
Finding methods, to make livestock farming easier/ the world changed its methods, and now uses antibiotics by the billion ton; to keep this life caged. Without an alternate method available, and there is none at this time: one livestock pandemic is the end of all livestock/ because even if a few survive; humanity cannot wait for a population increase. It can take decades.
Finding methods to make tree harvest quick and simple; the world itself is being decimated of life and forest/ causing massive extinction in countless species ending diversity. And humanity says, “I don’t give a damn/ I want a new car, AND EVERYTHING I can buy, WITH slaves”. The human competition increases, and the oxygen generation by plants and biological creature ends; can’t breathe.
Finding methods to keep humanity alive: we now grow at over 2 million more mouths to feed every single week, worldwide! It is the antibiotic that is responsible/ their failing means; no food/ no surgery/ the end of all notable medicine. The increase in critical diseases, from an irritation to a pandemic plague; because of genetic alterations due to “university knows”. As we continue to eat this entire world, and use garbage, toxic waste, and disrespect to destroy our own future: cannibalism will prevail.
Finding methods; to use and pollute water without ANY regard for the resource, or what it means to run out. A HORRIFIC story of stupidity and destruction; all because “university knows”/ we can change this world. Cities around this world, will soon be dry; the people will move/ the reality is: you can’t come here, we then won’t have enough for ourselves! “We WILL DIE/ or we WILL WAR”.
Finding methods, to Keep ourselves cool in summer/ has meant the air conditioner changed this world. Now instead of summer heat, we have the heat added of electrical generation/ mechanical heat of producing air conditioning/ and accumulated heat of buildings released into the air; causing a planet to become warmer. Melting ice/ changing the dynamics of an entire planet: because all weather is basically generated by heat and cold areas on earth. We add to that automobiles, excessive heating of housing in winter, and more; including the nearly always male behavior of terrorism. Which is now igniting forest fires, “because they are mad, at you”. Alas, it turns out that all “spring rains” so to speak, are generated by water vapors accumulating on plant spores; thereby becoming heavy enough to fall back to earth as rain. Plant vegetation burning, multiplies the effect, “no more rain/ only storms”.
Finding methods, to interfere with every life on earth/ to identify where creatures live, work, and “breathe”; can only mean more devastation. Not to worry though, as always “the university will go measure and weigh the dead”; its what they do, and that is basically all. Its called a job, hiding the much simpler fact: “Help us, kill them all”.
Finding methods, to make war even more severe; killing the entire earth in a wide variety of locations/ destroying, mutilating, ending, hiding the disgrace, and taunting “we can kill you all”. Is a true “man’s world”/ is it not! To win the game/ and then all the losers gather to fight back. And then the destruction, “to give us a job/ and make them pay too”; is historical man! Only the world itself, can no longer pay your price; every failure, is another piece of earth lost.
Finding methods, to propagate lies, fantasies, and delusions/ hiding theft, controlling elections/ counterfeiting money/ and destroying democracy; are just a few of the realities going on in America today, and other places around this world. Stealing the lives of every citizen by destroying their securities as is the money; for nothing more than the fantasies, fears, and failures of a few. Who believe themselves to be “gods (you can’t touch us/ we own it all)”. After all, “want another trillion dollars”/ not a problem, just type it in; and go spend it as if it was real. Who the hell cares, right! Gee, what could go wrong with that? You tell me, it ain’t hard to figure out.
Finding methods, to hide the building and expenditure of intercontinental missiles to deliver warheads/ by claiming, “its for going to the moon”. Was a particularly clever diversion from reality; causing bankruptcy, on both sides of the ocean; but who cares. Adding to that cause by invading Vietnam, in preparation for world war 3; “but hey its just a game/ not even a war”. Isn’t that right?
Finding methods, to steal the business and realities of employment across this USA by propagating “the stock market/ will make you rich”. The pyramid schemes taking America by storm; ending in complete financial devastation. Which then began the collapse of government; because there is no solution but complete bankruptcy, and then everybody starting over/ because the game has ended. Your numbers no longer mean anything; it was all a delusion. But now, the substance and reality of your jobs are also gone. But now, a nation flooded with weapons and with anger; are simply simmering, until the door opens and every man says, “shoot them all/ we can’t trust anyone”. And the blood will flow heavy, and fast.
Finding methods, to consume America itself: which is we the people united. Has become anarchy against us, by invading the courts with rules/ constructing an excuse and a tax deduction for millions (if you got the money, or power)/ giving away the power of business to a tiny few/ controlling the police force, by making them believe we are little more than livestock “its them or us”/ giving elections to counterfeiting buys it all. And so on. But apart from university experiments which are determined to exterminate life on earth/ one of the very worst participation’s of those in government are: dispossessing the entire nation, by creating counterfeit numbers so the entire world can come and buy our property. Throwing us out of our own land. The place we this people built/ even if it was because those who came first, used genocide against the entire Indian population. We cannot roll back the past/ we can only choose our future as best we can. With lies, cheating, stealing, treason, and traitorous acts of blind deceit: our world & our nation are dying. Because people want, what they want; and hell no, I AIN’T spending one damn dime for something I don’t have too. Nothing matters but me/ TODAY, right this damn minute; GET OUT OF MY FACE; you fucking failure; because I ain’t doing NOTHING for life, or nation, or child, or future, or even an entire world!
Simple and plain; YOUR true choices are coming, to prove what reality means. The list is long, and I don’t give a damn to complete it. The picture is obvious, running away won’t help; and that, is all you do! Ain’t that right?


Contrary to all human expectations: there is an end to the resources, realities, and ability to survive on this planet; because humanity takes so much. What was possible with 4 billion people, is absolutely NOT possible with 8 billion people, and so on. Contrary to the university propaganda spread through media: our future is NOT, “billions more people” without a price. Our future is dead, unless we care enough to control ourselves, and protect this world, FROM US.

So we begin with, WHAT IF: we the people destroyed chains of life, that keep this earth in balance and provide massive links to a wide variety of diversity in life of all kinds? One of those links in the food chain is insects. Without them, there are few birds, reptiles, aquatic life, amphibians, small mammals, or pollinated plants. With 30 trillion gallons of toxic waste already in the ground years back according to the EPA. With trillions of gallons of toxic chemicals of all kinds spread across this world on a yearly basis. With the areas that have been injected with toxic waste considered to be full DECADES back. With mutilated plants overrunning much of America, including plants deliberately designed, with one small change; to kill insects. With a sea of chemicals released throughout cities. With pharmaceuticals to mutilate genetic materials throughout life on earth, “because they are invasive realities that: do something, to the body of life”. With trawlers that “take every last fish, and machines, university instructions “they fish, etc; are here”. With trillions of tons of garbage thrown everywhere. With trillions of tons of toxic materials in the air, from combustion, etc. With fires so prevalent throughout human populations, cars, housing, etc: the oxygen concentration of our atmosphere is diminishing. With antibiotics clearly the only means of “factory farming livestock”/ and there known end coming soon; most of the food, water, and even air we breathe will soon be gone. That leaves war, and cannibalism/ or lay down and die.

WHAT IF; your leaders in a frantic move to remove a few of these problems associated with fire/ decided to “ignite the same fire here” as is on the sun. Believing in lies/ discarding all reality, because what they want; is a solution which proves the university is their god. All bow down in worship of us. Risking this entire world; because once ignited, there is no going back. Either the fire simply extinguishes itself, because according to the university “not enough gravity here to sustain the fire”. OR, as realities and laws governing physics apply: the fire itself produces the gravity/ thereby it will simply grow and consume the surface, ALL LIFE, on this entire earth in about 45 days. There are NO SECOND CHANCES; once that fire which obviously consumes atomic bonds/ just like a fire here on earth consumes molecular bonds to get its energy: “The fuel” cannot be taken away. We all die! And yet people just look away, can’t spend a penny in defense of an entire world, won’t do one damn thing: because their fear of the university cult is nearly absolute. “They talk too well/ they will consume us/ they are an army of ridicule, stealth, and hatred of those they made into slaves: us, as in we the people”. If you believe you aren’t a slave/ then look at the accounting, and find clearly and without any doubt whatsoever: we are given only counterfeit money, in exchange for work. Even though that buys, until the collapse; reality will prove what it also does is REMOVE the future, by pretending lies are more than lies which cannot survive. They just make every situation worse/ every calamity/ every crisis multiplied; is that not so!

WHAT IF, we needed trees to hold the planetary atmosphere, in check with the rotation of this earth. Because the university says, where there is sufficient atmosphere: the “average atmospheric planetary speed of both Venus and Jupiter are roughly 700 mph for instance. Earth alone is different, and these planets HAVE rocks, and mountains. That ain’t the difference! WHAT IF, a spinning mass as this planet is; would need to be balanced, such as an automobile tire for instance. As a person who works with tires, very, very little weight; an ounce or less out of balance on one tire; influences the entire car. Humanity has already redistributed trillions of tons/ and that does include massive water displacement by the melting of ice.
WHAT IF the chains of life in the ocean were dependent upon a life source growing on that ice. WHAT IF, the organisms that produced oxygen and provided a base food source for the ocean were harvested in record numbers. WHAT IF, the sea was empty; and the predator fish could find nothing; but human garbage, traps, and toxic waste. All true.
WHAT IF; the university tried to make genetic materials/ genetic life, which is NATURE ITSELF; because that, “is what builds a body called life”: destroy itself? That is exactly what your scientists do/ and they invite every human being to try to do the same; stating “this will just improve your life/ because chaos as is the religion of evolution designed everything”. The damned/ the dead/ and the absolutely pathetic; controlling your world, gambling their religion can bring “grace and truth to life” BY CREATING CHAOS IN EVERYTHING WE DEPEND UPON TO SURVIVE, OR EVEN BE HUMAN OURSELVES. And not a single human being works against them, but me. SHAME ON YOU! Damn fools.

WHAT IF: the future was stolen from every child/ because every child needs resources to make life work. Without a resource, it doesn’t matter how smart you are/ you CAN’T do anything. Without a resource, there is no future! Humanity as in the powerful, as in human society; are literally throwing the future into the garbage; deliberately assassinating every child, and every other living thing as well. Humanity as in “university leadership”/ HAS GIVEN UP ON LIFE; because they are cowards, failures, and fools. We cannot give up on life, or the planet dies. We CANNOT be as the university diploma has been: I WANT EVERYTHING FOR ME, NOW. So I will steal the future from every child, because there is no future for them anyway; who can stop a world filled with liars & thieves! This is a fight, and no one is excused/ not for any cause: our world is dying, our world is threatened with extinction/ and it is entirely “humans at fault”!
WHAT IF, your universities and governments and other individuals; were building biological weapons of mass destruction/ because they know, soon we will be too damn many people on earth to survive even across this entire planet. So they have prepared: “SOMEBODY, is going to die”/ by the billions; even potentially all! WHAT IF, your militaries and governments were prepared to remove large portions of the population by other weapons of mass destruction: SOMEBODY has to die/ we are too many people”. WHAT IF, your contributions to medicine, were in fact the means to create pandemic’s across this planet. Because that is in fact, what they are doing/ along with intentionally mutilating life, and throwing anything that lives out into nature; in a desperate attempt to change this environment and create catastrophe. NATURE is DNA; and it will soon be IN CHAOS/ because of what the universities and others trained by university INTENTIONALLY, DO. All true. But then it is also true: if humanity does not get its population count under control/ there is NO future for anyone; period. A fact of life, that will not be discarded with lies. Even though the media itself knows nothing but lies, on any of these matters. OR, all the rest that waits to destroy this world. Lasers built that threaten, not only a world from the ignition of “sun fire”/ but threaten to unleash world war 3, just like the Cuban missile crisis threatened to end nearly all life on earth/ leaving behind hell; fifty some years ago. Much worse now! You are eating “the seed, for next years crop in the ocean”; think about that for one second/ and understand, that ends life.

To your shame, countless people have been approached over the last forty years: we must investigate/ prove/ and examine all these things for reality and truth! A very tiny few helpers, among an endless sea of contempt: because nearly every single one, COULD NOT see beyond their own greed. Nothing else mattered, NOTHING! Even though, “its all counterfeit, ITS ALL DEADLY to every child”/ and the university captured and destroyed, the entire treasury of this USA, to further endanger our lives and our world. Just what would “SATAN” look like or do? Answer: apart from religious connotations: the destruction of everything, would be that description of death. DAMN FOOLS. Wake up or the world ends for all.

the THIRD choice

Of all the major problems and crisis realities of our day; the most critical non-leadership failure, is our population growth as humanity the world over. Its up to us/ rather than them. Refusal to comply with reality itself, by the truth of our existence, environment, and all other factors assigned by “just too many people, to survive”. Means we all die, with war, and every other horror imaginable; because nothing will be sustained if we cannot control ourselves.

It is fruitless, to imagine saving every child; just to make war inevitable, because the environment cannot sustain them. Instead, the only reality left at this moment: is to accept the price of survival itself; is dedicated to accepting the limits and boundaries this earth demands from us all. That means: to afford to “save a child”/ there must be attached to that action, the reaction: from this point on, “you, get no more children”. NOT because anyone is more or less than any other: but because we already stand on less than one acre of agricultural ground, per person as a world. And we grow by over 2 million more mouths to feed every single week: so says the statistical growth figures for this world, divided by 52 weeks per year. Each body needs more, as it grows; simple as that, our food requirements will grow even if not a single child is born over deaths, for the next twenty years. With an ocean already in crisis, and about to go extinct; for all intents and purpose of feeding us/ that is true.
So its not a question of want/ its not a question of rights/ its not a question, of who is or is not excepted/ or who will comply or who won’t/ or national preference etc. This is a question of truth: are you going to accept the limitations of this earth, this life in time/ save the children and their future; or, just go ahead and exterminate yourselves. Because it will not be a simple war/ it will be a war of mass destruction ending life. There will be released biological horrors, of many kinds. There will be few, if any survivors across this earth. And that relies upon GOD making it possible/ because men have done their best, to increase the tragedies available until nothing can survive their war. Every resource is under attack/ every future, regardless of wealth or poverty or power is in jeopardy. Every living thing is at the threshold of extinction: because humanity has escaped reality, and refuses the consequences of truth. Which is simply: we cannot remain this many people on earth/ or at the very least, we can no longer add to our population count on this planet. We cannot run away, means our only choice is to change this, and many more failures “of a university mind/ which refuses to lead apart from entering HELL”/ or WE die. Which brings us to the conclusion “even a gnat has a bigger working brain/ than your scientists”. Even they no better, than to throw an entire world away; the university does not, they are literally insane, and without exception in leadership; diligently trying to destroy our world. So this too must change. Every concept, every corruption, every lie, every consequence, every failure, every fantasy and delusion, every story without truth or substance, everything must be investigated/ examined for truth and reality, and removed from threatening life on earth. They are just as bad and even worse, than the horror of mouths we cannot feed/ nor even give water to drink.

So the question is again, one of realities! Men have no real possibility of creating birth/ other than rape, or other failures within their soul. That does mean: THIS IS ENTIRELY a woman’s decision not to have children/ not to have more than a maximum of two children (one to replace mom, one to replace dad)/ or to intervene in the lives of other women so as to enforce, a sacrifice we must all make for our world. Its not a game, and it won’t be easy. But there is no future at all, unless you do it!
Since it is a woman’s body that must accept primary limits placed upon it by the decision of women. It is men, that will pay them for their sacrifice: making this an equal contribution between the sexes “as best we can”. A vasectomy is not optional for men, because this is NOT as advertized: IT DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Because without the sperm, there are no chemicals released. And it is the chemicals that make sex pleasurable to man. Consequently although an erection is still possible/ there is no reward. Without a reward, men quickly decide “its just hot, sticky, work/ and then refuse it! Ending functional sex for female as well, at least with that man. So until a more deliberate and effective means of sterilizing men occurs, it is up to women; because men cannot give birth/ they can only contribute sperm, for “a moment or two”; all done.
You can argue, you can refuse reality: but reality will win, and this world shall starve until it wars, and with that war comes extinction. Leaders are preparing for world war 3 as this is written; because they are too proud, to let reality rule. This is a human decision/ rather than a leadership decision. This is a world participation in enforcement by all means possible; or an ending to our lives. Not a game/ not a choice beyond the recognition: the evidence does prove this is true.

We turn again, to the decisions which will keep us alive; “we hope”. Removing trawlers from the sea, for a year/ reducing their net size/ taking away everything that makes them “too damn destructive.” And awaiting a return for fishing populations before they may begin in limited realities again. Taking away the charts and things produced by universities for the deliberate purpose of emptying the sea; even though they claim otherwise. That is a lie: the oceanographer provides information to ravage and destroy; as does happen in every way.
Critical changes MUST be made to “fish farming practices”. They cannot remain caged up along the coast; it is creating disease, that will infect the entire ocean. To avoid this and remain raising food: you will tow feeding barges out into the open ocean. This timed feeding process, with a “sizing cage” to functionally protect the smaller fish, will keep the fish close by. Which a trawler will then collect at the appropriate times. The only food for this we can spare, is either ground up, dead human bodies/ or other types of “scrap”. Even if you believe the human body is sacred/ our reality is very simple: EITHER we keep the food supply we choose to eat alive/ OR we become cannibals. Make your decision. Religion is NOT allowed to intervene: this is eat or starve, BEFORE the numbers of fish in the ocean are so depleted, even that has ended. As will be sooner than you think.
To compensate for this primary food supply being lost for at least a year. You MUST end the production of other crops such as cotton/ and concentrate only on what humanity needs for food. Business is irrelevant/ war will come, when a large mass of humanity is starving to death, because you didn’t do what reality required for life.
There is a long, long list of changes required; you must at least attempt to make choices for our world/ before extinction is obvious. Or everything else is worthless/ even though your media and other university cult followers; won’t tell you a damn thing about what the evidence of our lives and our world does reveal. They want what they want/ just like you. Unfortunately for our world/ what you want, is no longer real. Their lies simply extend the delusions, forcing you closer to extermination; every single day.
The elderly WILL ALL demand: “that ain’t going to happen in my lifetime/ THEREFORE I WON’T CARE”. Let the children take care of themselves! Even though the elderly of this day are demanding: WE WANT EVERYTHING/ WE WILL TAKE IT ALL; give the children to HELL! So, truth says: they are going to continue lying/ cheating/ stealing/ sacrificing the children, and destroying this world. Because evolution says, as does the university at every level of their influence: that there are NO CONSEQUENCES, for anything they do. Fools, cannot be better defined! Insanity cannot be explained without the belief, “we are god/ NOTHING can affect us; or we can do anything we want; without payment of any kind”. Let the slaves pay, as is the common chant and demand, from every university! They used to call this “nobility”/ today, its just a diploma: that stole a government, and destroyed a treasury by counterfeiting. Oh well, “its all gone now”!

So the question left is: DO YOU, believe or accept, “that life is precious”! That is not distinctly an individual statement, but refers to all life; even the human individual. There is a difference, and it means significantly, “that nature is always functionally or fundamentally right”. Even though on an individual scale that might or might not be true. IF LIFE IS PRECIOUS/ then your responsibility is to protect life for a world, even from yourselves! Is that not so? IF LIFE IS PRECIOUS/ then your responsibility is to protect our world environment from catastrophe, as best we can/ TO INSURE we cannot be significantly or horribly WRONG! Is that not so? IF LIFE IS PRECIOUS/ then we MUST honor and respect every chain of our existence, which includes the foundation of other species as well; and choose for life. NOT for man, or his horrifying wants. IF LIFE IS PRECIOUS/ then the children have rights, and among those rights are the realities of resources left which they can then use for their own survival. IS THAT NOT SO? If life is precious/ THEN NO ONE has the right to experiment with mutilating an entire world, igniting it on fire, or in any other fashion destroying what can never be repaired: when WRONG IS EITHER MASSIVE DEATH, or even an entire world lost! THEN YOUR RESPONSIBILITY IS TO INTERVENE, as best you can, without excuse. Because LIFE, needs YOU!

The SATANIC influences of “a university education” as is proven by the overwhelming tragedies, that stand at the door, waiting to dissolve our ability to survive as a world: IS MASSIVE. Or more simply put: it is the university diploma, that has made every single decision which impacted this world for the last several decades. From every leadership position/ to every experimental delusion/ to every chain of life failing by genetic manipulation and the ravaging of this earth/ to the changes in trawlers, that make it impossible for our seas to survive. Everything bad, including the reality of antibiotics, which gave us medicine to intervene and allowed surgery, and prepared “MORE” so that we could multiply beyond all measure of sanity across this earth/ and threaten ourselves. Is clearly “university at its core”. That does NOT MEAN, everything was bad/ because it is not. BUT IT DOES MEAN: without accepting, this changes our future, and as a consequence we MUST change ourselves; actually seems to require leadership. And there is none/ just thieves, liars, cheats, traitors, terrorists, failures, fools, bastard’s, and whore’s. So much failure, so much delusion; can prove a cult. Because anything less than religious fervor/ with mind control, by the propagation of fools; and this would not exist. Fantasy is their base contribution to life/ not a brain among them (they want, what they want, and nothing else matters, including our entire world. How is that anything less than disaster coming)! Fantasy is a LIAR. Life is NOT a damn game! It is reality, based upon truth: because nothing else, nothing less, survives long. Devil is a religious term used to describe those who lead the rest into HELL. Even though they dress their fantasies up, to hide the turd inside: when the dressing comes off, “reality proves, its only sewage inside”.

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